WHAT the heck is this ?

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"for the first time in the world, introduces a sub-atomic particle accelerator for SPD-IF data trasmission"

So the transformers I use to isolate my DAC from the HTPC isnt based on sub atomic particles?
If not, what kind of atom constitutes electromagnetism? What am I missing here?

What kind of matter/atoms are responsible for transfering the SPDIF signals from one coil to another?

TOSLINK use light, fotons.. Not subatomic?
Joined 2010
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So to say this guys amp is nuts because you don't understand the concept or believe it is dumb. Someone is doing something different which is not considered normal or proper science end everyone saying his idea is crazy.....

What many forum members will find hilarious or crazy is the guy's apparently complete lack of understanding for what he claims and misuses in scientific terminology. Of course, if he was just being funny for a big and obvious scam, fine, we can laugh too. Consider though, if we used medical terminology to describe a surgical procedure with his degree of misunderstanding. Even you would consider it wreckless outrage, if you valued safety in health treatment.

If the guy's claims come up here as true for review by people who are educated to know the limits of science, (and I suggest there are a few scientists on this thread) it will be clear how absurd his claims are, whether they are New-Age technobabble or just desperate rants of a nutter.

There is no mistake in our understanding that what he has is conventional science and technology. Just throwing confusing expressions and buzzwords at a product only fools some who are perhaps too eager to believe the incredible ;)
, if we used medical terminology to describe a surgical procedure with his degree of misunderstanding. Even you would consider it wreckless outrage, if you valued safety in health treatment.

Looking at the pictures.. that fine craftsmanship, I imediately felt like winding me some cool looking transformers. It looks simple enough.. just put some copper onto the core. 50 windings here, 200 there .. connect the one with 50 windings to 220v and the other one to yet another transformer or coil.

A couple of years ago, after a few beers.. I might have tried something like that.
Maybe I was a bit strong in judging his ideas, but I have a PhD in nuclear physic, although low energy.
From scientific point of view the guy is a bit confused.
What scares me is the mix between audio, science and religion, in a kind of new age fashion.

By the way, I am pretty sure that if you spend 30 minutes with closed eyes, in absolute silence, thinking about nothing, and then you put music your system will sound different.

Sent from my N-04C using Tapatalk
"Particle accelerator" is a name for a particular type of technology, used for scientific research and medical treatment. It is not a generic term for anything which moves electrons about in a piece of wire. The technical term for that is "electric field" or "potential difference" (commonly known as voltage), generated by a signal source.

Using the first term when you ought to be using one of the others shows either that you don't know what you are talking about, or you hope that your readers will be taken in by technobabble. I don't know which is true in this particular case.
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Joined 2009
Maybe I was a bit strong in judging his ideas, but I have a PhD in nuclear physic, although low energy.

to quote Mr curti: what the heck could you know about such a system? You are only concerned with particles.

Just pulling your leg ;)

Just for public reference. Italy is a place of contradictions..aside from political issues the vice president of our center for national scientific research (CNR) is a well know creationist who actually teaches history of the church and has more than once objected to evolution and all the scientific principles associated with such theory.

So Mr Curti is not alone.... :)
Straying seriously off-topic for one post only (sorry, mods): there need not be a contradiction between creationism and science, unless you a priori decide that science is necessarily atheistic rather than agnostic, although there is clearly a difference between creationism and the current scientific consensus. There are plenty of working (and retired) scientists who are creationists. About 40% of working scientists believe in a personal God (one who can hear and answer prayer), so don't believe all the propaganda from the new atheists that faith is incompatible with science and a sign of mental or emotional impairment. (In case you ask, about 40% are atheists and the other 20% are agnostic or refuse to answer the question). A university chaplain once told me that he has found that faith is more common among scientists than in the arts and humanities faculties.

I will say no more.
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