Full Range Speaker Photo Gallery

Joined 2001
Paid Member

Is that a MacBook Pro running Windoz?

Is that a MacBook Pro running Windoz?

No it's actually 2 computers. The mac controls the rightmost external monitor, and a quad core pc running windows 7 is the left two screens. I use Synergy to control the pc from the mac. It's pretty handy, especially for solidworks/hornresp.

It's pretty easy to come by fairly decent consumer grade hardware for free here at MIT. I got all of those monitors for free, also the pile of Debian servers below the desk. I get around the whole operating system debate by running ALL THE THINGs
Super noob here. Was wondering why none of these speakers have more than one driver per box. I was interested in building me towers. I live in Brazil and I own Ascend Acoustics speakers and HSU sub. Because they're awesome and because they're small so I brought 'em back with me from the US, except for the HSU sub, it was a pain to get people from Delta to check that subwoofer in. But deff can't bring back towers lol.

So I was thinking, why not buy the drivers, electronics from the US/China and build it here, not even expecting it to sound as good as my Ascends, but it would be a nice exercise. Maybe build speakers for my dad, brothers, friends...
Super noob here. Was wondering why none of these speakers have more than one driver per box. ..

short answer is that "Full Range" is generally taken to mean "single driver" (of a given size) , operating over (almost) the full audio bandwidth

while many will argue it's an approach fraught with compromise, when the opportunity arises to hear a well executed example of such, many folks reach the conclusion - " gee, I could live with that"
Glad you like them ;) Here a couple more speakers I built in the past. I showed them in other threads inside this forum as well, hope you don't mind.

x0.53 Mini Karlsonators loaded with four Vifa TC9D drivers, and large Cornu speakers ( 8 horn mouths each) using a pair of Foster fe108ez drivers.
The karlsonators are amplified with a TPA3110 board as well.


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Thanks lz0! They sound great , am quite new to the hifi world and wouldnt be able to give you an accurate answer... The bass response is very good compared to the other speakers I posted here, not too loose and not too tight bass. Highs sound great too, not harsh at all... The speakers are able to fill a big room without much effort, and are quite easy to listen to ( something that happens to me with the karlsonators is that I get somehow tired of them after I listen to them for a while... Not sure how to explain that...)

I wrote a couple of posts in my blog involving the building process of the cornus. Please take a look! 22 nanofarads | Audio & Electronics Blog they should be in the second page or so.

Yes Don, I've known Chris for close to 10 years now. We have many stories to tell.

what happens at Fest apparently doesn't stay at Fest - and I've known that Chris guy longer than anybody - he's far less dirty and dangerous than he'd want to be - definitely a Walter Mitty wannabe type, and very comfortable talking about himself in the third person
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