UAC2.0 on STM32

After a pause I resume this project. I managed to get a couple of STM32F723 MCUs and made a board for tests. The board receives data without losses. SAI is clocked via external 49,152 MHz generator. If feedback is not used I can hear sound with not loud clicks on the background. If feedback is used the sound is much more worse than without it. So feedback implementation is wrong. I spent several days trying to correct feedback value calculation and have not succeeded yet, just don't understand what is wrong.
Feedback value estimation is based on a gap between Read and Write pointers. Read process starts when Write pointer = a half of buffer size. The idea is that gap value should always drift around a half of buffer size +/- one packet size. So if Read pointer is closer to Write pointer more than a half of buffer size when Write pointer > Read pointer, feedback value is incremented to increase data packet size. And if Write pointer is closer to Read pointer more than a half of buffer size when Read pointer > Write pointer, feedback value is decremented to decrease data packet size. But it works wrongly.

@bohrok2610 , could you please take a look on the feedback value estimation code?
/*     stream: 192 kHz / 32 bits
    BufferSize = 192 (bytes per nominal packet) * 80 (packets)
    AudioBuffer.HighPtrsGap = BufferSize / 2 + 192
    AudioBuffer.LowPtrsGap = BufferSize / 2 - 192
    feedback = 0x18 +/- 1

int8_t FBCorrection = 0;
if (AudioBuffer.rd_enable == 1)
    uint16_t PtrsGap;
    if (AudioBuffer.wr_ptr > AudioBuffer.rd_ptr)
        PtrsGap = AudioBuffer.wr_ptr - AudioBuffer.rd_ptr;
        if (PtrsGap > AudioBuffer.HighPtrsGap)
            FBCorrection = -1;
        else if (PtrsGap < AudioBuffer.LowPtrsGap)
            FBCorrection = 1;
    else// if (AudioBuffer.rd_ptr > AudioBuffer.wr_ptr)
        PtrsGap = AudioBuffer.rd_ptr - AudioBuffer.wr_ptr;
        if (PtrsGap > AudioBuffer.HighPtrsGap)
            FBCorrection = 1;
        else if (PtrsGap < AudioBuffer.LowPtrsGap)
            FBCorrection = -1;

AudioFB.Data[0] = 0;
AudioFB.Data[1] = 0;
AudioFB.Data[2] = AudioFB.Nominal + FBCorrection;
AudioFB.Data[3] = 0;
Your feedback implementation is a sort of bang-bang control. A proportional control should work better. The feedback value has 16.16 format. So instead of increasing/decreasing the feedback integer part you should slowly increase/decrease the fractional part. See chapter in USB 2.0 specification.
Yes. E.g. 48kHz @ bInterval=1 yields only 6 frames per packet. Then +/-1 frame would result in samplerate of 56kHz/40kHz, a huge jump. Typically the changes are tiny, to allow for small variations.

BTW in this matter the implicit feedback is much easier - the host driver just remembers what packet sizes were received from the device and uses the same stream of packets sizes for the transmission. The device can keep sending e.g. zeros, just timed at the DAC clock (it can send whatever was collected in the buffer between the IN packet intervals). Not available in the MS UAC2 driver though. Also not implemented by the linux audio gadget where it would be much more complicated due to processing in much larger chunks than with the microcontroller.
Implemented feedback value calculation by BCLK pulses counting by means of TIM2 between SOF interrupts. For 192 kHz @ 32 bits stream nominal pulse count is 1536. On the board I see values in range of 1530 - 1536, then convert them in 16.16 format. For example, value of 1534 BCLK pulses, that is 23,96875 frames, corresponds to 0x17F800 value in 16.16 format. Sound is clearer than before but not pure. Is there something else I must pay attention to? Any help would be appreciated.
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If the BCLK pulse counts are constantly below nominal it probably means that your SW is running too slow so you get buffer overruns. Feedback handling may slow it down even further which is why the sound is worse with FB. You could try lower sampling rates.

Your new FB implementation should work better but it may still be a bit abrupt. As I said earlier in this thread XMOS uses a moving average over 128 SOF periods.
If the BCLK pulse counts are constantly below nominal it probably means that your SW is running too slow so you get buffer overruns.
IIUC the BCLK as well as SOF timing are HW based and not related to the feedback value. As a result the BCLK pulse count between SOF will be more or less constant, regardless the feedback value.

The calculation seems correct to me. Lower BCLK => lower requested rate. The averaging is a very good point.

