This is what Really Causes Heart Disease

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But yet you don't disagree with the fact that it is yet another rebranding of a loose and haphazard family of ideas that have collected under a common banner, some of which co-opt more mainstream medicine and some of which are certified, grade-A loony.

I'll stick with the definition that if it works, it's medicine. No need to complicate matters further. Thank you and have a nice night.
I can neither deny nor confirm the nonsense that you write; all that I can do, is to use your tactic and ask a direct question: did you stop kicking your grand mother? Yes, or no?

Does your wife push the words "functional medicine" as much as you have, filled with the nonsense the entire field is loaded with or no?

As to your question, both my grandmothers are dead, so obviously.

Also, the adage of ostensible entrapment goes (Loaded question - Wikipedia), at least from what I remember, "when did you stop beating your wife?"

It says, "Log in to view full text".

Surely you knew just clicking on an article from Science that it was going to be behind a paywall.
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Okay Mr wavebourne, carry on then. For what it's worth, I gave you quite an easy out, but you chose not to use it. Nor did my opening question say anything false insofar as to the very claims that its founders nebulously define functional medicine. Neither do I assume any insincerity. But I'm apparently getting on any number of ignored lists by folks who find data and careful research (starting first with literature) a path inconvenient to their world view.
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Joined 2002
Paid Member
( Sorry it's a bit long but worth reading...I think ! :))I have read some time ago that the body produces most of the cholesterol that we require and that what we consume is only a small part of the bodily requirement. I was reminded about this yesterday when I saw a lecture on Youtube by a Doctor who was talking about this ( supporting it ).

In mid 2000 I met a very well known heart specialist over here who apparently was well regarded in other countries too. I asked him if I can remove the deposits in my arteries . He said that I cannot do that. He said that it will keep building up till I need surgical intervention. I was disappointed and angry. I had read in many places where they said that it could be reversed. So who was right ? Famous doctor or information gleaned over the Net ? I decided the doc didn't understand what he was talking about. So I researched more and there was a lot written about it ( including chelation which I didn't think was safe !)

Then suddenly I came across a post by a man who had a blocked artery and was told that nothing can be done but the last doc he checked with asked him to try an ancient mixture which was used to regain health . That Doc had NO idea what it would do.
This man had an angiogram showing a blocked artery for which he was to undergo surgery ( 2 months later). He took the mixture with no idea if it did anything. So 2 months later they wheeled him into surgery and they took a fresh angiogram to see how far the block had progressed . There was no block now ! In addition the arteries looked broader and physically better looking! So he didn't have surgery. He put it up on the Net along with the angiograms, in case anyone else wanted to try it out.
So several people here tried it and it HAS worked wonders. Two of my friends ( at different times) who collapsed at work had to be rushed to hospital for a stent. I knew about it a few weeks later when they were feeling better. After 6 months I asked them if they had any other blocks. They said the doc said the others were small and would take time to become a problem. I encouraged them to try the mixture after checking with the doc. This only contained ginger, garlic,lime, apple cider vinegar and honey. So the docs said there was no problem. They religiously took it and a year later when they had a follow up angiogram the docs were amazed to see no sign of the other blocks. One doc said it's magical, keep taking what ever mixture that was , it's doing wonders ! It's about 8 years now and the guys are doing fine !

I told many others about it and it cures a whole lot of other problems too. Many are from forums on the Net! I think what happens is that the blood vessel walls get cleaned up and so our own immune system chemical delivery reverts back to 100% efficiency and cures the problems that it couldn't fix earlier because of blocked vessel walls ! Now this mixture is all over the Net with no one mentioning how it all started ! I have the original PDF which I keep send around to lots of people. I make the mixture in a simple way and it still works. It supports my belief that Nature has a solution for everything, we just need to rediscover it and use it !:)

And God bless the gentleman who posted his experience with it. It has help a LOT of people I know with all kinds of problems, some quite serious and with no known solution ! We didn't even know if it would help , but it did. Does it cure 'everything ' ? Of course not, but a lot of problems got better if not cured !
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I'm tempted to try this, I suspect I have poor circulation, I have slightly high blood pressure and I suffered a very severe nosebleed this week, I 've been in hospital for 3 days, had to have it cauterised and the doctor has given me a 2 week sick note. So, sounds trivial but was/is quite serious
Dear DPH; being myself trained in hypnosis by Dr. Richard Bandler and John La Valle, I refuse to participate in discussions where opponents use it instead of arguments, because I consider it shameful. Welcome to my ignore list!
This just keeps getting better. It appears hypnotherapy is most effective on subjects suffering from ailments without a discernible cause (such as fibromyalgia).
Okay Mr wavebourne, carry on then. For what it's worth, I gave you quite an easy out, but you chose not to use it. Nor did my opening question say anything false insofar as to the very claims that its founders nebulously define functional medicine. Neither do I assume any insincerity. But I'm apparently getting on any number of ignored lists by folks who find data and careful research (starting first with literature) a path inconvenient to their world view.
Never argue with the religious, or demented.
So it doesn't necessarily take millions of years to adapt, or (I've forgotten the term) "dormant" genes can be turned on?
There's only an oral (unreliable) history among illiterate cultures. I can only guess that some of the Aunties kept track of who ate what before dying... the quoted article and links discuss the required conditions for a "meatitarian" diet which include eating most meat raw.

If you've ever eaten raw seal, you might consider risk for heart disease preferable.
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