Something to say.......Anything!

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It was just something I had thought about after seeing people with those Bluetooth sets. Now Cal has me wondering about a hearing aid having a more severe stigma compared to eyeglasses, walking canes, etc. It's easy to understand that a realistic prosthetic is all-around better than a wooden peg leg. Arrrr!:Pirate:
That's something a lot of family's don't do enough of these days, sad because kids grow up fast.

The average speed of most car journeys makes a mockery out of recent attempts to raise the national speed limit to 80mph.

I suppose you do get plenty of time to take in the scenery, always a positive somewhere eh :D
I had my camera with me and was gutted that we never were still enough to get a shot of the red and white stripe of light snaking of into the distance (both sides static).
I agree with your view, we have 7 kids (and a million grandkids) and they do grow up so quick, but even the teenagers, when dragged screaming from their TVs phones games consoles Facebook for one of Daddy's fun days out (seaside, nature reserves, museums', art galleries, anywhere good to take pictures etc) always come back happy and revitalised. Its just getting them out of the house, bribery and are cattle prod seems to be the most effective options.:)
Ours range from 27 down to the twins now 14! I'm still the most childish though.
Son in Law just returned from there (a long 6 months, and a sick feeling in the stomach every time there is bad news), that's why I was down at Abingdon nr Oxford, another lad was one of the redundancy victims a couple of years ago from the RLC. Hope your lad has an easy and safe tour.
Of course I get the benefit of decorating, furnishing a new home every time they leave, plus watch my tools diminish in number as they are borrowed for car repairs, decorating etc etc. As to wear and tear on the wallet.
We also know how much heartache they can cause, having lost a kid. But I would not change my life for anything, the grass is greener this side of the fence, we create more fertilizer:)
Sad to hear about your loss marce.

My lad was told he will be made redundant as of next summer, didn't stop them sending him though.

David Byrne said something about the sweetest flowers growing outside the backyard s**t house. Need to look out that album, Uh Oh - not heard it in years, the missis hates David Byrne :(
Charles, That works well with some phones. My hearing aids support it. But it only works with phones which have the inductionloop built into the hearing section.

However, it has it's drawbacks. As one shifts the phone the hearing aids keep switching modes. It is so bad with some phones I just take the left hearing aid out to use it.

What I'm think of is a box that has a stereo audio input jack that would allow me to listen to the stereo from the pre-amp without having the amp on. I could walk around the house and hear it the same no matter where I was. Kind of like a music server to hearing aids.
Thank you, we are but one of many parents who have to face this sort of loss, and he is always with us in our hearts and minds. He succumbed to the UKs biggest killer of young men, society!
Its true, the best flowers need the best manure, and my favourite flower can certainly talk it!:)
An interesting documentary I saw about the Incas said that they find new sites by satellites picking out the lusher vegetation where human settlements have been due to the dumping of s...
Davym; Sorry to hear your lad is getting made redundant, I was discussing this with down at Abingdon, still plenty of Ruperts floating round with cushy jobs, at this rate they may actually have to get of their ***** and do some work.
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