Retro Amp 50W Single Supply

Almost ready to mount on the heatsink and test. Looking forward to getting these boards fired up.

I didn't get a reply r.e. using a 1.6A SMPS but it looks like each board will consume around 1.25A, so I'm gonna try these out on an old 48v 8.3A CNC SMPS I have in the workshop.


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Thanks Bix.

I drilled and tapped M3 holes in the heatsink using the transistor holes as reference. An automatic centre punch is invaluable for making the holes accurate and only cost about $5 shipped from China.

The other method I've used is to measure the centres, drill and tap then install the transistor. Then it's a case of soldering the transistors onto the board in position. This is good on cheaper boards to make sure the solder pads aren't loaded up as they can be quite fragile (can be quite fiddly though so I tend to do the first method).
AX6 connected to loudspeakers. As usual the sound has classic current feedback atributes, easy-going, relaxed, organic and musical in a way that no voltage feedback amp of today can achieve. If you want artificial brightness and sharpness you can get it with VFA but if your cup of tea is smoothness and fluidity then you should stick to this topology. No doubt that many builders would prefer the sound of this amp in spite of somewht higher overall distortions.

I did not have any trouble with SMPS in practice listening to CDs, although when I find suitable transformer I shall build linear regulated PSU. It's certainly better to avoid loads of ultrasonic noise that SMPS radiates to nearby appliances. (My FM radio reacted!) I shall try one of Prasi's boards for Apex regulated PSU or cap multiplier. Can't wait to see results of simulation.
Thanks (not) to Farnell / Element14

First board testing didn't quite go as planned tonight.

Very unstable bias and uncontrollable runaway. Pulled the plug pretty quick but the outputs got toasty hot...

Turns out that I had 2 MJE15032s on that board.. had a look at board 2 and I have 1x MJE15032 and 1x MJE15033.

So I'd been supplied 3x PNP and 1x NPN. :mad: I checked the first transistor of each bag while assembling to make sure I'd identified the correct bag, stupidly trusting that what was in the bag was what I'd ordered.




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I meant 3x NPN and 1x PNP of course. Long day.

I bought in an old Maplin amplifier in need of repair.
I checked all components and they all buzzed out ok.
But still it didn't work.
The voltages around one particular transistor were wrong but it diode checked ok.
It was then I realised it was a pnp instead of an npn.
Someone had tried to fix it with the wrong transistor !
The transistor number had been rubbed off so I couldn't check it.
Its hard enough trying to fix things with correct components in.