Which amplifiers do you use with your Scanspeak based speakers?

My view is that perhaps there is one thing worse than a stupid question, and that is a willfully stupid answer.

We all know very well that good amplifier-cable-speaker matching is the basis of good sound and we all know that not all amplifiers pair well with all speakers, and it seems to me that no one has mentioned tube amplifiers yet.
Not to mention the price variable which is often a priority.

Furthermore, here we are a community with very knowledgeable and expert members who have many different experiences, so someone who, with different configurations, has obtained excellent sound results with a certain combination could reply sooner or later, and I'm very curious to read if this will happen.
I can't say about the Scan Speak systems, but my new (not cheap) digital amplifier drives my vintage loudspeakers like nothing else has done so far, from any point of view.

In my opinion the OP's question is definitely not far-fetched at all, on the contrary it would deserve an adequate reply, if any, according to the experience of not rare owners of such loudspeakers brand.
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Maybe I should have asked which amps diy’rs here use in general.

I suspect many, possibly most, active speaker DIYers will tend to view amplifiers pretty much like commodities and use whichever competently performing ones are to hand. This doesn't mean all budget or boutique amplifiers are going to be considered audibly neutral but most amplifiers that are seeking to be competent technical designs rather than boutique ones will be in use and have been for decades. If a difference in sound is heard then many DIYers will conclude something is off which needs finding and fixing rather than there being something magical/unknown to science about the sound of amplifiers driving speakers. Not all but more than one might find among non-DIY home audio enthusiasts. Some DIYers though like to use boutique amplifiers that are not audibly neutral whereas others are happy to pay premium prices for premium products that provide more than sufficient. It's a hobby and getting enthusiastic about things should be part of it.
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