DAC build TDA1541A/SAA7220P/B *will take som time*

Analogmetric dac

Hi msmart2b, OK, so your getting a bad looking clock out of pin 19. I think you mentioned removing the input isolation transformer for the SPDIF input. I assume you jumpered the signal across to the input and also for the ground. It really sound like your 8414 is dead. Happened to me with a CS8416. I may have one I can spare. I will let you know. I have moved onto a DIR9001 adapter board. At one time I also didn't use the input transformers. I use ones sold at Digikey. Newava or something like that. On the other note I have heard about the Rainxxx dac and noise issues. I have a pair of the Red Barron boards on order now. :eek: Hope they show up! Now I am a little worried..... Agreed also on your last statement. We seem to have been screwed every which way. I will post if I have a spare 8414. Dave
Hi msmart2b, OK, so your getting a bad looking clock out of pin 19. I think you mentioned removing the input isolation transformer for the SPDIF input. I assume you jumpered the signal across to the input and also for the ground. It really sound like your 8414 is dead. Happened to me with a CS8416. I may have one I can spare. I will let you know. I have moved onto a DIR9001 adapter board. At one time I also didn't use the input transformers. I use ones sold at Digikey. Newava or something like that. On the other note I have heard about the Rainxxx dac and noise issues. I have a pair of the Red Barron boards on order now. :eek: Hope they show up! Now I am a little worried..... Agreed also on your last statement. We seem to have been screwed every which way. I will post if I have a spare 8414. Dave

I haven't kept up with the new receivers. What are your listening impressions to the various receivers?

Did Oliver suggest you buy insurance? All I got from him was a suggestion that I should have bought insurance.

I bought a used Magnavox CDB582. I did the modification to NOS and installed an upgrade kit for the power supplies and high end caps. It's the best sounding unit I've ever heard. I sold it to a blind friend of mine. He spends most of his time listening to music. The player is limited to the types of disc it will play. I figured a dac would be more flexible. I want to listen from different sources like Sqeezebox etc.

With all the problems I'm having, I think I'll go nuts before I get there. Patience is not one of my strong suits. Besides that, at 66, I have to wonder how long I've got before my ears go, or for that matter I go.

Analogmetric dac

Hi Dwight, Yes the 8414's I think are now obsolete. So they are not readily available except via China. You know I have been burned a few times now by those stinkers. Fake Toshiba 2SJ74's and 2SK170's jfet's. I finally got some real ones by a nice man in Singapore. As to Oliver, I purchased a DDNF I/V board with Mundorf Supreme capacitors. It arrived safely. So I ordered the Red Baron V4 boards with the hope of trying NOS this summer. I'll have to check if he insured them or not. I'm now a bit nervous. It is a part for my modular dac project I'm working on for next winter. Input receiver? I have used CS8412, CS8414, CS8416 and DIR9001. I'm planning to get a Twisted Pear Audio WM8804 transceiver board. The CS8412 and CS8414 sound pretty much the same. I have the 8416 in a CS4398 dac with SRC to 192 Khz with Lundahl LL1690 Transformers. To my ears I think the 8416 is better then the 8412/14. Sadly no way to try it with the 1541 dac's. The DIR9001 adapters are from Raindrop. I must have been lucky because both boards actually work. The DIR9001 has better jitter performance then the 8416. It's hard to describe. I suppose open, clean detailed with good soundstage depth. I'm really hoping the WM8804 will be the best of them all. On paper it is. The neat thing about the Twisted Pear board is that it has a jitter reduced spdif output as well as I2S for the 1541 dac. You did a nice thing for you blind friend with the NOS player. :) I lost my first Magnavox CDB650 to laser failure. That is how I got started with the Analogmetric dac, only later did I find out how many issues that has. I now have a second CDB650 from a ASM member at my audio club. It works.... Probably needs recapping. It smells hot. So I'm not sure if it is about to fail, or what. I have a transformer from my dead player in case that is the source of the smell.... I stream Hulu plus, Pandora and Slacker Radio over all my dacs. So I understand where your wanting to go. I'm 51 and I have to say I almost checked out last year. So I understand what your saying. I have had more trouble with the eyes then ears so far. Got to do your best to hang in there. :) Dave
Burn't smell

