Smaller Leach Amp V1

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I also say feed the forum.

Just to make it clear, I have passed the group buy baton to gengis.

He kindly stepped up just as I realized that I needed to bow out due to an upcoming surgery. Nothing I won't recover from but I wouldn't want people to worry that their money had vanished if I don't recover as quickly as expected.
gengis said:
Hi, All,

There is a student discount, the tooling fee & testing fee waived. I was under the assumption that we were going to skip the testing in the quoted price. But none the less, they will do the testing for us in the student discount (do not cost them much and will save us the hassel if there is a short on the board).

Therefore, we saved the tooling fee, amount to $160, slightly less than $1 per board.

Do we want this to be donate to the forum or ......? Cast your vote!

Jens--Do the boards have slots, or just circles? If only circles, then price will go down slightly.

AndrewT--I concur with BrianD. on the exchange rate. Shipping to you will be likely $9US, or 4.5 sterling. The copper is less than the original though.

Do we all agree on the green boards? Or does people prefer other colors?

Terry--Are you in for the 2 boards?

Hi gengis,

Yes, I am in for the two boards. I was trying to be clever in my last post.

Definately looking forward to these boards.

Blessings, Terry
The quoted price of $11 does not include scoring. I will check and see what the price will be.

So, last call for suggestion for the money saved!

If there are any more preference to the board color. I will assume it is GREEN. Anything other than green will be $125 per batch order.

If we are going to order on June 10, I would like to have collect at least half the money by that day.

Invoices will be going out tomorrow. Please enable your email through the forum.

Be sure to clarify what you want as scoring to advanced. The way I read their definiton of scoring, our panels (amp plus thermals) would be left connected and the scoring would provide separations between these groups. You'd get a panel say three amps wide and two high, scored to break apart. They saee scoring as a way to enable batch machine assembly.

We'd really only need a single score at the bottom edge of the amp and each panel could be individual as quoted. The thermal boards have drilled holes all around to enable their separation. It wouldn't be too hard to score and snap off the waste on our own, although I understand teh reluctance of some to do this.

No color preference, but if we change, the price should go up to enable us to still make a contribution to this site.
Bob, for Advanced, you give them the finished dimensions of the board, and for the scoring, a gerber layer works well, (I used the Mill layer in Eagle, and ran that layer on it's own in gerber cam.). For the prototypes we ordered fro the krellklone, they just marked the scoring with triple lines, as you can see here.
That looks good, but I presume but don't know if Jens included that info in the gerbers.

I guess since they are geared to production work their definition of scoring fits production requirements. Is the scring deep enough to snap the boards apart or do you need to cut them?

Thanks Al.
Bob, for Advanced, you give them the finished dimensions of the board, and for the scoring, a gerber layer works well, (I used the Mill layer in Eagle, and ran that layer on it's own in gerber cam.). For the prototypes we ordered fro the krellklone, they just marked the scoring with triple lines, as you can see here.


Are those scoring (or triple lines) already built-in as described by Pinkymouse?
Jens, when I see the picture of the board I thought of something.

First, skip the extra thick board. Use only thick board if the board will get bent. As I see it you have many screwholes and the power transsistors make the board very sturdy. Thicker board makes it harder to solder. Alright it looks cool with 0.1" board but it has a serious drawback when it comes to HANDSOLDERING.

Have you got the time to change the feedback, (connected far way at the output inductor?

When we are at it, maybe you should add at least a output relay for silent start ut and DC protection? It's better for the builders to minimize the wiring.

Most of you holes seems too narrrow.
TO247, 1.6 mm
TO220, 1 mm
Resistors, small caps 0.9 mm
IC's 0.8 mm
BCxxx 0.8 mm
Connectors 1.3-1.4 mm
Fuse holder, 1.4 mm at least

What about the speaker ground at the edge of the board? Is that optimal? I warn you to draw currents in the pcb where you shouldn't.

Strive to have 0.2-0.3 mm more the use wire as hole diameter. The reason for this is easier service and also better solder results.

I see that most of the designators are readable when the part is there but you have forgot in a few places. I'll suggest that you move them also and if you must draw a line to really point out the part if you can't make it clear otherwise.

There may be more things on the otherwise good looking pcb but I haven't dived into the micro details. As you know I think a bit productionwise. If it's good for production it's usually good for hand soldering.
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