The Drek builder's thread

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Official Court Jester
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this was drawn as surrogate for Super Shunty :

(pos. side )


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ZM, thanks a lot for the suggestions, and the power supply. Yes, I doubted;) I have just measured the current draw to 245mA pr channel and having the preamp playing for a couple of hours was no problemo, heatwise. I might just stick with the voltage/current settings for now and work with the psu, to bring down the noise. I am probably gonna build the Luxman EI-trafo back in for this. It has 43-0-43V on the secondaries for the power-amp section it was feeding. I will also install the resistors you mention for stability. Can the BC's be plugged in, without any other mod's? (Watching the pin's ofcourse)

Zen Mod said:

yup - just look at Pumpie schmtc ;

are your ears no problemo too , heatwise ? :clown:

more thoughts , after few hours of Drekin' ?

I just brought it back to my workbench, for some mod's. Except for a slight sizzling sound in my ears from playing a bit loudly, there is no prob's:D The sound is extremely vigorous, dynamic and lively.
The Drek is turning out to be a :cool: birthday present;) Did Lykke say somewhere back in the thread what supply he used? I better read the whole thread again, it seems that some of it happened in a time, when I had a fishing period:D
Official Court Jester
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steenoe said:

I just brought it back to my workbench, for some mod's. Except for a slight sizzling sound in my ears from playing a bit loudly, there is no prob's:D The sound is extremely vigorous, dynamic and lively.
The Drek is turning out to be a :cool: birthday present;) Did Lykke say somewhere back in the thread what supply he used? I better read the whole thread again, it seems that some of it happened in a time, when I had a fishing period:D

I dunno what Lykk use ..... he's master for confusing poor ZM :clown:

anyway - you are not making much justice to Drek , if you are using it with Frenchy X , just because you are just choking it .

even if on micro level drek have inspirative dynamics , it's simply choked - delivering volt or two on output .

Pumpie is also choked in same conditions , but little less ..........

edit :

what I meant is to ask - have you still F4 ?
Official Court Jester
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steenoe said:

Sort of, but only the assembled boards. I bet the Drek would be great with a F4, indeed.


certainly better than with Frenchy X .

same case - where Frenchy X is certainly better either with UGS
( lower level intended preamp than both Pumpie or Drek) , or even formed as integrated amp ;

I think that Cheff's X have enough gain to work as Papa's integrated ( exact name is slipping from my peanut brain now ) .

in that case , something as Lightspeed is more than welcome .... if possible ( and it is ) implemented without buffer .... and in that case input (and also feedback ) impedance of amp must be altered .... one level up .

forgive me if my writing is somewhat fuzzy ....... too much things on my mind at once

Zen Mod said:
well - what's with Danske Drek?

beer evaporated ?


Too few beers.....:eek:

The Drek is doing great, though. I have installed a small BJT capacitance multiplier, in front of the Twisted supplies. It took care of almost all the noise. There is a tad buzz, but nearly no windy hiss left. Unfortunately there is not enough room for the Shunty's, unless I go dualmono, which is completely nutz with a preamp. I might try a 317/337 prereg or the other supply you posted earlier. I also installed schottky bridges using 3A devices, and simply lifted the rectifiers on the Twisted boards.



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Official Court Jester
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steenoe said:

Too few beers.....:eek:

The Drek is doing great, though. I have installed a small BJT capacitance multiplier, in front of the Twisted supplies. It took care of almost all the noise. There is a tad buzz, but nearly no windy hiss left. Unfortunately there is not enough room for the Shunty's, unless I go dualmono, which is completely nutz with a preamp. I might try a 317/337 prereg or the other supply you posted earlier. I also installed schottky bridges using 3A devices, and simply lifted the rectifiers on the Twisted boards.


what's with sound now - when you cleaned (a little) PSUs ?
Judging from the smell, I'm still here. At least partly:devilr:

I changed the pre-reg to a 317/337 and that cleaned up the noise a bit further. It is now at a level where I have to stick my ears to the speakers to hear it. I beleive that the last bit of bzzzz'ing noise is comming from the zeners in the BosoZ supply. I will install a set of Toolereg's when the GB boards arrive. I dont feel like etching four of those doublesided compact b*stards, with boards on the way. I think that getting rid of the zener regulated supply, will do the rest. Anyway's, the noise is at such a low level, that it is easy to live with. The Drek is definitely touchy, regarding supply noise. It has been pretty interesting to hear the noise change, from using different supplies.

The Drek sounds great. It is a real pleasure and entertaining, to listen to the music it produces.

Here is a shot of the new prereg. I didnt (ofcourse) bother to mount any of it permanently yet.



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