Who has the dirtiest office or lab?

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Finally. I made it to the end. I found this thread yesterday. Started as page one. When I started reading there were 16 pages, now 22. Stop it! I can't keep up:D

Thank you all, I feel much better about myself. I don't have the quantity some have, and I do cleanup food, but otherwise I could compete, just need to get a digital camera. Since I am single, no WAF, this makes it easier.

Conrad, nice collection of test equipment. Thanks for the emails a few weeks ago when I first joined up. Thanks for the cap bridge posting elsewhere. Have you ordered the new speaker surround yet:cheerful:

Jackinnj, is that a ARC SP-11 I see on the left in one of your photos?! :worship: :up:
If you can afford to have one of those just laying around, you're doing better than I!
Hi Jack- interesting you mention the end of the world back in early 2K. I also got much (most?) of my stuff back then and a bit earlier. Here in Rochester, NY, Eastman Kodak and Xerox were downsizing their operations even before then. Things went really cheap. I have some wonderful photo darkroom equipment from those cleanouts- densitometer, water temp control valve, nice enlarging lenses, Mettler scale, but much of it is collecting dust because I went digital, and haven't processed a roll of film in 2-3 years. I haven't been to the Dayton hamvention in many years, but I think that time period was also the end of the peak for that as well- eBay has pretty much wiped out hamfests, surplus outlets, garage sales, and crazy bargains in general. I buy a piece on eBay now and then, but the impulse buying I did in the surplus stores is long gone. In my case, probably a good thing! To those who wonder how a person can accumulate so much stuff, it only takes a few pieces a year, over 30+ years. I got my first HP signal generator (giant high power audio unit with tubes) back in high school- the first step on the road to ruin.

Hi Dave- I never got an answer on the JBL 2600 speaker surrounds, so I really need to get after it again. The woofers seem nice, so are worth fixing, but I question the tweeters. I may just do some new cuts in the boxes and put in something else. That was one of those hamfest deals where the seller only removed the grill from one speaker- the one that didn't have a big rip in the surround! Silly me. Fortunately, I didn't pay much of anything for them.
Conrad Hoffman said:
Here in Rochester, NY, Eastman Kodak and Xerox were downsizing their operations even before then. Things went really cheap.

One of my friends from Lucent gave me a copy of "Fumbling the Future" on Xerox's demise -- of course he probably could have written an encyclopedia on Lucent following in their footsteps.

The best purchase was a Newport Optics table from IBM when they were closing a lab. I gave it to the Physics Dept. at my alma mater -- they were happy to help my friend get it on his truck and out of their labs.
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OK, since this has devolved into who has the most clutter (or just too much stuff in too small a space), i'll post some pictures. My space has gotten WAY neater since my last round of pictures. Helped by 2 diy events at which i had to get things tidied enuff that it didn't look like a disaster, the decision 2 years ago to concentrate on new stuff instead of recycle, a give-away this summer of 900 lbs of drivers to some high school kids (we couldn't fit any more into the pick-up truck) and the pending arrival of a helper.

Further developments will include a 1/3 more space as my wife clears out her third+ of the basement, and i move my office down there. I am also continuing to give a whole bunch of away or flog it off real cheap so that we can concentrate on the core. If you see anything that tweaks your interest feel free to inquire. I'd love to get the space 1/2 as organized as Hugo's. I am down to probably a couple days instead of a couple weeks in time to take it to presentable for diyFEST.

Here in the order you would walk thru are some snapshots of where we are.

1st my office... a lot of turnover of stuff here, and despite the vertical filing on my desk, the important things are all fairly organized,



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My main work area downstairs... speaker testing, winter disassembly, packing (and of course storage). The green bins on the shelves all have transformers in them. This space goes up 12 ft and there are a couple mezaanines loaded with stuff (mostly speaker enclosures worth keeping to use or sell)


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Daniel's work bench (new guy coming to be a helper). He did a major hose out on this when he came down for his "interview", but i've manged to set it back a bit (ie PP EL34 on his chair)

Despite looking tidy the bins on the walls are fairly chaotic i expect that to change, and the functionality of this space will be moved into a larger space when Ruth frees up her wharehouse.


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