
I got an email today from the new owners of Heathkit,

".....As you can see, we’ve been busy. It takes a lot to bring Heathkit back into the kit business. And we’ve done it.

We’ll have many product announcements coming, but today I want to tell you about our flagship kit....

Andy (President)
and the team at Heathkit"
I got an email today from the new owners of Heathkit,

".....As you can see, we’ve been busy. It takes a lot to bring Heathkit back into the kit business. And we’ve done it.

We’ll have many product announcements coming, but today I want to tell you about our flagship kit....

Andy (President)
and the team at Heathkit"

So, what was it then? :D
The new Heathkit® web-page has a very strange feel to it. Much of it is about protecting their Intellectual Property rights and the rest is about their sort of secret new products.

Decades ago, I built a lot of Heathkits, some were hi-fi, some were test equipment and the remainder were home products. I bought them because they filled a need. But Dynakits beat them hands down.
The new Heathkit® web-page has a very strange feel to it. Much of it is about protecting their Intellectual Property rights and the rest is about their sort of secret new products.

Decades ago, I built a lot of Heathkits, some were hi-fi, some were test equipment and the remainder were home products. I bought them because they filled a need. But Dynakits beat them hands down.

I have heard several people speak quite highly of their test equipment kits. I presume that the stuff on sale in their eBay shop is spare parts for kits they used to sell?

Over here and in Europe, we have Velleman kits, I haven't bought many, only one that I can remember, though possibly more. Lol


I only look at the pics
Does that make me a bad person?
They say a picture says a thousands words, but when tommyt posts pics they say nothing unless they say bacon, but I still likeded dem

bacon you say?




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But the dishwasher runs the pump for several seconds after the water is drained, and I wonder if this causes the pumps to fail quickly.
No, you'll note that the drain hose is elevated above the pump so it's never empty. It's the leftover water in the exit hose that keeps the pump lubed. That's why you have to add a litre or two of water before running a brand new dishwasher or if you only use it occasionally.

The first cycle (before water enters the dishwasher) is to run the drain pump long enough that it would empty the dishwasher, if for some reason there is leftover water in it. Like Jacco says, it's about a minute or so at the beginning and it also runs after the dishwasher is empty between cycles like you have noted as only a few seconds.
for some reason there is leftover water in it

For a modern dishwasher, 1st cycle is to empty the condenser (aka a labyrinth).
The condenser is a plastic water bag/container, in close-contact with the outside surface of the washing tub.

At the end of the last rinse cycle, the dishes are clean and hot.
Their high temperature will dry them, provided that the relative humidity in the washing drum is sufficiently low.
That's where the condenser enters the picture. After the last rinse, it will fill with cold water, which will cool the tub on that side.
Cold surface + hot wet air => condensation.
(the 1st cycle pumping also removes the condensed water in the bottom)

Oldies just had a plastic bag.
Modern dishwashers have to be increasingly efficient, with energy and water consumption per run.
So the Greenies turned the bag into a labyrinth, dirty water is used again by storing it in the labyrinth.
(clean+dirty in the same space is a major reason for dishwasher failure)

(They hand you a million+ dollar education, to teach you how to fix a gddmn Eco dishwasher. Now, how dumb is that ?)
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