The Burning Amp Festival- an Audio Happening

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Nelson and Magura working away at 5:47 PM. I wonder what Nelson is thinking???


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Variac said:
I plan to hold onto it for a couple of weeks to try it with different combos at my leisure, if the Twisted folks don't demand it back!! Not to worry though! it WILL come back!!:devilr:

Feel free to hang on to it for a while. :)

Glad it seemed to sound fine.

For best result with USB audio from your PC you will want to use ASIO drivers, that may have been the difference in what you were hearing.

It could very well be that something jiggled loose in transit. If you feel the need, go ahead and open the case and snoop around. :)

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It seems that Nelson is still talking to me after roping him into helping with Variac's amplifier (the F4). Here is Nelson with his very helpful son, Colin. Colin noticed I was working with an older soldering iron, and so brought a newer one from the gift pile for us to use. Thank you Colin!!!

SY was in need of one (it was his we were using), and so SY took that one home. One iron that went to a very needy experimenter. I'm pretty sure it will get much use.

Anyway, here is Nelson, myself and Colin. Many thanks to the Pass family for their seemingly boundless generosity. Great guys, both of them! It also didn't hurt that the truckload of stuff only had a one way ticket to the firehouse. I did see some vehicles jammed full of bounty headed out.



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AX tech editor
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Re: The knobs Magura made ...

anatech said:
[snip]Even when we discovered the power switch on one was backwards!! It was on when we thought it was off. No smoke, amazing! [snip]

Yes, we knew that! The switch was bad in one position, and I wired it the other way around, and deciding with Mark that we should not forget to turn around the on-off face plate. Which, in the heat of the battle, we of course forgot. :D

Jan Didden
Joined 2004
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Hi Jan,
Which, in the heat of the battle, we of course forgot.
It was still pretty funny when you think back on it. No smoke, so everything was okay.

How was your trip back? We had to drop altitude to avoid severe buffeting. One older fella ahead of me went flying onto someone else's lap.

I don't know about you, but I have an absolute ton of email to slog through. Just denting it now.

diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
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Glad it seemed to sound fine.

Russ and Brian,

It sounded much better than fine as a DAC is normally used.

As far as the computer goes. I was using files and a computer that I had not prepared myself, so I am loathe to make any comment at this point as it really isn't fair. The two nights before the show we got around 2 hrs sleep, so I'm amazed I could even talk at the show!

(Apologies to all if my announcing was gibberish!!)

Iain McNeill said:


Bill, I too was blown away by your metronomes. They adhere to the spirit of monogamous amps (one amp - one driver) that I believe in (me = triamp) but you had such incredible sound from that one driver - must be the perfect phase coherency you achieve with no crossover!

I'd really like to measure your speakers to see what they are doing. Maybe we could set up a norcal group to all take open field measurements of the same speakers at the same time and compare all our results - a sort of measurement calibration round robin to see if we all measure the same thing? Would need some ground rules but I'd be happy to chair such an event. We could then self certify!

Anyone else interested in such detail?


Jeez, I'm blushing again! :blush:

I'd be happy to schlepp them around for measurement. As it happens, my son is a freshman at UC Santa Cruz, so it wouldn't take too much incentive to get me down there for a visit. Anywhere in between would be OK, too.

My own measurement facilities are sadly limited (Radio Shack meter, on-motherboard PC sound chip, and ARTA), a measurement session would be a great learning opportunity for me.

It might be worth starting a thread to guage the interest and find a workable time and place.

BTW, I've posted this in another thread where you may not find it. Here's a screen shot of a Praxis FR measurement of the Metronomes takes at the NorCal DIY meet in Sacramento the day before BA.




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Joined 2004
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Hi TheEyeLady,
This will be a construction article as far as my last conversation with SY was headed. I am looking forward to it.

I'm not surprised he finds himself cut off actually. The fact he made it to his destination is good to hear.

Variac said:
Hey! My son is a freshman at UC Santa Cruz! Porter College
SY is set up for measuring so might be interested.

Is he prepared for this year's Porter Run? :bigeyes: :D

My boy's in Crown College, majoring in Computer Science / Game design. He may wind up an audiophile someday - his choice of Ipod headphones (without any input from me) was a pair of Grado SR60's!

My son Matia was in charge of collecting admission and drink donations...
Here he is seen in the middle between two cash box robbers who are trying to offer him beer in exchange for the cash box seen on the table.
Wait the minute, I recognize the guy on the right. That is kstlfido who suppose to be tracing tubes in the back room. Here he is seen dealing with different bottles.
:faint: :joker:


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