Explendid amplifier designed by Michael Bittner, our MikeB

Hi Mike

Here is a few photos especially for you. To your family album ;)

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Each one of cards on my table is ACE. :devilr:

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

But at this time I´m suffering for total insufficiency of time. :grumpy:
I hope that I continue at two weeks or so.


All these boards already have their masters :) Two pieces are for my friend and 8 for myself. I´m so sorry I dont have skills to sell these boards abroad. In the abstract I can order some boards for people interested in Symasym but how to realise that action? And what is Mr. Bittners opinion about this? Jmateus aren´t you able to order PCB from your local PCB-maker?
Chuck911 said:
I´m so sorry I dont have skills to sell these boards abroad.

It is not difficult at all. But in case you want to do the business it is up to you to find the way how to do it.

I produced 2 pairs of symasym boards, one pair form me and the second pair was sold to Belgium.

Anyway Michael should agree with any kind of business like this, and probably share the profit.
Hi Karel, 10 Aces on one hand ? You're cheating ! :D
These boards really look nice... :)

About selling PCBs, no problems as long as the profit is just enough to compensate the work and costs... I just don't want to see kits sold for 150$.

I guess it's time for me to make some real nice doublesided PCBs with groundplanes and neat silk screen ? :scratch:

Finished Amp

One done, one just waiting final assembly into chassis. Everything as per original specs except for these minor changes: C12,13 are 1500uf, C8,9 are 120uf, R31,32 are 150R, and the power transistors are MJL4231/4302A.

Power supply is separate bridge for each channel, with 2x8mf per rail (8 caps total). Transformer is 25V, 500VA.

DC offset on left channel is less than 1mv, less than 4mv right channel. AC residual is at the limit of my meter, less than 0.4mv - no hum at the speaker. They are biased at 70mV across the emitters of the two output transistors (about 150mA).

Note the green LED on the front panel. That's powered by 6 turns of wire on the toroid. In the previous amps I used 5 turns, which is just enough to light the LED. Interestingly, with the LED just lit, it acts as kind of a power meter - it dims slightly during heavy bass passages. Doesn't seem to do that with 6 turns.

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PMA, MikeB: I dont want to make a large profit. May be I can add only some bucks to costs of boards and delivery. A few beers for my time spend on post office. If it´s OK I can send some boards. Because I want only one stereo amp at this time. I´ve ordered 8 boards for me to my active speakers in the future. I can offer some pairs.

Ultima Thule: They´re from www.pragoboard.cz. Copper is 105/105um. And they was about 131USD for 12 boards.
PCB Materials

Sorry if this is slightly off topic...
I'm thinking about getting a few boards made, and a local PCB manufacturer
(Century PCB Hong Kong) states that it has the following materials available for boards:

"The laminates that we are using are sourced from Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan etc.
These laminates are listed in the Table II of our UL Listing.
Our company's UL number is E95950(S).

Types of Laminate that we can provide includes the following :

1 XPC 94HB 4 CEM-1 94V0
2 FR-1 94V0 5 CEM-3 94V0
3 FR-2 94V0 6 FR-4 94V0 "

Does anyone know what these are, off the top of your head?

Also, do any local DIYers in Hong Kong have any recommendations
about PCB makers here?
