ono group buy

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I will get quote and organize group buy

As soon as I get the PCB files or at least the board sizes....oh yes I see the boards are 11x7inches. Are there any US volunteers for board distribution. I can do Canada. The boards would be made in the U.S. and would be about $10 US each plus shipping at PCB4less.com
Hi guys!

I will be out for a few days,were I have a bad connection so I will try to email the files this evening to Greg and also to Bear Wu who is trying to organise a group buy in Taiwan.They are 1,5Mb large and.rar packed.Till now 6 people were interested for the boards ( 2 Germany, 2 Holland. 1 Danmark, 1 Canada ) ,and they will arrive at the end of next week at my home.So please everybody who is interested and will not wait for the US/Canada group buy contact me,and others email me please to comfirm or deny the order.It is not too late for me to lower the Pcborder,otherwise my future destiny will be

one phonopreamp in every room (even bathroom):clown:

Greg , in this design it is mandatory to ask also for the troughhole plating( the electrolyts on the Powersupplyside are grounded only on the top side, and you can solder them only from the bottom side):smash:

I am still trying to email the Pcbfiles tp Pierre ( Praudio) because i coud not get Gregs email address,but I get always the message from below.With the email to wcsbear was everything allright.Anyway I will be away from home for a few days,and i will have only a bad modem connection.So if you don't want to wait till I am back,you could ask wcsbear to email you the files.

to Alain:i dont have a component list,but I think there was a list in one earlier Ono thread.The component values and designators on the board match with those in the Ono service manual,so it shouldn't be difficult to make a component list.

to wcsbear: yes ,you can change the pads,actually you can change everything,but you must first remove the polygon plane,make the changes and than repour the whole polygon plane again.Dont forget to remove the fills which connect some pads to the groundplane,otherwise the repouring will bypass them.


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Group buy starts next week


A long time ago, in a state of mind far far away, I promised to organise an ono group buy. This group buy has now arrived, and I plan to open up the website for subscriptions next week. You will then see a new topic opening up at the pass labs forum.

This group buy will work a little bit different than the ones you might be familiar with. This group buy will be open for as long as there is interest, and the price for the boards will be determined by the ongoing average of interest shown. Each month or so I will collect the orders, send them to the manufacturer, and redistribute the boards.

What will it look like?
The boards won't look as fancy as all the others, since soldermask and silkscreen layers are too expensive in smaller orders. The boards will be epoxy fiberglass, single (PSU) and dual (MainBoard) layered with tinned copper. The boards will be drilled. I will supply the boards with a component layout, schematics, bill of materials, and construction guidelines for the PCB's. I have attatched a picture of the (undrilled) pcb's below.

What will it cost?
That's what this post is about... It kindof depends on the interest shown, but expect something around €10,- per PSU board, and €20,- per MainBoard. Add around €10,- for shipping outside Europe.

What's Next
To determine the exact opening price, I am asking you to reply if you have any interest in a set of boards. You won't have to order anything. ;)


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Hi guys!

I still have some boards available(nagard Ono boards).The most boards did already arrieve at their destinations ( Netherlands,Germany,Finland....from the others I still don't have any confirmation..) and I hope to hear any comment from the guys who have received the boards.
Here another board detail with the cutted fourth pin on the SK 389( this is the unused pin)


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    cut pin4x.jpg
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