
James Randi has been proven to be a fraud on more than one occasion. Trace his funding.

Always question the messenger.

Randi has little to do with the quoted article, true. But that idiot bugs my ***. His grasp of the depth of reality is miniscule at best. Just to add a comment that can balance some views of this 'guy', and his 'investigations'.

Always remember that physics, mathematics, etc, is an act of change, in motion, and has no static value or immutable law, WHATSOEVER. You appear to know this. Many of you seem to understand. Contrarily, down at the core, it appears to be a true state of obvious reality - that few accept. Much to their own loss. Hoisted by one's own petard. That innate desire of some physical aspects of neurochemistry and psychological make-up of be deeply ensconsed in a security of life of some sort, the encompasses perfection and immutability in everything they can reach.

Such insanity DEEPLY SICKENS ME. I literally come to the verge of being phsyically ill from the lack of understanding in the common man and many so-called scientists, on this specific aspect. Especially as it is well known that we, as humans, basically understand, at the highest levels of science, that ....we know almost nothing at all, of the depth of the nature of multi-dimesionality, and the whole of reality of what is beyond our fingertips.

I would like to say more, but most people's basic psychology will not accept such. I do accept such, as I do know, from hundreds of personal and direct experiences, in fact. There are some doorways we have to go through, individually. No other way works.

I urge you to open your mind and conduct your OWN investigations and conduct experiments based on your OWN ideas, thoughts, and inventiveness, etc.

Other than that, there isn't much to say. We will be careful around this subject, as it brings the wrath of the moderation down upon us. (for good reason) We might erupt into shall we say, low levels of exchange, or be far too entracted in our own spaces to respond in an erudite and reasonable manner.

Remember, the Navy is reinvestigating Cold fusion on it's own and has recently published articles in one of the most prestigious physics journals in Europe. One example out of thousands.

As for Bearden, and contrary arguments, I've no idea. I'm not involved, nor am I about to get involved. On either side. I merely mentioned the article might be found to be interesting, if one hopes to decipher the situation.

I neither dismiss, nor accept, anything I have not investigated in a direct and real personal manner.

But I am obviously not afraid to bring up the subject. Nor am I even remotely afraid to defend or define my position.

Point is, in the given article, the position of Morgan is well known. His behaviour over the years, and those involved in the situation was relatively obvious. Tons of bias and animalism - to say the least.

When reading that article (both articles), it should be noted that the history of science is absolutely loaded with deep bias and that no clear truth is evident in most of science, politics, religion or history of any kind. Science is loaded with egos and bias, in some ways, more than many other areas of endeavor, for scientific, mechanical, or mathematical skill in no way indicates a balanced psychology of the inventor, researcher, investigator, or recorder of said 'facts' or history. In some ways, the psychology can be more bent than in other areas of endeavor, for it is quite common for people conducting investigations into science to not be aware of the ego or id, at all. Blindsided, they can be. Not part of the curriculum, in 99% of the educations provided in that area, ie, science education itself. This is not a good thing. Dangerous, it can be.

Trace his funding.

Donations from people like me. If you've got evidence of the hands of the Illuminati or Elders of Zion, spill the beans.

I'm sorry, I don't recognize your description of physicists at all. If people being more interested in what's true than what's a lovely wish causes you to feel physically ill, I'd strongly recommend a couple of Maalox. Or Quaaludes, if there's girls around.
SY said:

Donations from people like me. If you've got evidence of the hands of the Illuminati or Elders of Zion, spill the beans.

I'm sorry, I don't recognize your description of physicists at all. If people being more interested in what's true than what's a lovely wish causes you to feel physically ill, I'd strongly recommend a couple of Maalox. Or Quaaludes, if there's girls around.

It was a great off the cuff ramble, SY. I thought you might like it as a composition at the least. Like a remarkably interesting looking stain, etc. