
Joined 2014
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"Everything should be as simple as possible, but no simpler", Rod goes on to write that Pass's designs fall into the "no simpler" category.

I suppose what I'm really asking is why is the guy so famous and beloved on this forum :) .

This piqued me as I had only seen Rod comment on the Zen family, which is a 1994 design. so I went back to check and can't see anything else.

Roll forward 21 years. Nelson still has his company and it seems to be doing well. And he still likes to experiment for fun (see his speaker articles). So he makes circuits that would not fit with the Pass labs product ethos, makes 100 and then gives the design away. He has fun, the people who built it have fun and he makes no claims for changing the laws of physics.

As this is a hobby for fun, it would seem he is worthy of 2 thumbs up, as is Rod. Both of them offer projects that the beginner can build and get working. Both men in white hats. NP does go out of his way to hand hold the beginner tho, which is why he has a following.

The big shame is that the freebies at burning amp were several curtailed as they kept appearing on ebay at big markup.

My tuppence anyway.
This piqued me as I had only seen Rod comment on the Zen family, which is a 1994 design. so I went back to check and can't see anything else.

A little googling didn't find another Pass reference, but I found this Elliott essay that appears to be touting the value of large amounts of negative feedback (which is quite the opposite extreme to what I've seen of Pass' DIY designs and read of his philosophy). In the Preamble he uses Einstein's "no simpler" quote (is this an oblique reference to Pass' designs?):

Distortion and Feedback
Distortion and Feedback
Nelson Pass. As good as he's cracked up to be?

Discuss :flame: .

Why do you care?
Never met him but I like him. Enjoyed reading his articles. He has way more knowledge then I do. I have bought 2 of his power supply boards for using snap in capacitors. I really appreciate people like him who gives people like me access to his designs and more then reasonable rates.

Let us see some of your writings and designs.
Anyone can make up a name on a discussion board and sling mud.
Just another Moderator
Joined 2003
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What kind of solder do you use if you want to make clean looking solder blobs without brown crust and gunk all over?

Something with a low (or less aggressive) flux content??? I think the most common thing is to use a flux cleaner once you have finished :) This is what I'm currently using 291336 | Multicore 0.71mm Wire Solder, +179C Melting Point, 36% Lead, 62% Tin, 2% Silver, 500g | Multicore It leaves a nice clean shiny joint. Doesn't look like it needs flux cleaner when done, but I'm pretty sure if left for a while it will turn brown if you don't.

My previous favourite was also a multicore product, but it wasn't a eutectic as far as I know. I think it was a bit saver as it had 2% copper.

Well, they might bite- but you'd never feel it?

Monty- define for us your benchmark metric for "good" that any forum member, or industry "celebrity" would need to attain

And you might want to research "Papa's" CV since 1974

How many holders of 7 audio related patents can you name who are vocal in their opinion that measurements alone do not fully characterize the sound of an amplifier? Some of us are perhaps self-serving in extrapolating that to the entire audio chain.

His continued support of the DIY community is behind extraordinary

The only pieces of gear of his design that I've heard have been among those offered freely to our cohort - an F4 as built by a friend in Campbell River, and the silly good and dirt cheap ACA kit proferred by the DIYaudio store.

All that considered is "good" enough for this cowboy - but as always, YYMV
around here we have green head flies...they pack a painful bite.


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around here we have green head flies...they pack a painful bite.

I went running on the beach once.
I got about two miles away from my car and had to run back with these biting me.
I kept smacking myself and running in and out of the ocean.
It was kind of fun/funny lol
I must have gotten bitten dozens of times.
I guess they were really drawn to my sweat/smell.
I think in northeast MA, they come out in August, I think I was told.
Actually I was told they were green flies also.
I didn't stop to inspect them.