Who's going to stop Israel

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from your link:

"Während das Regime mit seinem NEOLIBERALISMUS zum Musterschüler des Internationalen Währungsfonds wurde [...] verarmte die Bevölkerung in den Randgebieten."

This is what happens to all of us: some few people get really rich - a criminal gang of oligarchs, and all the others starve.

what does say nothing else but your amerikan globalism, brutal capitalsim, imperalism, the US ruled world marked, and world economical system is reason for this desaster. What does not make us nonresponsible, Köhler is also one of those who are guilty.

Time for world revolution?
Rob M said:

You're saying this:


was planted by the US media to make Bush look good?
Usually I check some american news sites everyday for your domestic and world news and to tell you the truth I never saw news about somalia. You can find some, but never headlines. What is this stuff proving? Maybe the americal melodrama peterson is of much more interest in the states. In fact I bet it is. What is this proving regarding general interest in the states?
For instance BBC has it on the main news page.
millwood said:
it seems that some europeans are determined to finish off what Hitler failed: finish off the jews and the jewish state.

Why do they hate israle that much?

Could you explain how they are doing that, Are there gas chambers in France or somthing

BTW we call them Israelies not jews

How much mileage can you get out of hitlers "JEW" anyway :down:
roibm said:

Usually I check some american news sites everyday for your domestic and world news and to tell you the truth I never saw news about somalia. You can find some, but never headlines. What is this stuff proving? Maybe the americal melodrama peterson is of much more interest in the states. In fact I bet it is. What is this proving regarding general interest in the states?
For instance BBC has it on the main news page.

I was responding to till's claim that the US and Israel currently have a monopoly on agression in the world. I chose a German news source on fighting in the Sudan so there could be no argument that it was all a US media fabrication. A British report on fighting Somalia would make my point as well. US public interest, or lack thereof, has nothing to do with it.

One of the things about having a free press is that people are free to print nonsense. It's up to you, the reader, to figure out what's worth reading. We have access to just as many good news sourceshere as you do. We've got lots and lots of dreck besides that, but for most people it's easy enough to ignore it. I'm sure you know more about the Peterson trial than I do (isn't it over yet?)
I thought the French were the :hypno2: "JEW" :hypno2: not the Israelis :scratch:

In Europe, the origins of the war are closely tied to the rise of fascism, especially in Nazi Germany. A discussion of how the Nazis came to power is a requisite in this context.

The origins of the Second World War are generally viewed as being traced back to the First World War (1914-1918). In that war Germany under the ultra-nationalistic Kaiser Wilhelm II along with its allies, had been defeated by a combination of the United Kingdom, United States, France, Russia and others.

The war was directly blamed by the victors on the miltant nationalism of the Kaiser's Germany; it was Germany that effectively started the war with an attack on France through Belgium.

France, which had suffered a previous defeat at the hands of Prussia (a state that merged one year later with others to form Germany) in the Franco-Prussian War in 1870, demanded revenge for its financial devastation during the First World War (and its humiliation in the earlier war) ensured that the various peace treaties, specifically the Treaty of Versailles imposed tough financial reparations and restrictions on Germany.

A new democratic German republic, known as the Weimar Republic, came into being. After some success it was hit by hyperinflation and other serious economic problems.

Right wing nationalist elements under a variety of movements, but most notably the Nazi Party of Adolf Hitler, sought to blame Germany's "humiliating" status on the harshness of the post-war settlement, on the weakness of democratic government, and on the Jews, whom it claimed possessed a financial stranglehold on Germany.

Hitler was appointed Reichskanzler (Chancellor) on January 30, 1933, by the aged President von Hindenburg.

Hitler's government exercised much of its power through the special emergency powers possessed by the President under the constitution.

History of Propaganda

Propaganda has been a human activity as far back as reliable recorded evidence exists. The writings of Romans like Livy are considered masterpieces of pro-Roman statist propaganda.

The term itself originates with the Roman Catholic Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith (sacra congregatio christiano nomini propagando or, briefly, propaganda fide), the department of the pontifical administration charged with the spread of Catholicism and with the regulation of ecclesiastical affairs in non-Catholic countries (mission territory).

The actual Latin stem propagand- conveys a sense of "that which ought to be spread".

Propaganda techniques were first codified and applied in a scientific manner by journalist Walter Lippman and psychologist Edward Bernays (nephew of Sigmund Freud) early in the 20th century. During World War I, Lippman and Bernays were hired by the United States president Woodrow Wilson to sway popular opinion to enter the war on the side of Britain.