The 582 had a burnt smell when I initially received it. I thought it was the transformer, so I swapped in a larger transformer. It was not the transformer. It is the regulator chip with the large flat plate for a heat sink. Two options, 1st (preferable) divide the load using a second regulator or use a larger heat sink on the regulator.
Analogmetric dac

Hi msmart2b, Thanks Dwight. One of my early thoughts was that the heatsink compound had dried out. I may strip out a lot of circuitry. The extra analog filtering board on CDB650 adds nothing. I have the Service Manual so splitting loads is possible. I am considering putting in the Hagclock I used in my first build before the reclocking gremlin got me. :rolleyes: I will check my stash of parts today for a spare 8414's. Unfortunately I have to go out and mow the lawn before the rain starts up again. Having the highest gas prices and really no spring this year does make this a trying time. I'm trying to ignore the clowns in Washington too. :crazy: Dave
Hi end TDA dac

Hi audio_tony, No that is a new one on me. Another Chinese rehash no doubt. The circuits appear more discrete in the output stage and looks like a circuit I have seen on a thread in the forums. Yeah, the Chinese copy everything. Like Ferengi on Star Trek. :eek: The dac I am helping Dwight with is sold out of Hong Kong by Analogmetric. That is also the name of their website. I can't recommend the Analogmetric dac, it has a rather bad reclocker that barely works. Actually it throws out data samples. The analog stage isn't a good match for a SAA7220. I recommend skipping the entire analog stage. That is what I did. Sadly I built 2 of these. I ordered 2 Red Baron dac boards for my next project. It is dac only so you'd need an input receiver and a digital filter (if not going NOS). My 2 builds are now working at a very high level. I am doing DIR9001/ NPC SM5814/ TDA1541A S1 Crown on both and have different I/V and filters on each. HiEND TDA1541 OS DAC (CS8412 & SAA7220) tested & assembled | eBay This one might be OK. I have no experience with it. You might start a thread and see if someone can give you first hand information. Cheers. Dave :)
Analog metric dac

Hi all,

Dave, I went ahead and ordered the board and parts to build the Twisted Pear S/PDIF 4:1 MUX/RECEIVER MODULE. A brief read indicates I can go right from the 8416 to the TDA1541. I'd also like to try the DIR9001 because it's suppose to have superior jitter reduction. But it looks like you can't go from the DIR9001 directly to the 1541. My long range goal is to eventually use a tube output stage. But since I already have all tube gear I get some of the benefit of tubes anyway.
If you have that cs8414, I'll take it off your hands. Send me your Paypal address and the amount you want for it. It's going to take a while to build the MUX. Maybe I could get this to work in the meantime. I hope I can get something decent to listen to before the weather changes to all summer all the time. Dwight

Hi audio_tony, I found the Red Baron board to be real interesting too. I like that it has the TTL to ECL level attenuators. Should reduce ground bounce on the dac. The ECDesign's thread has lot's to say and I'm glad it made it into the Red Baron board. :) Hi msmart2b, Dwight I have a 8414 to spare it is SOIC on a DIP adapter. I tried an experiment with it. So I have reversed the jumpers so it is now stock. I'd like to make sure it is working so give me a day or so. My second build is going into a chassis. I had to finish the front panel today. A member of my audio club is putting a flame maple wood front on it. I should finish wiring tomorrow. This one has the board with the filter for the CS8414. My other build only takes the CS8412 or the DIR9001 adapter. Oh, I have heard that you can run I2S 24 bit data to the TDA1541A in NOS. So in NOS the DIR9001 might work. Not sure if that was what you meant on the DIR part? :) Dave
To me, the 1541 has a very distinct sound in NOS mode. I'd like to try the various receivers in combination with it to see which renders the best results. Most of my experience is with analog tube stuff. So solid state digital, dacs etc is a little out of my league. But the world keeps moving towards digital, so we must try to keep up.
... I can't recommend the Analogmetric dac, it has a rather bad reclocker that barely works. Actually it throws out data samples.
The analog stage isn't a good match for a SAA7220. I recommend skipping the entire analog stage...

