DIY Ottawa winter 2013

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Lots of posts since I last checked!

I would like to do a little headphone listening/comparison, but I was only going to bring a couple of vintage &/or cheap phones this time.

Pierre - I'm willing to talk about Montreal show.

Because we were "system-challenged" at the start of last year's get-together, I was going to try to bring a vintage set-up... nothing high-end or DIY, but might be able to avoid last year's situation of driving for an hour for a pick-up. |\|Depending on trunk space - Pioneer SX-3800 receiver (with pre-out jumpers), t-t, dvd player + cheap dac. However, we probablly will not arrive until areound 1 or 2.

Joined 2004
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Well, Day 1 is over! Again we had a very good turnout, plenty of DIY gear, and a great time. There were a number of newcomers and I believe some of them ended up staying a little longer than they originally planned :).

This is our fifth get together, and it feels like we have reached a comfortable steady state for a city the size of Ottawa. Some of us are making plans for what they will build and bring next year; so it looks like this yearly rhythm is sustainable. I certainly hope so personally, because I have so much to learn, and folks here are so knowledgeable and passionate about audio.

Many thanks to all of you who help make this happen!

But enough writing, let's post a few pictures for those who could not make it...;).
Joined 2004
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Owen brought these very interesting speakers. Bohlender Graebener RD75 Transducers in a closed back enclosures, assisted by 18 inch woofers in H-frames.


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Joined 2004
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One last sneak preview before heading back there for Day 2. These "timbits" look like computer speakers, but trust me they didn't sound that way. Drivers are Vifa TC9 in a tinny ported enclosure.

Pictures from the smaller room, Dave's "wonders," Vincent's speakers, and class-D amps to appear soon :).


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they cant be Owens Alephs, theyre in cases? very nice cases at that too. I know i'm not one to talk, but I cant believe my eyes! not a single bare PCB in site, this must be some sort of parallel universe.

mad looking speakers Owen!

whats the gear under the EQ?

the big *** coils are part of the XO for the planars?
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Well Gents, I hope all went well at the get together.

I have a house full of relatives, that I knew were coming but forgot were coming.

You know when you get told something and you swear you never were!

Five in the afternoon on Saturday became very busy for me. And I just couldn't get away.

My uncle, his wife and a family friend from B.C.

Again I apologize for the no show.
I would like to thanks Pierre and Ron and everyone else who came, it was a great event!
I learned a lot, and hope to put some of that into use in the coming year. I have plans now not just for the Shigaclone, but for a DAC to run it into (as I don't have any standalone DAC yet).

We missed you Mark. I think attendance was down a little from last year, but there were some new faces who seemed to enjoy.
Yup, it was a good time. It was interesting hearing the planars - they seem to be a great value. Dave's TB w4-1720s with nla tweeter were very impressive for such small boxes in a big room. The modded vs stock minimus 7 showdown was fun and demonstrated what can be achieved. I enjoyed the chance to compare the modded vs stock dacs, and try different headphones again. And I appreciated the interest people showed in the speakers I brought, despite them not being finished (again!).
Thank you Pierre and Ron for the organization, John (M) for the amp and Tyler for the boards, and everyone else for the conversation.
See you another time Mark.
John (T)
Oh, and Owen for saying he'll tell us what the mystery boxes I brought do ;)
HI All,
For everyone who asked me about my Ikea Bamboo L15D Amps, here's a link to the latest version of that board (and the reseller I used) LJM- L15D-Pro
From what I can see, the "Pro" uses two separate IRFB4019 MOSFET's vs the dual package 4019H that the regular L15D uses. Since it's only $8 more for the finished version, why bother with building it from the kit. A word of caution, check that the devices on the heat sink have heatsink compound on them. It's been a common complaint that it is missing, and mine needed some.

If I was going to do it again (and in a single box) I might got this route:
Sure 125 Watt x 2 or Sure 250 Watt x 2, since they look to be much closer to the IRF reference design for their 2092 chip, and include the over/under Voltage and DC protection, and are a better price (and I believe Sure makes a good product)

For the extremists in the crowd(and you know who you are) Sure even has a 1500Watt version

This is the power supply I used, and it would be sufficient for the L15D's or the Sure 125x2 boards, but I would go with The 500Watt version for the 250W Sure..

Finally for the Extremists, you could use this 2000Watt power supply to build 1500 Watt Monoblocks for less than $500 a piece if you use reasonably priced cases and connectors..
Thanks guys for organizing this, I was one of the new faces that showed up for a few hours on Saturday. I would have liked to spend more time and also come on Sunday...but alas. The opportunity has inspired me to try some projects and finish others. I was very impressed with Dave's little TB speakers, and will now go bug him for a parts list and tips on the
MrSlim, I'm assuming your Bamboo amps were the ones powering the little TB's? I may take your suggestion and get the Sure kit for a build. You folks have given me a nice solution to a problem, I do have a dedicated, treated room downstairs where I can do as I wish, but have been struggling with a solution for our small livingroom upstairs, the little TB's and a small class D amp + a DAC may be the ticket!
MrSlim, I'm assuming your Bamboo amps were the ones powering the little TB's? I may take your suggestion and get the Sure kit for a build. You folks have given me a nice solution to a problem, I do have a dedicated, treated room downstairs where I can do as I wish, but have been struggling with a solution for our small livingroom upstairs, the little TB's and a small class D amp + a DAC may be the ticket!

I was only at the meet for a couple of hours on Saturday, but I had set them up and I'm pretty sure the first speakers we were running them with were Dave's so I think that's the case. At some point after I left, (and before I arrived later on Sunday afternoon), the "little" setup (everyone who was there will know what the "BIG" setup was), was re-config'd with one of the other "Johns" Hitachi(I think) amp, which was swapped out for the end of Sunday afternoon, when we did a Minimus 7 Bakeoff (Ron's Stock's + my Zilched version + Dave's Uber 7's..

While we were packing up at the end of the evening, Dave wanted to hear his new speakers with the "Bamboo"s" again and we cranked them up, and I have to say they sounded great being pushed harder, and I was amazed at how well they filled that room with sound (~ 20 x 30ft room)
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