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My previously incredibly fit, energetic and accomplished daughter was bit by ticks while hiking through Sweden a couple of years ago.

Lymes is no joke - that Borrelia is one mof'ing insidious little bacteria. At the age of 35, that's basically a life sentence of being a guinea pig for the numerous conventional, holistic and experimental medical treatment regimens.

All things considered, I've had a blessed life, but would trade what time I have left in a heartbeat if I could trade places with her.

Sorry to hear that. Did she get tested quickly? Generally if it's caught early it can be pretty much fully cured. My bro-in-law is a doc on Long Island, pretty much tick central, and they treat anyone with a tick bite without even testing (70%+ end up with one of the 3; Lyme, Babiosis, ehrlichiosis (from Lone Star ticks) - he recently had all 3 at once but is now fully recovered).

As a side note, I know someone in Nelson BC who has Lyme, but it was not caught for many years (skeptical docs) and he is now pretty severely impaired by the disease.
She lives in Bermuda, and while that might not have anything to do with it, IIRC, it took a couple of months to finally narrow it down. There was also some meningitis involved, so not too much fun.
Been to holistic clinic in Germany, consulted with specialists in Boston and New York, currently on at least the third treatment regimen. Good days and bad days, but the fatigue, muscle aches and headaches are for now pretty much the new normal. The insidious thing in her case is that aside from minor inflammations around the PICC sites and temporary flushing from some of the anti-bitoics, there’s not that many physical symptoms- except for the weariness in here eyes.
This is for a gal whose husband is a triathlon athlete, they both used to run regular half marathons, compete on “mudders”, cycle and hike for dozens of km on treks through the Alps and Adriatic villages.
Regardless the cause, it’s very hard to watch a loved one’s sudden change in physical abilities.
Regardless the cause, it’s very hard to watch a loved one’s sudden change in physical abilities.
Wow - that certainly puts things in perspective. I can't imagine what that must be like. I hope she's feeling better and that she'll eventually be able to get back to her old self. I don't have any direct experience with Lyme disease (thankfully), but on a professional level I can say it was the one tickborne affliction we tried to avoid at all costs.

It's insidious indeed. Just as Carlp said, sometimes the disease can go undetected for years for one reason or another, only to cause major problems later. What's worse, many of the acute symptoms mimic those of other ailments so they're ignored. I know of one person who has a pacemaker due to an undetected case.

I wish you all the best.
I'm digging out my 98.25% DEET and my last military bottle (no idea what strength it is).

I have 40% spray but prefer the higher concentration liquid as I waste less.

I'm hoping to head out to NE South Carolina (Chesterfield) tomorrow to go camping and visit friends.

Lots of mosquito borne disease being reported in the news today.
chrisb, sorry to hear about that. Lime is prevalent around NE TN. Lone Star is heading this way with the deer population as migrant as they are.

Brucellosis and Chronic Wasting Disease are also a threat to the deer population and a potential threat to spread to humans.

I still have tomatoes, but won't much longer. Jalapenos are going gangbusters.
Hamilton, Bermuda, 17:30 local time. 26C, 69% RH.
Waiting for son in law to return from his beach meditation to choose our afternoon relaxation libation - decisions, decisions.
Oops, that’s another thread - but retirement will that to ya.


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We have dropped form the 90s (32C) to the 70s (21C) in just a few days. Forecast is high in the 60s (19C) later this week. The long summer shifted into late fall in one fell swoop.

It was 46 (8C) when I rode the KTM to work this morning. If I don't get the heated grips soon, I'll be winterizing it.
Had an unofficial Canadian Thanksgiving roasted butterflied chicken dinner this evening, and after a preliminary start at taste testing the even dozen of small batch gins referenced above, we came to at least two conclusions; more testing required, and not all distillers are on equal footing. One Austrian artisanal was a bare step above diluted “gun-wash”, while the Empress 1908 was reliably delicate.
Will report back later this week with more findings.
We have dropped form the 90s (32C) to the 70s (21C) in just a few days.

We have had frost on the ground, rooftops and car windows twice this week, today and Sunday. By mid morning on both days it was nice weather for finishing up those outdoor tasks.

I am nearly finished digging up and replacing 45 feet of underground drain pipe due to impenetrable root balls. The ground gets rather hard to dig up when it's frozen.