The war propaganda campaign of Lippman and Bernays produced within six months so intense an anti-German hysteria as to permanently impress American business (and Adolf Hitler, among others) with the potential of large-scale propaganda to control public opinion. Bernays coined the terms "group mind" and "engineering consent", important concepts in practical propaganda work.

The current public relations industry is a direct outgrowth of Lippman and Bernays' work and is still used extensively by the United States government. For the first half of the 20th century Bernays and Lippman themselves ran a very successful public relations firm.

Nazi Germany
Most propaganda in Germany was produced by the Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda ("Promi" in German abbreviation). Joseph Goebbels was placed in charge of this ministry shortly after Hitler took power in 1933.

All journalists, writers, and artists were required to register with one of the Ministry's subordinate chambers for the press, fine arts, music, theater, film, literature, or radio.

The Nazis believed in propaganda as a vital tool in achieving their goals. Adolf Hitler, Germany's Führer, was impressed by the power of Allied propaganda during World War 1 and believed that it had been a primary cause of the collapse of morale and revolts in the German home front and Navy in 1918.

Hitler would meet nearly every day with Goebbels to discuss the news and Goebbels would obtain Hitler's thoughts on the subject; Goebbels would then meet with senior Ministry officials and pass down the official Party line on world events.

Broadcasters and journalists required prior approval before their works were disseminated.

In addition the Nazis had no moral qualms about spreading propaganda which they themselves knew to the false and indeed spreading deliberately false information was part of a doctrine known as the Big Lie.

Nazi propaganda before the start of World War II had several distinct audiences:

>German audiences were continually reminded of the struggle of the Nazi Party and Germany against foreign enemies and internal enemies, especially Jews.

>Ethnic Germans in countries such as Czechoslovakia, Poland, the Soviet Union, and the Baltic states were told that blood ties to Germany were stronger than their allegiance to their new countries.

>Potential enemies, such as France and Great Britain, were told that Germany had no quarrel with the people of the country, but that their governments were trying to start a war with Germany.

All audiences were reminded of the greatness of German cultural, scientific, and military achievements.
Until the Battle of Stalingrad's conclusion on February 4, 1943, German propaganda emphasized the prowness of German arms and the humanity German soldiers had shown to the peoples of occupied territories.

In contrast, British and Allied fliers were depicted as cowardly murderers, and Americans in particular as gangsters in the style of Al Capone. At the same time, German propaganda sought to alienate Americans and British from each other, and both these Western belligerents from the Soviets.

After Stalingrad, the main theme changed to Germany as the sole defender of Western European culture against the "Bolshevist hordes." The introduction of the V-1 and V-2 "vengeance weapons" was emphasized to convince Britons of the hopelessness of defeating Germany.

Goebbels committed suicide shortly after Hitler on April 30, 1945. In his stead, Hans Fritzsche, who had been head of the Radio Chamber, was tried and acquitted by the Nuremberg war crimes tribunal.

Rob M said:

I was responding to till's claim that the US and Israel currently have a monopoly on agression in the world. I chose a German news source on fighting in the Sudan so there could be no argument that it was all a US media fabrication. A British report on fighting Somalia would make my point as well. US public interest, or lack thereof, has nothing to do with it.

I don't think it is aggression per se that the monopoly is on,more, for the want of a better description, gratuitous aggression.
Rob M said:
I was responding to till's claim that the US and Israel currently have a monopoly on agression in the world. I chose a German news source on fighting in the Sudan so there could be no argument that it was all a US media fabrication. A British report on fighting Somalia would make my point as well. US public interest, or lack thereof, has nothing to do with it.

One of the things about having a free press is that people are free to print nonsense. It's up to you, the reader, to figure out what's worth reading. We have access to just as many good news sourceshere as you do. We've got lots and lots of dreck besides that, but for most people it's easy enough to ignore it. I'm sure you know more about the Peterson trial than I do (isn't it over yet?)
I was just making my point regarding my previous reply to you...
As about peterson case, I know no details at all, nada, but I can't avoid the headlines because they are too small several words, I read them at once while checking the headlines generally.
Since you say you don't even know whether the trial has ended I suspect you have not much interest in reading the headlines from the american news sites or you have better sources than I have. If it is the first why so? You don't trust them? If it is the latter would you like to share them with us?
diyAudio Moderator Emeritus
Joined 2001
For the record, the Peterson trial just started yesterday.

Also, there was another Peterson trial a few months ago, for an unrelated Peterson. This one was a published author of some note. . He was convicted of killing his second wife. Details emerged that he also killed his first wife years ago, but staged it to look like an accident.

Today's Peterson update is brought to you by Kelticwizard. :)
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