When checking performance of the feedback wireshark+packet capture and tshark get handy. These are commands I used for checking whether linux usb-audio driver was correctly applying implicit feedback for a given device:

IN packets:
tshark -r /tmp/usblog.pcap -Y 'usb.src == "2.3.1" and usb.transfer_type == 0x00 and usb.endpoint_address == 0x81' -T fields -e usb.iso.iso_len > /tmp/in_lengths.txt

OUT packets:
tshark -r /tmp/usblog.pcap -Y 'usb.dst == "2.3.1" and usb.transfer_type == 0x00 and usb.endpoint_address == 0x01' -T fields -e usb.iso.iso_len > /tmp/out_lengths.txt

tr ',' '\n' < /tmp/in_lines.txt  | sort | uniq -c
    684 40
 931484 48

tr ',' '\n' < /tmp/out_lengths.txt  | sort | uniq -c
932198 48

The numbers revealed that the driver was ignoring the feedback. While the device sent 684 of 40-byte packets and 931,484 of 48-byte packets, the driver did no adjustment and sent 932,198 of same-length 48-byte packets.

In the same way you can check what your USB driver is sending. Wireshark + tshark are multiplatform, the analysis pipeline can be performed by any method (linux, osx, cygwin, wsl, etc).
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Is it possible to debug the buffer under&overflow somehow? Like setting some GPIOs and monitoring them with a scope/digital analyzer? I have no practical experience with FPGA programming techniques :)
There are various ways to debug or monitor. E.g. debug output (printf) is possible via SWD. Or GPIOs could be used to light up leds.
BTW STM32 is a MCU, not FPGA.
What to do in DMA interrupts? Just copy from USB buffer to DMA buffer.
Depends entirely on the functionality. E.g. PCM output requires splitting the buffer for DL and DR. Also host may operate on different bit depth than SAI (e.g. 16/24 vs. 32).
P.S. And not to use HAL functions - this is what may slow the process.
No need to avoid USB OTG or SAI HAL as it is just a thin layer.
I mean - not to use HAL DMA&SAI functions inside the interrupts and other time critical points.
I HAD a troubles with this.

HAL is made as "universal library" for all kinds.
Small example - GPIO set:
void HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIO_TypeDef* GPIOx, uint16_t GPIO_Pin, GPIO_PinState PinState)
  /* Check the parameters */

  if(PinState != GPIO_PIN_RESET)
    GPIOx->BSRR = (uint32_t)GPIO_Pin;
    GPIOx->BRR = (uint32_t)GPIO_Pin;

But if you know exactly in which state you need to put a pin for what you need this "if"?
You can write GPIO->BSRR=GPIOPin; or GPIO->BRR=GPIOPin; - it will works twice faster.
Another example - HAL_DMA_IRQHandler(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma).
You can see how many thing are checked in this function, for all occasions! But, usually, many things are not related to a particular mode of operation and can be avoided.
In few projects, the standard function was too slow, so I made my own function My_HAL_DMA_IRQHandler(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma), which works much faster.
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Increase the optimization level to -O2 or -O3 if you haven't done so already.
Have tried different optimization levels, situation has not changed.
The best result I have is with the following feedback calculation. But background clicks still present, the sound is not pure. By means of debugger I can see Read pointer reaches Write pointer after 10200 - 10700 SAI transfers.
//AudioBuffer.Border = 192 (bytes) * 160 (packets)
//AudioBuffer.NominalPtrsGap = AudioBuffer.Border / 2 = 192 (bytes) * 80 (packets)

int32_t PtrsGap = AudioBuffer.wr_ptr - AudioBuffer.rd_ptr;
if (AudioBuffer.rd_ptr > AudioBuffer.wr_ptr)
    PtrsGap += AudioBuffer.Border;

if (PtrsGap > AudioBuffer.NominalPtrsGap)
    PtrsGap -= AudioBuffer.NominalPtrsGap;
    PtrsGap = AudioBuffer.NominalPtrsGap - PtrsGap;

uint32_t PtrsGapFrac = (PtrsGap * 65536) / AudioBuffer.NominalPtrsGap;

uint32_t FBValue = AudioFB.Nominal << 16;
if (PtrsGap > AudioBuffer.NominalPtrsGap)
    FBValue -= PtrsGapFrac;
    FBValue += PtrsGapFrac;

if (FBValue < 0x00170000)
    FBValue = 0x00170000;
else if (FBValue > 0x00190000)
    FBValue = 0x00190000;

AudioFB.Data[0] = FBValue;
AudioFB.Data[1] = FBValue >> 8;
AudioFB.Data[2] = FBValue >> 16;
AudioFB.Data[3] = FBValue >> 24;