Why Would Anyone


The most important ingredients to me are:

1. The crust - the flavor, the texture - slightly crispy on the bottom - thin - I like slightly thinner than traditional NY pizza - but thicker than Italy pizza.

2. The sauce - made from imported peeled tomatoes or garden raised Mason jar canned Romas. There must be enough of it. It should show. If all you have can see is the cheese - fail.

3. The cheese - fresh mozzarella is wonderful as is good whole milk. I mix in a little romano and parmesan regiano as well.

4. The toppings - I prefer fresh basil leaves or nothing.

Heat and a good stone are critical, but defeating the interlock and using the clean cycle is wrong!:D I have had good results with wood brickets and the stone on a Webber. Wait until the fire has died down to embers. Should be good for 1000 F. Cooks fast!

On the gas electric oven thing, I would like to get a dual oven and do an AB comparison. I would think an electric oven would have less water vapor, but just a theory.
All this agonizing over stuff that you're just going to degrade to carbohydrate units and peptides/fatty acids - really. I like good food, but it's just fuel/building blocks when you get down to basics. It's much more important that you get the essential carbohydrate/fatty acid constituents down right for a healthy diet. That's a rant best left to another thread altogether. Having said that, some of the combos mentioned here may be interesting tastewise as hell as healthwise.
Joined 2011
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All this agonizing over stuff that you're just going to degrade to carbohydrate units and peptides/fatty acids - really. I like good food, but it's just fuel/building blocks when you get down to basics. It's much more important that you get the essential carbohydrate/fatty acid constituents down right for a healthy diet. That's a rant best left to another thread altogether. Having said that, some of the combos mentioned here may be interesting tastewise as hell as healthwise.

It is exactly this type of thinking that has taken all the true "goodness" out of food.

As Chris said, there is no consensus on any of this.

Ancel Keys was the anti-Christ of food!
On the gas electric oven thing, I would like to get a dual oven and do an AB comparison. I would think an electric oven would have less water vapor, but just a theory.

You are onto something there. I have seen it said that a kitchen needs both electric and gas ovens. The humidity of a gas oven makes for better bread crusts and roasted meats, the dry electric heat makes crispier cookies.
fortunately? - that's almost heresy - at least in this thread :D

my misfortune is that on the few occasions when I've had home-made pizza, it's been at a family free-for all X-mas party, and the results were, shall we say, variable

while I know that the purists might well choke, I quite don't mind the product of one of our local commercial enterprises - in fact shared an Ali Baba's special with my son last night

there are at least half a "real" pizza restaurants in town, so maybe it's time to enlist a dinner partner to explore