Wire gauge for amplifier's signal level input.

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Asking people did this sound better or worse just raises more questions that those poor people can never answer to the satisfaction of a scientific mind. Quantify better? quantify worse? In what way is it better or worse? I can guarantee you will get different answers from different people. Consensus is very rare in anything concerning humans and when you are dealing with music, the emotional element plays a very large part.
You've jumped ahead a question. The first step is to demonstrate that there is any audible difference. That's relatively easy to do when there actually is one. Hedonic determination (if there is a difference, what's the preference) is more difficult, but supernatural claims never seem to get to that point, they tend to fall apart when the first question is (experimentally) asked.
Apologies to the OP, this thread has gone OT in more than one way. My last input you will be glad to know is the following.

Many people claim their system sounds better at night, i have noticed this myself at times too. However i don't subscribe to the notion that photons from the sun interact somehow with my system. I prefer to think that my mind is somehow better able to enjoy the music at night, a purely chemical response.

I would not like to try measuring or explaining the processes at work here however. I do know it ain't magic though.

That's some high powered amp!
Are you going for the extra PSU to supply the Input stages?
Are there any silver wire manufacture's or suppliers that supply high purity silver wire to the jewellery industry? Might be worth buying some off them to try for the signal wires. Should be relatively inexpensive as well compared to HiFi interconnects!

I'm no expert by any means but I've had great fun over the years "playing" with DIY hiFi, and I know what I like. I think that's mainly because I could never afford the sort of kit that costs ten of thousands of GBP.

I've been to quite a few HiFi shows and despite the limitations heard some great gear. Haven't done that for a few years, but one or two systems that stuck in my mind as being something special were the Martin Logan full range electrostatic panels and Overkill audio active speakers with the manger drivers. I didn't want to leave the room!! Probably the speakers I would buy if I won the lottery.

Good luck with your project.
You've jumped ahead a question. The first step is to demonstrate that there is any audible difference. That's relatively easy to do when there actually is one

I disagree, it is actually very difficult to demonstrate any audible difference which could satisfy most people. This is the root of the problem.

I drove 180 miles to Glasgow and back today so my partner could get an MRI scan (she suffers from seizures) i wonder if brain pattern images could somehow show her getting more or less enjoyment from music. I somehow doubt it though. You can easily demonstrate greater or lesser light output from a lamp by using a simple photon meter but to measure the brains enjoyment of music is way beyond science and i am no scientist.
I think you have just made my point for me SY. Ears are of very limited use when not connected to a brain, if that brain is so easily fooled, just how reliable are the ears which rely on it?

To the degree that the tests are designed to find out what the ears hear without allowing the brain to have undue influence. Like it does when you can see what is being tested?
Very, when you use them as your only input to determine "is phenomenon X audible". People show fabulous sensitivity to all sorts of auditory phenomena; there's a rich literature about it.

I don't doubt that at all but how can you be certain that what you hear is exactly the same as what someone else hears from the same source. Police have a nightmare with witness statements, ten people witness the same incident at the same time but all give varying accounts of what happened. This happens with all our senses including our hearing.

We are all different individuals and the more complex the stimuli is the more varied the accounts will be, thats just human nature.
How do you ensure that the brain has no undue influence though?

You're removing all inputs other than auditory. The brain/ears are then not influenced by other things, like preconceptions, unconscious (and conscious!) biases, and visual distractions (e.g., the size of an amp, faceplate color...).

Read through my article at Linear Audio which gives a review of diy ears-only testing.
You're removing all inputs other than auditory. The brain/ears are then not influenced by other things, like preconceptions, unconscious (and conscious!) biases, and visual distractions (e.g., the size of an amp, faceplate color...).

Read through my article at Linear Audio which gives a review of diy ears-only testing.

I have read articles on double blind testing and will read yours too SY. I have been impressed by your input here many times now and value your contribution highly but all forms of audible testing rely on the brain/ears which we have already established as being easily fooled and therefore unreliable. That is my issue and i still see no way around it.

Slainte Mhath

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