Destroyer x Amplifier...Dx amplifier

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Build Dx amplifier folks..i am celebrating because the lovely e mail i have received

from a Musician!....use your imagination and evaluate how big is that thing... a Musician saying good things about the Dx Amplifier.

Old Charlie is floating in the clouds today...have made my day...i am very pride. (a human defect all of us have!)

I will return to my humble normal latter.... after celebration!

read that.... alike a Medal folks!

- "I don't love amplifiers as much as you. I do love the dx and hrii amps I built. I am not an audiophile, but I have spent years training my ears playing musical instruments, mostly guitar, and have a pretty good ear. I love sounds. Synthesizers in particular have the largest frequency range, and the B string on my bass guitar is 40 hz (note B). I need a good amp, and speakers I know very well to mix music. I used to dub from one source to another--record bass and drums, playback and record guitar with it, playback and and sing to it, play keyboards. Noisy after all of that. These days I use Cakewalk or an Alesis ADAT.

I don't use tone controls, balance, preamps on the amplifier--blah! I just want to hear the goddamned music thank you!!! Hehe. And the dx amps are perfect for that. They work. They sound so true to life. So simple and perfect. Just what I want."


This was not created by my imagination..if you need i can ask the one that sent me that to come here to confirm..he is from our forum and said i can publish.

Dx Amplifier is for free folks..nothing to do not even need to say thanks..just smile and let me see that....use not tricky component, nothing is expensive there, all easy to find parts, small parts count.


Hi Dan,
post6300 shows the two input filters.
The 2u2F + 100nF and 39k form a F-3dB ~1.7Hz high pass filter.
The 220pF and 180r form a F-3dB ~4MHz low pass filter.
These filters should define the passband of the amplifier.
If the NFB DC blocking cap is set to >1.2Hz then it will develop an AC voltage across it.
D.Self and others have suggested that the NFB cap must be big enough to avoid AC voltage across it and that ignoring this increases LF distortion.

I don't think that 4MHz filter is limiting the HF response of this amplifier.
Hallo AndrewT

I only saw a lot of Amplifiers whit the Standard Valve of 10uF on the input and 220uF on the NFB, whit Input impedances from 10K to 100K Ohm and Gain,s from 20 to 200 and all of Those worked without Audible Distortions.

And yes I saw the low pass whit R2 and C5 but tis one is much to High to be Audible in High Frequency and that,s why I not mention it.

Carlos yeah i am Obsess,t whit High quality Audio Parts and I have a Lot of them, becuase the Stores hire sell dose whit out even no that dare for Audio and Therefore I got toes for the same Prise like the Standard Part,s.

Dx Amplifiers, bringing pleasure to your life!

Small size and big audio quality!

Alike other life pleasures, the Dx amplifier will be with you in the most pleasant moments of you life.

Picture made 2 years ago... a non working prototype showing how small it could be.

Alike a dog will never complain and will be almost moving the tail when you switch it on.... microseconds time stabilization into the differential long tail...the "Very High Speed Stabilization System!"

VHSSS is an exclusive feature from Dx Amplifier... a De Thump system, an inovation (ahahahahahah!) that avoid you to listen that annoying, destructive, catastrophic, awfull, horrible power on Thump.





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I have to say.

I must say I am deeply saddened (but
nevertheless still very happy) and disappointed
to see that anyone with half a screw loosen into
the head can cause much harm in our forum ...
this discouraged me to continue…I am making
efforts to continue… feeling the need to go away
discouraged a lot.... to tell you the truth.

So, I'm traumatized, any signal that someone can
emanates, that can drive me to think the one
is a little bit out of mind..or different than
default or standard human behavior… say..some
brain screw loosen causing short circuit inside the
mind..will made me take distance from that one for
safety reasons.

A professor traumatized I am allergic
to weird people..i want to stay away… far away..
very, very far away.

I am kidding, playing with images as an effort to
feel good once I felt the land mined, as
no one can be rid from such a kind of weird sittuation
down here..there are no psychologic admitional examination
to someone to enter our forum… a lot of folks that have
scaped from the Psychiatric hospital can land here and
detonate (explode, burst, blow away) our forum peace.

Those are amenaces to our forum, as an organism, as an institution, menthal health.

Not only the zener speed to stabilize voltage but

the small values into the capacitors you have in the long tail, will make them charge very fast and this will stabilize the amplifier also very fast.

So.... this way..the power on thump disappears... install a big condenser into the long tail..from the long tail to ground and you gonna see the mess it gonna do.





Read the whole thread, since the beginning Danspy, as i have explained all that stuff many is reasonable that i would not be happy to be repeating that stuff alike a drunk parrot or a damaged vinyl disc jumping into the track.

To give you, in special, a exclusive lessons about amplifiers will be something hard to some time and read, them if you have questions, come to uncle Charlie once again and i will gladly answer you (after the reading!)

And please, do not tell me this is hard, as i have written all that stuff and have readed all forum almost three times.... those pages are easy to read compared to the whole DIY audio forum.

Have not time to read?... i'm also have not time to teach you in a exclusivity way.
Re: Not only the zener speed to stabilize voltage but

destroyer X said:

the small values into the capacitors you have in the long tail, will make them charge very fast and this will stabilize the amplifier also very fast.

So.... this way..the power on thump disappears... install a big condenser into the long tail..from the long tail to ground and you gonna see the mess it gonna do.





Read the whole thread, since the beginning Danspy, as i have explained all that stuff many is reasonable that i would not be happy to be repeating that stuff alike a drunk parrot or a damaged vinyl disc jumping into the track.

To give you, in special, a exclusive lessons about amplifiers will be something hard to some time and read, them if you have questions, come to uncle Charlie once again and i will gladly answer you (after the reading!)

And please, do not tell me this is hard, as i have written all that stuff and have readed all forum almost three times.... those pages are easy to read compared to the whole DIY audio forum.

Have not time to read?... i'm also have not time to teach you in a exclusivity way.

Hi Uncle,

That`s what i do before i build this amp, i read it many times and do some comparison, but honestly dx amp is my target to archieve it with original design by dx corp.

When i come to diyaudio then i`ll seek for dx amp thread, read it without any comments because i need to understand it first. And now i`m success build this amp with uncle carlos guide me for the first time then build it for stereo, i put mixer on it with echo etc... suiteable for karaoke and running at 42 0 -42 vdc this amp pushing my speaker out the limit 120 wrms 8 ohm and 240 wrms peak.

And now i`ve receive special schematic from Uncle Carlos with 64 0 -64 vdc and i`m very happy to build this one its simple same board just need to add more output transistor with small adjustment. I`ll report the progress here when i`m finish marking assignment paper of my student, after that i`ll proceed to the next step for the high power version of dx amp. I`ve on hand 15" 8 ohm 350wrms speaker and it will be drive by dx amp :D.

I`m prefer to run it with 8 ohm and minimum is 4 ohm, in my life i`ll not run amp with lower than 4 ohm. and yes i`m plan to build it with 6 pairs power transistor supply rails will be up to 2 x 1kw offline smps with 8 amp for each rails. I`ll put 25,000 uf caps for each board and making it stereo with 50,000 uf caps.

This will be my lovely amp i`ve ever made :D. with 64 vdc i never done it before, the max voltage i`ve archieve is 50 0 -50 vdc.

Best Regards,
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