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Dx Super A and Dx Regulator Group Buy Interest

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I have bought and waiting the arrival

of the best equipment i have listened to while recording my amplifiers.

Here you can listen:


This was recorded (the guy said to me) by the Nokia N8 cell phone...as i never have listened the sound this way..that is the same way i listen at my home, i have decided to search the old camera and i have bought one to make high quality audio recordings.

Yes.... search the internet and you gonna see what Nokia N8 can make.... forget Iphone (toy)

Technology inside the cell phone, for live show recording is awesome..the on board special HAAS system, the microphones switched by software..the idea behing the product is really clever..the man is an audiophile.

Nokia 808 PureView: 5 years in the making - YouTube
Behind the lens of a 41MP Nokia Lumia 1020 - YouTube

No, i am not Nokia sells man...i just have searched and researched and i found it awesome..i am a fan!

I am at the window....happy!... waiting the post man with my "audio recorder"

Nokia's HAAC recording technology allows you to record audio with great sound quality - YouTube

Sorry about the off topic...finished here!


now you got me thinking? why 80V do you mean

45 V AC x 1.414 = 63.63 ? about .... after ripple cleaning can go up to 65V DC "maybe"

so 45V AC input uhmmm :rolleyes:

well the biggest toroidal I have is 330VA /38V secondary so I have not try larger voltages beyond 50V AC let wait if mister Carlos have an idea I really don't want to post a wrong information.

80V DC dear Terry ? ohooo I see you will use it for both channels into the power supply that is a lot of power indeed make sure you got fuses :D

I say about 80V DC because 55x1.414 = 77.77 V DC after filtering will be around 80V not bad :)

how many VA is the toroidal ? 800VA should be good

have fun but be careful my friend I got many bites a few days ago jejejeje

I think it is 600VA but works fine. Doesn't sag much at all. I used 4, 10,000uF caps for the supply. The MKIII already has 4 10kuf per board so hopefully this will be enough filtering. Sounds good anyway. I got it all mounted in a cabinet yesterday but popped the fuses on one side last night when I fired it up so I need to look for metal filings or something. It played fine before. I will get to that today.

The Super A is ready to put into a cabinet too. I just wanted to get the MKIII finished and out of the way. It was built first and is taking up room. I may use a cap multiplier for the Super A because I'm using the DX supply for my SKA GB150 as it needs +/- 50VDC and the DX supply will let me dial that in from my 40-0-40vAC transformer.

Blessings, Terry
This would ask for a complete redesign of the supply

Because of 80 volts, series pass transistor count would increase a lot and no room into the power supply pcboard for that purpose.

Also electrolitic capacitors to 83 or 100 volts are much larger then the standard ones.

To this level of power, better to search for a SMPS.... a switching mode supply, and the one has a good one is inside the DIYSMPS forum..the forum owner, Sami, has the supply, but was not tested by me.... he said it worked great together the MKIII, i could not confirm as he has not shipped a sample for test purposes.

Sami is skilled in SMPS design..he was in our forum in the past, some trolls start to bother him..he was bad educated and punished and leave the forum.... a lost of the forum.... trolls still in the forum, doing nothing and anything..and Sami no more in the forum..... i do think we lost a lot because of that....trolls have banished several sensitive guys...and we all result punished loosing skilled guys.

I do think to this voltage and current...or to this watt rating, the traditional series pass power supply is not a good idea.

Maybe a capacitance multiplier, Rodd Elliot style can help, but also i am not sure.

If you want, you can develop it under your own risk, you can try something linear... double the zener voltage, use MJE15034 and MJE15035 transistors, double resistor values, double series pass transistor count, double heatsink....maybe gonna work, i do not know if this will really work fine... use 83 to 100 volts electrolytic capacitors....it is possible that may work..but i cannot give you warranty.

The Dx Supply was carefully calculated, designed and tested to perform fine with 42 volts in the output... entering from 46 to 50 volts..under such condition it will be very good...but modified i do not know if it will face the task.

Better, dear Terry, to search for a dedicated design, made and tested to your voltage.

Well...modifications is under your own risk dear Terry, also the use of other supply...i cannot give you warranty of good results...all that stuff is untested material.

In special the SMPS may generate 30 to 40 kilohertz interference, because of main frequency or harmonics generated by pulse width oscilators..this can be amplified (easy) by the MKIII, then it gonna overheat and be self destroyed

The modified Dx Supply may burn, or be shorted, or something wrong may happens and this will not destroy your amplifier..will destroy your pocket, your savings, as this supply will cost a lot into our bank account.

Better, if you allow me to suggest you, to let the amplifier the way it is.


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Thanks Carlos,

I have been using your supply for my SKA with a 40-0-40vac transformer. Rectified it is right at +/-56V. I turn the DX supply down to +/-50vdc and it just purrs along without breaking a sweat. All transistors in the PSU are cool. That is what made me think it might be able to be used at a higher voltage. I decided to just use some caps for the MKIII supply. I'm not ready to try my hand at SMPS. I will probably use a Mr Evil Cap Multiplier for the DX Super A. That is what seems to work the best for me and it is smaller than the DX supply. I going to use the DX for the SKA. The cap multiplier won't go 50V so this make a good swap.

Blessings, Terry
Dear Edzard, i have to inform that Mr. Juan Vargas Diaz

is having some problems with his internet...his island is out from the air related internet and people is repairing and ugrading the system to optical fiber.

As soon as he return he will answer you...i am sure he still have 4 kits left, so..no problems.

Also he is ordering new batch.


I'm online jejejeje

thank you Edzard I will deliver tomorrow is veterans day :) hello to all that serve your country

best regards

SPC Vargasdiaz


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