The Burning Amp Festival- an Audio Happening

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Check out the size of these toroids!!!


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And finally, a couple of the people I was chatting with at the end of the evening, from left to right: myself, dw8083 (Chris), lousymusician (Bill), and slomatt (Matt) ... 'scuse the oversharpening, this one came out a bit blurry...


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Iain McNeill said:

I'd really like to measure your speakers to see what they are doing. Maybe we could set up a norcal group to all take open field measurements of the same speakers at the same time and compare all our results - a sort of measurement calibration round robin to see if we all measure the same thing? Would need some ground rules but I'd be happy to chair such an event. We could then self certify!
Anyone else interested in such detail?

Very good idea, I would like to take a part.
Please keep me informed.
By the way, I loved the way your three way sounded, great sound.
hifiZen said:
Okay, finally got my photos together... here we go:
For the people that didn't have the chance to visit:
Besides myself you could see the moving blankets that we hanged on the rail provided for the hanging purpose. The room already had sound insulation above the rail - from 8ft and above. We added blankets bellow that.
I was very happy what that did to the sound of the room. Coupled with carpet on the floor and all the people inside - it sounded just perfect.
AR2 said:

Very good idea, I would like to take a part.
Please keep me informed.
By the way, I loved the way your three way sounded, great sound.

I'd like to build all-pass filters simulating the phase response of some crossovers, then insert them into line stages before a full-range driver to see how much effect the group delay would have on the sound, particularly transients like metallophones. An article in the March AES journal indicates 0.8 millisecond group delay is audible between 1 kHz and 12 kHz, so more tests would be interesting.

That won't happen before the new year, however: things are stacked up at Casa Francois until some time in January.
jacco vermeulen said:

How about taking Morten hostage at the next event so that we can all have some of them Danish Sm�rebuttons ? :clown:

I was talking to Vladimir about the possibility of making a metalwork demo in his shop, on the night before the show next year. This way all you have to do is letting go of the mop for a couple of days and pass by.....and make your own .

Magura :)
Joined 2004
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What a great show!!

Here is a picture of SY (in white coat) and his friend performing one of the other great skills he has. They are masters in the kitchen for sure!

DIYing high end dinning for our benefit (the night before). :D



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diyAudio Editor
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OK, the Twisted Pair DAC... .I was really excited about it! We used it for quite a while in the first part of the day, attached to a Sony player, and it sounded very good I thought.

We then hooked it to a laptop with USB, and it was different and didn't sound quite as good IMHO. Clearly that means that there was some issue with the computer/ DAC not the DAC itself.

We really didn't do any comparisons to see, and the conditions were honestly not good enough to detect subtleties. I have it in my possession and will try the computer hookup again, as I am still very interested in this. I NEED computer storage for my music!!! I plan to hold onto it for a couple of weeks to try it with different combos at my leisure, if the Twisted folks don't demand it back!! Not to worry though! it WILL come back!!:devilr:
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Last course.

Naturally, there was wine to match each course. Simply amazing!

We didn't eat desert as

1.) It was getting late and ........
2.) We were rather full.

Hats off to SY and Jim for an excellent meal prepared for the organizers. They deserved it for sure.



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PSz. said:
Count me in for that demo!

best regards,

BTW, I am slowly making my way through the adventures in choke loading thread. I would love to see the winding of one of your inductors in person!

That just might be a wish you will have granted, as Vladimir expressed intentions in direction of making an inductor loaded amp like if he can wait that long, we could wind one of his inductors at the show.

Magura :)
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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Variac said:
OK, the Twisted Pair DAC... .I was really excited about it! We used it for quite a while in the first part of the day, attached to a Sony player, and it sounded very good I thought.

We then hooked it to a laptop with USB, and it was different and didn't sound quite as good IMHO. Clearly that means that there was some issue with the computer/ DAC not the DAC itself.

We really didn't do any comparisons to see, and the conditions were honestly not good enough to detect subtleties. I have it in my possession and will try the computer hookup again, as I am still very interested in this. I NEED computer storage for my music!!! I plan to hold onto it for a couple of weeks to try it with different combos at my leisure, if the Twisted folks don't demand it back!! Not to worry though! it WILL come back!!:devilr:


drop it perchance from deck of your boat......... and say it was accident.... :devilr:
Joined 2004
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The knobs Magura made ...

Each of these knobs took Magura two hours to make. This is the result.

My dreams came true when he handed me a set of these. Amazing stuff.

Now, to finish a project worthy to have these knobs mounted on it. This may take a while.

I was lucky enough to spend some time working beside Magura on Variac's F4 setup. He took up the slack when I became too tired to continue working also. Hats off to a good technician.

Then Nelson graciously accepted an invitation to help us finish this amp. So the F4 was not running at 4:00 PM the day of the show, but it was later. Nelson acquitted himself admirably with an amp in his hands. Even when we discovered the power switch on one was backwards!! It was on when we thought it was off. No smoke, amazing! It took everyone to have all the exhibits running for the show and they all pulled together on an ad hoc basis.

I also had the pleasure of spending time with Jan Didden. Just a super fellow to be around.


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Official Court Jester
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Magura said:

That just might be a wish you will have granted, as Vladimir expressed intentions in direction of making an inductor loaded amp like if he can wait that long, we could wind one of his inductors at the show.

Magura :)


let's help AR2 to make that amp for next BAF , not as his demo , but as

partner amp for inductor loaded toob susy preamp , which I'll bring as present to him .

is this promise ?


edit - that's not ban for winding sissy chokes live on BAF
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