In another thread You say, that this clock is junk, too.
Well, take a look at this scheme, please. I don't remember when and where I did find it. But there are changes in the clock. Are they for something better, or not?
If You want, comment and output stage, please.
I'm a new-buy AnalogmetricDAC PCB. My wish is to compare NOS vs OS mod.


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Hey thanks for the info ctef. This really looks interesting. I'd be interested in purchasing or making a couple of boards to play with.
The design of the psu for the tube stage is interesting. It looks like you could avoid using electrolytics for the b+ here. I saw a discussion of a psu design without electrolytics a while back, but I can't remember where I saw it.
1541A dac's

Hi ctef, The schematic you posted looks like the Analogmetric dac the same clocking scheme with the F pin on the 8412. So we can assume 2 things. It will throw away samples and make a static sound the severity of which will depend on how much the clock in the source varies from the clock in the dac. The output stage is classic SallenKey. I never liked that filter. The phase response is not good for audio. That maybe the source for the Analogmetric dac. These guys copy stuff. :warped: The dac your countryman has looks way better. That dac proves I think that you can feed I2S 24 bit to the TDA1541. Something I considered doing a long tome ago was to feed the clock from the dac back to the source. That can only work if the clock is the same 11.2896 Mhz. That way there is no variation and the reclocker as such would be lock step with the source (same clock). No static noises. Something I could try once my CDB650 is freshened up. Another reason I abandoned the reclocker was that I needed Sony mode (2's complement MSB first right justified data) this was to run the NPC digital filter. That mode didn't work with the reclocker at all. The SAA7220 is so so. We can do better. I have a few different I/V schemes and a passive filter that sounds nice. Beats any SallenKey filter. PM me with your email I can send you some stuff if interested. :) Dave
Well, first for the my country-mans DIR9001-DAC. Here things go very slowly, so if someone want to order the PCB, may be is better to download the files and to make it on place.

So, I'm persistent in attempts to find good working scheme for OS DAC with this chips. Is it too difficult to make DIY OS TDA1541? :eek: For me, yes, that's why I'm searching some ready project.
Please take a look at this. It is not used 11.2896 Mhz crystal. Any better words? Coming from here:Aliexpress.com : Buy HiEND DAC TDA1541 A (CS8412 & SAA7220) board finished&tested from Reliable DAC suppliers on DavidLouis Audio

For now, I don't care about the output stage. Probably going on tubes.
At the moment, I'm working on the Power supply.
Think to throwaway the trimmers, and to fix DC/V with resistors. Other, going to increase capacitors. And chokes, also, from 47uH to 1mH/ 100 and 300mA, type SW45. Will be any improvement for cleaner DC?


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Hi Dave,
What do you think of the

The 9001 to 1541 looks pretty straightforward. I'd like to try it. However, I don't know of any place that can make a small number of of boards (ie, < 5) at a reasonable price. I'd try to make it myself, but I don't want it to work :)
Simple dac

Hi ctef, That dac looks like a good circuit. No reclocker so no troubles. The analog stage is discrete so should sound good. Worth a listen. I see it has a lock led so you will see that it has a signal. It is as simple as can be. I like it. For the tube circuit keep in mind the I/V resistor will be 6.5 Ohms. You can go to 12 Ohms with a CCS. The CCS is a constant current source that injects 2 mA so the output will have near zero DC idle current. I have a simple circuit for that. It is important not to exceed the compliance range of 25 mV for best THD. You will need a lot of gain. Thorsten has one he recommends and he is a guru. :) You might find it on a search here. When I have time I'll see if I can find it. CRC on the power supply. Your suggested chokes are good. :) Dave
DIR9001 TDA1541A

Hi Dwight, The tube stage is from a thread on the forum. A straight NOS implementation. Don't know how likely it is he will offer the board. See ctef's comments on that. I'm crossing my fingers that the 2 Red Baron boards will arrive. No insurance so now I wonder what's going on. If there is a pattern on nondelivery. :eek: Maybe I'll try and roll my own..... Can't keep throwing money away on fake stuff.... :rolleyes: No one likes to be scammed. Dave