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Support for Botic Linux driver

Arh, I'm sorry for that...

(on Botic v3) If executed from the booted SD card it should copy its content into eMMC and prepare it to be SD card flasher. But this flasher was (in my case) deactivated/commented in uEnv.txt.

(on Botic v4) There will be new script for that: /opt/scripts/tools/eMMC/generic-eMMC-flasher-12mb.sh
Which version of Debian did you have?


Are you making this more complicated than it actually is? miero's instructions are simple and concise and don't require an explicit installation of debian, or anything else, as his distribution is self-contained.

  • Format a suitable SD card and put a copy of miero's distro on it.
  • Insert the SD card into the BBB slot and boot it up, it will boot from the SD card if there is a suitable image on it.
  • With the BBB running off the SD card image, log in as root and run the commands at the bottom of miero's instructions page to copy the image from the SD card to eMMC.
  • Shutdown.
  • Remove SD card.
  • Boot the BBB and it will run off the eMMC image.

So, to answer your specific question, the versions of the software I use are whatever miero has included in his distribution; I have never been inclined to inspect them.

Good luck.

Volumio boticization instructions

Notice: follow these instruction at your own risk!
In ideal case you should at least roughly understand commands you are executing.
If you don't "like" them, you should do not execute them!
Try to search the Internet, learn, ask and improve publicly editable document...

Warning: if you install/download software from domains other than debian.net or ieero.com,
then you are using 3rd party software (untrusted and untested from my point of view) and it can do anything
on your local network (e.g. steal your data, hack computer in your networks, steal money, spread virus, etc.)

But will botic disable output through USB ?

Here is a screen shot showing Botic/I2S and Amanero/USB/I2S can both work under miero's boticized Volumio1.5BBB.


  • sample.png
    53.6 KB · Views: 283
root@volumio:/# /source/boticize/03-enablepm.sh
/source/boticize/03-enablepm.sh: line 7: systemctl: command not found
root@volumio:/# Configuration file `/etc/upmpdcli.conf'
> ==> Modified (by you or by a script) since installation.
> ==> Package distributor has shipped an updated version.
> What would you like to do about it ? Your options are:
> Y or I : install the package maintainer's version
> N or O : keep your currently-installed version
> D : show the differences between the versions
> Z : start a shell to examine the situation
> The default action is to keep your current version.
> *** upmpdcli.conf (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ? y
> Installing new version of config file /etc/upmpdcli.conf ...
> Processing triggers for initramfs-tools ...
> update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.18.7-botic4
> localepurge: Disk space freed in /usr/share/locale: 148 KiB
> localepurge: Disk space freed in /usr/share/man: 0 KiB
> Total disk space freed by localepurge: 148 KiB

what should be the answer to that ,am I updating the Botic files or is it volumio files by answering yes to that?
Hi miero,

While fiddling with boticized Volumio, I happened to find a preliminary v4 botic image and it's working fine now.

root@botic:~# uname -a
Linux botic 3.18.7-botic4 #1 PREEMPT Wed Feb 18 23:34:58 CET 2015 armv7l GNU/Linux

Also, I've noticed that you made it far easy to flash eMMC from SD card.

Thank you so much.
While fiddling with boticized Volumio, I happened to find a preliminary v4 botic image and it's working fine now.

Also, I've noticed that you made it far easy to flash eMMC from SD card.

Yes, you can find kernel patches in the /source/kernel-3.18.7-botic4 directory.

However this version does not support ALSA mixer or callback to userspace yet. I need to test it and then I will publish updated .deb package :)

Beware there is some problem with udev which might not detect Ethernet cards sometimes.
Yes, botic mpd packages is using /data as music directory.

You can edit /etc/mpd.conf and change value of "music_directory" back to the "/var/lib/mpd/music" ... then after the restart it will be compatible with Volumio :)

Miero, is it possible to keep the USB directory as such and keep the botic working fully functional?
or otherwords what I asking is by changing directory back to USB from data what change with use?