Death of Gain Clone

boraomega said:

First one is the version with complementary differential pair.
Second is with feed forward error correction input, and that OP-amp is DC-servo system to keep zero DC on the output. It is not part of the feedback.

As I stated and highlighted before, I haven't built and tested ANY of those ideas yet, and it would be very incorrect and irresponsible from me to judge now will any of them work and how! I believe they WILL!

Let it be said once forever: posting of one schematic should not necessary be taken as "blanco" invitation for anyone to go directly and build it!!!

It seems that you missed my corrected PCB's on page 25!?

I meant pag. 25 heheh ! :cheerful:

Realy nice layout, but I don't understand yet what the opamp do, and what are the diferences in sound !


I don't have knowhow enough to desing and interpret a schematic like this, exactly what each component do... I just know see the drivers transistors, output transistors, and gain ones... At last, I'm VERY COMPETENT to build it, everything I build with lots of care, and almost everything work on the first time !

I'd like you to tell me just what the opamp do, I'm very curious, it isn't common to see an opamp implemented this way in a power amp! :)

And if the amp worth the effort, I'll build it, just like pag. 25 !

Thank you so much ! Hope you understand ! :cheerful:

how much current is runing in the CCS with BF244 in your schematics shown in post #253 and #254?


just a note, could we try to mention the exact post number we are quoting/refering to instead of less exact page number making it less confusing, it's entirely up to the personal profile settings how many pages will be shown, I for instance don't see 25 pages but rather 14 pages due to my setting is on showing 20 posts per page.

Cheers Michael
Ultima Thule said:

how much current is runing in the CCS with BF244 in your schematics shown in post #253 and #254?

Hi Michael,
Hope this will help...


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-_nando-_ said:

Realy nice layout, but I don't understand yet what the opamp do, and what are the diferences in sound!

Normally, there shouldn't be any difference. That OPAMP and surrounding components form a so-called "DC-servo amplifier" and is supposed to respond and correct changes of DC level at the speaker output of the amplifier. Actually, it will respond also on some very low frequency signals up to few Hertz but shouldn't influence in any way the rest of audio spectrum we are interested in.

-_nando-_ said:
I'm very curious, it isn't common to see an opamp implemented this way in a power amp!

You are just partially right. It is not particularly widely used but it is not uncommon either!

-_nando-_ said:
And if the amp worth the effort, I'll build it, just like pag. 25 !

Is it worth or not, depends of your point of view. I will repeat and highlight again that I haven't built it practically yet, but I strongly believe it will work without problems. My vision of DIY enthusiasm is that this activity shouldn't be limited to just assembling of something designed by somebody else, but to try to learn as much as you can through the process.
Hi Bora,

thanks for the new schematics with current/voltage values!

Never think of vacum tubes in general and it's not my knowledge area either, but I was attraced by the one where you use two for the differential stage, appealing and not any dangerous high voltage while that's not my biggest concern.

What are the adavantages with tubes in the diff stage?

Cheers Michael
lumanauw said:
In the original Quad405 current dumping amp, the output of the classA section and the input of current dumpers (base) are distanced by 2 diode drop (D5-D6).

Widowmaker's DOGC doesn't have this diodes, he replace it with 2 pcs of 2R2 resistors.

Are Current Dumping system in the DOGC and QUAD405 works differently because of that cause?

No, they are similar.