Why Would Anyone

I'm surprised that "isn't really chicken" wasn't yet mentioned

afa - you are aware of the lingere manufacturer with that trade name? Very classy and stupidly expensive stuff - I'd be surprised if Tomtt doesn't have photos of such, but they'd be NSFW

back to your regular programming
Tahini is great. Mayo is pus.

Have you ever tried Salad Cream?

I had a huge mouth ulcer once which burst and pus tastes better than this.
Certainly the low point of all mayo-like substances.

There is also a high point which is called Aioli.
Basically french mayo made with garlic, olive oil, egg yolks and lemon juice.
I've never seen a recipe where these were not cooked. I suspect cooking the egg in making mayo (should work fine) would not make you happy

I've never seen a recipe in which they were cooked.
The heat applied does not cook the egg, it just helps the emulsification along so you need less fat. If it actually cooks the sauce splits and you end up with really greasy scrambled egg. They are nothing more than fancy warm mayo.