What are you drinking?

Nigel, think of your taste buds:)

The Gimp - the house we are renting, it's garden has been neglected for too long and is over run with bindweed. Last autumn I planted a some Rose garlic that the Tarn is famous for, it's the best. We are watercress junkies and I created a special plot for it using DPC black plastic. Digging out to a depth of about 9 inches, lay the plastic and back fill with soil and compost. The bindweed can't get through and with watering the soil is always very damp and using a plastic cloche over have been enjoying watercress all winter. I replanted strawberries under cloches and if the plot had enjoyed full sun we would now be eating the fruit. Nice to know that what I grow is'nt contaminated with pesticides and herbicides.

It's my wife's birthday today so will spend a lot of time in the kitchen - first course - fish, steam cooked colin in a leek sauce with a side dish of thin asparagus and watercress, followed by crispy fried turkey steaks in an orange sauce with gratin Dauphinois and florettes of cauliflower and small fresh carrots cooked whole. Starting with a Sauvignon blanc and a Gaillac white to follow ending with a selection of cheeses - bon appetite.
A friend of my Son's from high school is back in town for several days. He and his family are thinking of moving back to NE TN from NY.

I offered to smoke ribs for them and we had a really great gathering Sunday with smoked ribs, smoked salmon, baked beans, cole slaw, and lots to drink.

Today they came back for an evening of drinking before thy return north.

In appreciation they gave me this,so we sampled it. Very nice.


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Monte da Baía Tinto 2018
2018 Casa Ermelinda Freitas Monte da Baia Tinto | Vivino

This is a very cool wine. The taste is very balanced. Delicious sourness, as I like, is closer to high. There is nothing superfluous in it, there is no pungent smell and nothing pungent in taste. The Portuguese love to experiment with carbon dioxide. As if there is a little gassing, but looking at the gas bubbles in the glass, I did not see them. I'm going to buy the whole lot. Forgive gentlemen from France, but wine from France is either 5 times more expensive, or ****.
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I can't stand Reisling or Pinot Gris or any of those type of wines, for me a nasty off taste but whatever floats your boat.

As to your comment on French wines all I can say is - it's total bollocks on both counts. A good wine should have a bouquet, that is part of the pleasure of wine as is a taste that blossoms in the mouth. If you don't like either what the hell are you doing drinking wine in the first place.

You like a delicious 'sour' taste, I've never heard a comment like that from anyone - almost unbelieveable.
I can't stand Reisling or Pinot Gris or any of those type of wines, for me a nasty off taste but whatever floats your boat.

As to your comment on French wines all I can say is - it's total bollocks on both counts. A good wine should have a bouquet, that is part of the pleasure of wine as is a taste that blossoms in the mouth. If you don't like either what the hell are you doing drinking wine in the first place.

You like a delicious 'sour' taste, I've never heard a comment like that from anyone - almost unbelieveable.

Wow, tell us what you really think! As far as I'm concerned, no one's taste in wine or audio can be judged by anyone else. What floats one person's boat can be awful to someone else. So whose opinion is absolutely correct and whose wrong? I assure you it isn't yours. Nor mine. How about we just let other people have their opinions and treat others respectfully. You don't have to agree. Just don't belittle someone else for their tastes.
@mightym : to much bottles !

I don't know (riesling, pinot...) ! A wine is firstly a land and secondly a know-how. Not only a plant variety.
Due to Phylloxera it was decided to plant American vines in affected French regions, but it's always Bourgueuil, Latour..
They are a lot of great wines all other the world. It's just a matter of pleasure :cheers:
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Wow, tell us what you really think! As far as I'm concerned, no one's taste in wine or audio can be judged by anyone else. What floats one person's boat can be awful to someone else. So whose opinion is absolutely correct and whose wrong? I assure you it isn't yours. Nor mine. How about we just let other people have their opinions and treat others respectfully. You don't have to agree. Just don't belittle someone else for their tastes.

You seem to have completely missed his remark that ALL French wine is crap and that it is all overpriced - that is total bollocks. In all my years of drinking wine and conversing with wine drinkers from around the world I have never, ever heard anyone say they like wine to have a sour taste - have you?
No, I didn't miss that, but you seem to have missed my point. If GUNFU doesn't like any French wine, so be it. If he likes sour wine, so be it. That's his taste. I don't know about you, but I don't drink wine just because everyone else says it's great. I drink wine that I like.

While we bought birth wine Bordeaux for our kids, I frankly don't get the hoopla over it (other than it's ability to age, which is not unique to Bordeaux...). They are good, sometimes quite good. But I've had Barolos, Barbarescos and California wines that I'd take over Bordeaux any time. On the other hand, I seem to have gotten quite sensitive to sour wines and generally dislike them.

Again, disparaging someone for their taste to me is just not acceptable. Discussing it with them is fine. There's a difference.

*The truly great Bordeaux, if they exist, are all likely in the $500+ per bottle, which ain't gonna happen on my budget. I did have a 50s or so Haut Brion once for New Years Eve in the early aughts. The waiter had to open it, and he or she flipped the bottle over for some reason before doing so, floating all the sediment. My brother-in-law who brought it was heart broken (this was in "the Hamptons" where I'd expect waiters to know better). While quite good, it was not great. It might have been great had the waiter not handled it that way. But at well over $1000 value, even if it were great, the price of entry lowers it's worth to me to just "good."
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...I have never, ever heard anyone say they like wine to have a sour taste - have you?

I don't know for sure, but when I read GUNFU's post I interpreted it to mean high acid. Perhaps something was lost in translation. If that's the case, then yes, I've heard many people say that.

Some consumers like that style, including a winemaker friend of mine who makes a Sauvignon Blanc with high acidity that is out of this world! Oh, and some of the most ageworthy Cabernet Sauvignon is high acid, low pH.
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