Spawn of Frugel-Horn

And another attempt to post the Hornresponse input page.


  • fe206e_sachico_original_hornresp_input.jpg
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I'm not sure, as I confess I don't use HornResp. Can't stand it. No disrespect intended to the programmers, just that I never could get on with it. Every speaker I design is done in Martin King's MathCad worksheets; usually ground-up and refined from a basic concept. I'd attach the MathCad FR plot but I've misplaced the graphs. I sent them over to Dave though, so perhaps he could attach the FR? The response is shaped somewhat to account for the double mouths.

Not exactly a sneak preview, but just to let you guys know that there will eventually be one last double horn design, this time specifically for the FE208ESigma. This will be the high-tech one. Shaped CC, hyperbolic expansion, differential tuning for upper & lower horns, curved mouths. We're not doing this one alone though. No details as yet though: we've got the 'regular' ones to tweak first before we get onto this one.
planet10 - Is the Sachico modeled response from Post#345 the combined response from horn and FE206e, or horn response only? It looks somewhat similar to the horn only respone from Hornresponse.
Scottmoose - I have not acquired MathCad yet, hope to be able to get around to Martin King's worksheets someday. He has obviously done one heck of a job on this subject. Would it be a lot of trouble to model a conical BLH for the FE206e with a throat area of 55cm^2, a mouth area of 1300cm^2, and a horn length of 356cm? In Hornresponse that models quite nicely, which surprised me in light of the small throat area. Also, I'm much looking forward to your high-tech double horn. :)

"Canuckspeak" was not meant as p(complete this) on your leg, OK? You have understood, but I don't want trouble for not being PC.

My problem is I know MJK's sims tend to be somewhat pessimistic...a small livingroom might be a problem? OK, it will be next month before I can afford the ply anyway, so enough time to decide.

a) Chris, I know. My problem was that dis here forriner's use of the word "Canuck" might have sounded somewhat derogatory. Don't want you friendly gentlemen to invite me for an unfriendly game of hockey.

b) Scott - I know about rooms. Worst I had was exactly twice as wide as it was high. Try a sine sweep and you want to spew your stew. I still hope that, as an 8" beams sharper than a 3" I'll have less problems with reflections off the side walls. Please don't invite me for a cricket match.
Scottmoose said:
Well, you want a big speaker, you need a big room (unless it's aperiodic or sealed). Harvey, the smallest of the double BVRs, didn't really like being in anything under about 10ft x 15ft. You get refections off the side-walls, unless you can breatk these up. Fed by 2w of very special 1930s British valves they sang in the larger space.


Not sure I agree with this. To me, it just gives me more tuning lattitude. If it overpowers the room, try gapping the driver to bleed off some of the pressure.

I don't follow WRT early reflections either, the larger the driver and/or mouth(s) the quicker (lower in frequency) beaming begins.........



diyAudio Member
Joined 2004
The frugal-horn site is awesome, but what happened to the "Son of Harvey" horn that appeared in posts 158 and 159, the ones with the mid 20's response? Since I have a pair of FE206ES-R drivers awaiting a cabinet, I was hoping for a set of plans for these... I had originally planned on a BIB, but I'm waiting to see what you guys come up with for the no holds barred horn for the eight inch sigma driver as well.

BTW, thanks guys for taking the time to put all this stuff together for us, I really appreciate all the effort!

GM said:
Not sure I agree with this. To me, it just gives me more tuning lattitude. If it overpowers the room, try gapping the driver to bleed off some of the pressure.

I don't follow WRT early reflections either, the larger the driver and/or mouth(s) the quicker (lower in frequency) beaming begins.........GM

Fair point. You're better at the old tweaking game than me Greg.

Re the reflections, it was more in the midbass & near the upper cut-off of the vents that we ran into some problems than higher up. Having said that, confession time: neither my font room, where we originally tested them, or Steve's smaller room were of ideal proportions. They both were fairly empty of furniture, and are a little too square, so things got a bit over-resonant. Probably with more damping in the horn and / or room (tweaking again) it would calm down.