Looking for a good CD player

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Maybe someone has suggested it already, but what about
Cambridge? I have no experience with their players myself,
but I think they fit the budget mentioned and reading reviews
from owners it seems almost everybody are happy with them.
I would personally consider these players if I were to buy a
new one today, ie. consider in the sense that I would make
sure not to ignore them as an alternative.
not to sound like a :skull:

but now over 100 postes covering a cdplayer purchase for less than 300 euros - and it must be new!!!!!!!

in a friendly way i'll have to tell you :

it is not possible to get a good player for that kind of money, and even if you found a player you like, it will be difficult to modify because of the modern production methods (smd) and even if you could - you will have to pay for some of the components as the sample program doesn't cover all of them.....

i suggest that you put the purchase on hold ontil you have got a few more euros to spend, and then buy a good player....

be strong and good luck.:)
tbla said:
not to sound like a :skull:

but now over 100 postes covering a cdplayer purchase for less than 300 euros - and it must be new!!!!!!!

in a friendly way i'll have to tell you :

it is not possible to get a good player for that kind of money, and even if you found a player you like, it will be difficult to modify because of the modern production methods (smd) and even if you could - you will have to pay for some of the components as the sample program doesn't cover all of them.....

i suggest that you put the purchase on hold ontil you have got a few more euros to spend, and then buy a good player....

be strong and good luck.:)

And I strongly disagree.
Not only is it possible to get a good player but it is possible to get a pretty decent player. Obviously there will be numerous players that are better but for most people EUR 300 is even more than they would need to spend. Tweaking will be possible and connectors, better decoupling, new clocks, damping, new power supplies and many other things should be possible whenever some cash just falls in your lap. Little by little you can improve it to be excellent or close (wherever these grading steps come from...).

Go ahead and get yourself something for less than EUR 300 and feel happy about it is my recommendation.
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