Vera-Link TWS Bluetooth Power Amp

Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member

Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
I connected the Vera-Link amp to drive my new Vanguard Archer speakers. Connected the BT from my laptop and found that I could drive it with a 1kHz generator from REW and took an RTA with my calibrated mic. The results show why this amp sounds so good. Doninant 2nd harmonic and decreasing higher orders. Almost like a SE Class A amp. The junk at lower frequencies is partly from ambient room noise from nearby furnace HVAC vent. .
Hi X

You need to edit the very important last line of post 1 … where to buy them
Currently leads to page not found

I found the correct page. Suggest you may want to edit that, to make it clear/ in case anyone is unsure that the price is for a stereo pair

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