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W:MAB8420 decoder for Philips cdp HELP!

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From old Philips 300/303 or Marantz 73 CD player I need decoder processor MAB 8420. Posibble versions include C006 and D011. Possibly other versions work as well. Mine got fried due to PSU failure. 🙁

For cash money or trade with other rare/obsolete Philips parts. How about a pair of TDA1540D DAC's?

The MAB8420 is a programable microprocessor, which means the chip can be programed for just about anything. I don't know what function p031 have, so I really can't say. Unless someone can provide some fact about the diferent numbers, I have to pass your offer at this time. I have found no usefull info online and the repair manuals doesn't state the program number, just "MAB8420"

I greatly appreciate your help. Btw. I'm going to visit Croatia this summer. For what I have heard, it's very beautifull.

Thanks again.
mab 8420 c006

I have the same problem with Mab8420c006.Becouse of my mistake i damege this ram+rom memory.I search for the meaning of c006 and found that this is diferent versions of software write by philips.i try with mab8420pc012 but it is not working.I read in a russion forum that p031 is analog but i cannot find it to change.Do you find any chip that is working with philips cd-300?Can you help me with my problem?
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