What the heck? It's less than lunch!

I have purchased several lunch money amps, one, my main performer (unmodified) has never been turned off in over 2 years and I listen to a lot of music.
I have damaged one of these amps by not paying attention and connecting the power supply to one of the speaker outputs!, that's it.
Could it be that the problem, if there really is one, is due to hamfisted component "upgrading" or over voltage?
Destroyer OS:

Thanks, so...how about telling us which board you modded, then. I'm looking to buy a couple, and on one of them, the auction ends today (at least for now).

It's the same as the homemart that was just linkekd to be myself and another guy.

The mods consist of new capacitors, removal or unnecessary partls when using DC power supply, and correction of ground mistake. The website with the guide should be up shortly, if not I'll make one on here for whomever wants.
It's the same as the homemart that was just linkekd to be myself and another guy.

The mods consist of new capacitors, removal or unnecessary partls when using DC power supply, and correction of ground mistake. The website with the guide should be up shortly, if not I'll make one on here for whomever wants.

What's the difference between Version A and Version B?
Links for A and B please.

I can't see the tracing in the unsoldered kit, so I can't tell you if it has advantages aside from not having to unsolder anything.

If you scroll down the page, its shows a photo of the bottom of the board.
Does this help:
My "lunchie" is now housed in a cheap ally box, fitted with a cheap stepped attenuator and a Panasonic 3,300uf FC cap and singing sweetly powered by a 12V smps brick.
2nd board has had the Panasonic cap fitted and a pair of JB 1.0uf polypropylene coupling caps fitted, actually think I prefer the stock coupling caps which on my boards were polyesters as supplied.

As I type this we are listening to a Linn Klout power amp in "lunchies" place that came for repair, apart from the massive power difference we all agree that in comparison the Linn is aggressive (yes it is working to spec) and tiring to listen to for extended periods whereas "lunchie" has been on for hours at a time, day after day and seems to get better as those days pass!
At going rates 2nd hand Klouts sell around the £500 Mark so go figure the value of these cheap chip "lunchies".
My "lunchie" is now housed in a cheap ally box, fitted with a cheap stepped attenuator and a Panasonic 3,300uf FC cap and singing sweetly powered by a 12V smps brick.
2nd board has had the Panasonic cap fitted and a pair of JB 1.0uf polypropylene coupling caps fitted, actually think I prefer the stock coupling caps which on my boards were polyesters as supplied.

As I type this we are listening to a Linn Klout power amp in "lunchies" place that came for repair, apart from the massive power difference we all agree that in comparison the Linn is aggressive (yes it is working to spec) and tiring to listen to for extended periods whereas "lunchie" has been on for hours at a time, day after day and seems to get better as those days pass!
At going rates 2nd hand Klouts sell around the £500 Mark so go figure the value of these cheap chip "lunchies".

The clipping and distortion that the 7297 produces seems irrelevant to the ear, thus far. However if ground noise gets bad it sounds 'busy' in a bad way.
I have several 7297s. They all sound very good, whether stock or modified. While waiting for my "Wiener" TPA3116 from gmarsh, I had a brainstorm regarding power.

A slightly modified 7297 is now powered by the Somfy solar rechargeable battery wand that powers a nearby blackout shade. The wand (aluminum tube) holds 10 Amazon Basics rechargeable AA batteries.

The battery pack is trickle charged by a solar collector about the size of a yardstick. The voltage measures 13.5. It remains to be seen if the solar panel can top off the charge during the day to power the amp for several hours in the evening.
I have several 7297s. They all sound very good, whether stock or modified. While waiting for my "Wiener" TPA3116 from gmarsh, I had a brainstorm regarding power.

A slightly modified 7297 is now powered by the Somfy solar rechargeable battery wand that powers a nearby blackout shade. The wand (aluminum tube) holds 10 Amazon Basics rechargeable AA batteries.

The battery pack is trickle charged by a solar collector about the size of a yardstick. The voltage measures 13.5. It remains to be seen if the solar panel can top off the charge during the day to power the amp for several hours in the evening.

I meant to say the solar collector is about the length and width of a 12" ruler, not a yardstick.

I'd edit the post if this forum permitted it like other forums. I would still like to hear why thi forum has Dutch a small window for thread edits.