diyAudio Logo Competition

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Well, here is my attempt at a logo.


  • diyaudio logo p2.jpg
    diyaudio logo p2.jpg
    60 KB · Views: 555
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Joined 2004
A "competition" is really just a way to get a free logo. In the industry it is called 'spec work' and is frowned upon. I am not trying to be disruptive, only informative, so please understand I mean no offense. Art competitions are one thing, but soliciting spec work is another.
I could make you a logo for free.

I made my own Infra Demon and its my trade mark for my small company in Scotland.

I am an artist but i have no qualifications to say so not that i need any or want any.

Street art and underground art are my thing, give me an idea of what you want, dont give me sales and marketing bumf, give me emotive and soulful words, and i will give you what you feel or dream of in an image or logo.
What if you have lost the ability to feel or dream, corporate lingo is the only thing that you can really understand, and marketing bs has been your reality for as long as you can remember...

I suppose I can hire a qualified artist who is registered with the international board of fully qualified artists. (the IBOFQA)
adx said:
What if you have lost the ability to feel or dream, corporate lingo is the only thing that you can really understand, and marketing bs has been your reality for as long as you can remember...

I suppose I can hire a qualified artist who is registered with the international board of fully qualified artists. (the IBOFQA)

I think if i lost the ability to dream i would have to lose my soul first,

Its all about choices, do you want to be true to the soul, do you want to be passionate and alive with dreams or will you be a slave of this time and world?
adx said:

Me to a T :)

I suppose many people decide at some time to make their world completely finite, because it's easier that way. Once you're an accepted part of the system you no longer need to think. Fortunately, the system rejects me quite frequently.

Your right its harder to be alone and stand for what you want and believe is right when the system will get you ever time.

The system will reject every one that can not enchance its madeness, rags to riches and richies to rags, its not a ride i believe in or want to take.

The rejection you speak of it more it cant digest what you have, typically the truth;)
Well, personally, I like the logo that I'm looking at at the top of this screen. Clean, simple, etc.

Ferchrissake, don't garbage it up. Don't try to make it tell a story.

Chuck Bogardus
Graphic Designer
Don't moonlight, and don't really feel creative at the moment, thankyouverymuch.

And after umpty pages of arguing over file formats... It's easy to make a little jpeg from a postscript or vector file, and it's impossible to make a sharp vector or postscript file from a little jpeg. Now I'm gonna go have a beer, watch the news, and then go to bed.
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