STK chips


I selected the stk4048XI as it has a complimetry output stage and they were very cheap to buy. ($23.50 AUD each at Wagner Electronics. I bought four of them and cleaned them out) I didn't have much luck in fabricating a PCB at home so I used vero board to construct the stk amp module.
The module worked perfect with NO oscillation at all!
The ouput power was amazing. I achieved well over 200 watts into 4 throughout the frequecy spectrum only dipping to about 195 watts at 100Hz. (full specs were documented.) The vero board was duplicated and I made 2 channels. Each channel had its own 300VA toroidal transformer running at + and - 58 volts (with 240 volts at the a.c. outlet) withh 10,000MFD on each supply rail.(20,000MFD each module). The gain was not an issue as I built a passive preamp with 4 Inputs and separate volume controls. The whole unit was boxed up very neatly and as far as hum and noise is concerned, I achieved dead quietnes. I have built many amps in the past which were mainly discrete and tube amplifiers. This is the first chip amp I built and the most simplest by far!
It has really impressed me..
All vero board plans details and detailed documentation has been recorded if any one interested.
Very easy. I called it the "Junkbox amp" as the only thing I bought was thw stk modules and the toroids. Everything else I had in a big junkbox in my shed.

I did not expect these results. I had negative expectations of this amp.
I always liked descrete. But in my older years I thought if I could make it more simple for me building a chip amp. And to my suprise it worked out perfectly.
I have posted a few pics in the gallery section.
Billy D...
Comptibility issue on STK 4171-II and STK 4191-II

Could any body let me know if i could replace the STK 4171-II chip with the more advanced STK 4191-II chip in my Sonodyne Uranus audio system?! Or will there be a compatibility issue over it? I would greatly appreciate the help....
stk 4048 orginal pcb problem

hi. i want to make stk 4048 amplifier. i m drawing pcb from orginal sanyo 4048XI pdf file. but in the pdf i saw two difrence between sanyo's schema and pcb. whichone is true??? can u help me bubu? i m attaching this pdf file and i spoted these erors on attached pdf.


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Well a friend of mine built an amp using an STK4048II and he says it worked just great. I have an old aiwa Stereo which uses STK0040, and for some reason it heats up A WHOLE HUGE LOT! you have to put a big fan to it or it burns out. It sounds great tho, the only bad thing is the heating problem:(, but they do have a great sound
fAKE stk

I was interest about stk ic & recently buy one stk 4142II but some how i get the feeling it was fake one could anybody help ? please

I am new bie in this electric and needed lot explaination about frase 25 + 25 min is that "min" meaning minimum output and i stil can rise up by get more V . I use 35 V for my amp

hi all,
I am Sufi. New here. and a newbie from Bangladesh. I am fortunate enough to find such amazing forum after googling :D

I am currently building a STK4231 II . I have a 230volt to 24-0-24 volt transformer. But I am not sure if the ampere rating is correct here as it is local made and it writes 5A.

My questions are
1. how can I measure the ampere rating of a transformer? I have a digital multimeter that can measure ampere...
2. if I am not wrong...the sound quality depends on the ampere rating...if it is so... what should be the ampere rating for stk4231 II?

Please kindly help...

Joined 2004
Paid Member
STK chips? Funny. I'm listening to one right now, rocking out to Cream's "Sunshine of Your Love"

We listen to it about 40 hours a week at work - in the form of an old Sansui receiver.
Nice sounding amp, a bit bass shy, but that's probably the power supply. With efficient speakers it can get pretty loud and still sound nice in the huge space here at work.

Rock on STK! :hypno2:
Re: Newbie

Sufi said:
hi all,
I am Sufi. New here. and a newbie from Bangladesh. I am fortunate enough to find such amazing forum after googling :D

I am currently building a STK4231 II . I have a 230volt to 24-0-24 volt transformer. But I am not sure if the ampere rating is correct here as it is local made and it writes 5A.

My questions are
1. how can I measure the ampere rating of a transformer? I have a digital multimeter that can measure ampere...
2. if I am not wrong...the sound quality depends on the ampere rating...if it is so... what should be the ampere rating for stk4231 II?

Please kindly help...


ampere rating ( VA ) should be roughly arnd 1.5 times the ammount of RMS watts your chips are delivering...means if u're expecting around say 100w from amp, transformer should rate around 150VA..and always use 10,000 uf or more filter caps and good quality bridge rectifier or diodes.. your Power supply directly affects how good ur amp sounds..
hi everyone,
im new comers on this diyaudio forum i read more interesting on this thread about stk chip very ineresting, i really like to build a stk amplifier specially the stk4048xi bridge amplifier but i dont have any schematic diagram and pcb lay out.
please help me this is my first time to try if its working well!
Sufi wrote
I have a 230volt to 24-0-24 volt transformer. But I am not sure if the ampere rating is correct here as it is local made and it writes 5A.

U can only judge it's approx correct rating. How?

Go to a reputed transformer mfr site like signal transformer and look for their dimensions of an equivalent transformer.
Compare one u have to their sizes.
Now u are somewhere nearby.
U have to also derate for the quality differences.

Gajanan Phadte
Sorry to disappoint, but STKs are obsolete power amp ICs.
Go to the sanyo semiconductor site and see for yourself. All are discontinued.
Most of what is available will be fake.

There are better ICs but the economical solution STKs offered for higher power amps will be missed by many.

Accept these facts and look for what suits your budget. There are many good sounding amps, especially if u go discrete. It is a one time expense and cheap to repair.

Gajanan Phadte
After reading rljones post
I put my STK4048XI’s and STK4048V’s back in the drawer... A couple of years have pasted since and I re-read his post. I believe the numbers on the back of the chips are to match the models as follows:

STK4048II B4048xxxx
STK4048V E4048xxxx
STK4048XI K4048xxxx

B is the 2nd letter of the alphabet, E is the 5th, and K is the 11th.

The ones I have read:
STK4048V E4048BHB1
STK4048XI B4048E2F5

Not looking good for my STK4048XI’s.
Does anybody have anything different?