Cyburgs-Needle for Tangband W3-871S

Hey Scott, I think you'd be better off taking the path that I did and utilize the TABAQ design. Easier construction and great response. I simply doubled the length of the enclosure and turned them into bi-poles with 4 Tang Band 3" drivers I had laying around. Sounded very impressive and they had a low end that you would not expect from those 3" drivers.

Oh ok cool! Do you have a link to what you did? I'm trying to navigate on my phone since my office has this website blocked through the corporate filter. Lame!

Needles with Mark Audio Alpair 6

I wanted to build the Needles about 1.5 years ago and read the whole thread here mostly because I wanted to find some opinions about currently available drivers as the Tang Bands Cyburg originally published the project with are not easily available anymore.
At that time there was only one posting suggesting Mark Audio Alpair 6 and I spontaneously decided to use it.
I built the boxes with plywood (and not MDF) using 3/4'' thickness for the walls and preserving the internal parameters given in the original project.

I'm posting some "making of" pictures. This was the perfect DIY project doable in a small Manhattan apartment requiring no more than 10 sq ft for about 2 weeks. Btw, the boxes are also perfect in size for that kind of apartments and have a very high SAF (spouse acceptance factor).

Sound: Having no conscious experience with full range drivers before, I was surprised how full the sound picture came out even with my (at that time) Kenwood receiver which I got for $20 over craigslist and the cheapest cables bought for $1 of the Chinese $.99 shop. Meanwhile I listen to the Needles using a hand made Class A SET tube amplifier and wonder how people can listen to their cheap commercial systems.
In fact my wife was initially skeptical about the sound and I was very pleased when she was talking even months after the Needles were working how she rediscovers our music every day. :)

I just wanted to inform anyone interested in playing with the idea of building the Cyburgs Needles that the Mark Audio drivers fit very well into this project.
Thank you to Cyburg (Danke Bernd!) and to this forum for the whole invaluable information! :)


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Hi everyone.

Got my "needle" since about 5 months, and I'm SO satisfied.
I changed something from the very beginning of the project, because I do NOT like (and my wife,too...) the driver placed on the top of the baffle...

Different positioning of internal woodpanels have maintained the volumetric/transmission line configuration, so I think (and hope) to have kept the same sound :).

Well, I keep them connected to an hybrid amplifier I built just one month ago:
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.


The PRE section has a low-voltage ECC86 Siemens tube, Audyn input and output caps and a linear DC PSU set to 14.1V; Alps mono potentiometers to separately set the input level for the two channels.
The POWER stage is a UNmodified italian "Fenice20" with the TA2024;original PSU and potentiometer to set the "master" volume.
...easy: 1 unbalanced RCA input and L+R speaker outputs... no more :) !

That's the point:
the tube is not "enough" to lighten the extremely high "brilliance" of the 2024, so I had the thought of the Zobel cell...
I must be too old and "arteriosclerotic"... :Ouch: :shhh: but could NOT find the "Le" and "Re" TangBand W3-871 values anywhere in the internet :scratch1: .
Anyone knows ?
... :) please :) !
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Ok, before I do stupid things better ask to the more experienced ...
The Zobel network should take into account the values ​​of the cables used, but I do not know how to integrate them in the calculation :confused: .
If anyone can help me... :worship:

I quote here the values ​​of both transducers and cables:

TangBand W3-871
Re = 6.6 Ohms Le = 0.75 mH

VanDenHul CS122 Hybrid (1.5 m per channel)
R (per lead) = 0.58 Ohm (100 m), C (between the two leads) = 32 pF (1 m)

Thanks !!!!! :)
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Hi!!! I'm new on this forum and I saw all pages of this thread :)

I have a Logitech Z-5500 which is a little out (make noise sound) and I want to take its speakers in order to do needle. I have one question: what is the interest of the notch filter? Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I'm really new on DIY :)

I wanted to build the Needles about 1.5 years ago and read the whole thread here mostly because I wanted to find some opinions about currently available drivers as the Tang Bands Cyburg originally published the project with are not easily available anymore.
At that time there was only one posting suggesting Mark Audio Alpair 6 and I spontaneously decided to use it.
I built the boxes with plywood (and not MDF) using 3/4'' thickness for the walls and preserving the internal parameters given in the original project.

I'm posting some "making of" pictures. This was the perfect DIY project doable in a small Manhattan apartment requiring no more than 10 sq ft for about 2 weeks. Btw, the boxes are also perfect in size for that kind of apartments and have a very high SAF (spouse acceptance factor).

Sound: Having no conscious experience with full range drivers before, I was surprised how full the sound picture came out even with my (at that time) Kenwood receiver which I got for $20 over craigslist and the cheapest cables bought for $1 of the Chinese $.99 shop. Meanwhile I listen to the Needles using a hand made Class A SET tube amplifier and wonder how people can listen to their cheap commercial systems.
In fact my wife was initially skeptical about the sound and I was very pleased when she was talking even months after the Needles were working how she rediscovers our music every day. :)

I just wanted to inform anyone interested in playing with the idea of building the Cyburgs Needles that the Mark Audio drivers fit very well into this project.
Thank you to Cyburg (Danke Bernd!) and to this forum for the whole invaluable information! :)

Try mounting rear firing supertweeter ambience enhancer:D To me the Alpair 6 gen.1 lacks HF and is boring without rear supertweeter, with the tweet the sound is little bit different then point source, but it's better to my ears:)
Hi!!! I'm new on this forum and I saw all pages of this thread :)

I have a Logitech Z-5500 which is a little out (make noise sound) and I want to take its speakers in order to do needle. I have one question: what is the interest of the notch filter? Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I'm really new on DIY :)

the notch filter does a small correction in the frequency response to make it sound neutral, otherwise the mids would be too present.
I have take some old pieces of MDF from various furnitures, 12mm :) For the C part, I used a piece from a bed :p It's just in order to do some tests, and if the results are good, I'll do two needle with nice MDF :)

I made the mesures and cut parts. I glued them with masonry mastic (for wood and rock). For the moment, I'm waiting that the mastic dry (12 hours minimum, 24 hours before paint it, 48 hours for maximum dry) and I'll test it with some foam (I don't close one side for now). I'll do some photos tomorrow ;)
So, I did some little things today: I used screw in order to fix parts eatch other (only mastic wasn't so solid). Rest to prepare and pait it (black I think)!

Sound great, not to low in frequences (I think 70Hz. I can listen 60Hz but I need to increase sound) but it's nice!

I'll post news photos when it will finish :)
Guys my first speaker project here. I wanted to create a small pair of speakers to use with my "for test" components so to avoid endangering my big ones.

The needle seems like a nice and easy project for me.

What I was thinking is if it would be possible to use the Alpair 7.3 instead of the 6. The face of the needle is 100mm + 2x12mm. The back of the 7.3 is 103mm and its face 135mm, so a first thought is to use 19mm mdf for the sides (138mm total face) and route 2mm from the side panels near the speakers. The speaker hole will also have to be routed after the sides are glued or clamped together.

Do you see a problem with such an approach?

Thanks in advance