Weird email confirmation request

I just got an error message saying the forum couldn't email me because it was not correct. I haven't changed my email address is a million years. Anyway, I confirmed my email as per request, and now the forum thinks I'm a new member, because I don't see my replies. Obviously, I'm not a new member.

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Hi Jeff, Shortwave,

Yesterday we switched to using a new and improved way of communicating with our mail host. I'll be posting an update in the change log about it later today. You shouldn't have received anything new or unusual but looks like it must have tripped something.

Can you please post the email you got here or send it to so I can see what happened? I suspect it was an unexpected interaction with another module that asks members who haven't logged in in over 6 months to reconfirm their email?

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Ah, thanks Jeff.

It was just a banner alert at the top of the main page. Said my email address was incorrect, and the forum couldn't contact me.

I can see your email status changes in the logs.

From what I see, it looks like the new system determined that our emails to you were bouncing. When emails soft bounce too much, or hard bounce one time, an email is added automatically to our mail host's (Sparkpost) email suppression list. This would have resulted in our emails not being able to get through to you as any emails being sent don't get past that suppression.

The new system automatically detects bounce issues, removes members from the suppression list, and allows for checking their emails are now not bouncing. If that system is working as advertised (we just installed it yesterday!) then this is a great way of dealing with the situation, diyAudio not being called a spammer, but elegantly handling short or long term email bounce problems and not having to make people use our "suppression list removal tool".

If it's not working properly though I'll need to see what happened! It might need a tweak.
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shortwave, in order to complete your registration or reactivate your account at diyAudio, you need to confirm your email address by clicking the button below.
Confirm your email
Great. I will find where this is coming from and improve the wording, after double checking exactly why it popped up in your case.

Question for both of you - were you receiving mail from the forum ok prior to this? And are you receiving mail from the forum ok now?
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Jeff - in this case, I think the system may be working as intended.

Another feature of the new system is that it now allows us to send emails properly as the forum as "transactional". This is opposed to "non-transaction" AKA "bulk" AKA "promotional" which is the default.

I just checked sparkpost and see that in 2019-10-10 you were added to the "non-transactional" suppression list due to a bounce. The reason you haven't received mail "for years" is because you were on the suppression list. It looks like the new system detected that (great!) and attempted to take you off the list. However, I still see you on the "non_transactional" suppression list. This might not be an issue as we are now sending emails as "transactional".

Jeff - if you want to get off that suppression list you can use a tool I wrote a while back here to delete you from both transactional and non-transactional lists: however please refrain from using that for 24 hours so we can see if the new system will manage to get emails being sent to you. You're a good test case!
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yes, and yes.

shortwave - I can see that on 2021-04-12 you were added to the "non_transactional" suppression list due to a "spam complaint". This can happen if you accidentally mark an email from us as spam. I am not familiar with the user interface of your host but sometimes it can be very confusing as to what button sends what feedback back to the originating email server.

So you too are on the suppression list, for "non_transactional". Which means as I understand it you should never have been getting any emails from us, as Sparkpost is very strict about not letting emails through to anyone that's on the list. Anyway, that would have been the trigger for you to get this message as well.

Why neither of you were removed from the "non_transactional" suppression list I will have to speak to the system author and work through this.

Thanks for the feebdack.
I haven't been using the site very much (about the last two years) until a few months ago. Part of this is due to having to reboot my computer (other reasons) and then having to log back in to the website. For some reason my password was not being recognized. I got tired of this and just stopped trying. I have had a new password working for two months or so now and have had no issues logging on.
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I see you edited this from "haven't received emails for years" to "email has always worked"... ok that changes things a little as your suppression list entry should have been stopping anything from getting to you previously. Let me dig a little deeper.
Yeah the thread notification emails stopped years ago. They have now started again. Can I stop them using the widget link you posted? I don't mind waiting a day or two as you noted.

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Can I stop them using the widget link you posted?
No, that tool will improve your email deliverability.

Use this in your preferences:



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From unreplyable post:
"A major update has been made to the email sending system.
"they are classed as "non transactional" and put into the same category as sales/bulk emails.
"Emails from the forum are now being sent as transactional.."

Again, jargon.

"Transactional" could be simple-explained as "we have a business-like relationship". "Email sent from one sender to one recipient, usually related to account activity or a commercial transaction. Examples include password reminder emails and purchase confirmations." If we have asked for forum activity notifications, we obviously want them to go through. While "commercial" is often mentioned it is not essential to the definition.

There's also Bulk Email, "spam". Today's crop: 'Forcing your woman to cheat', 'Special 5O% OFF', 'randomly selected!' We didn't ask for it, we don't want it, and decent mail-servers don't like it.
"Unlike transactional emails, marketing emails promote the same content to many at once. They have a lower engagement rate and may be marked as spam. Since engagement affects email deliverability, separating your transactional email service from your marketing emails can ensure it reaches your customers."

Jason is putting his system in order so it looks more like a reputable user service, less like a spammer.
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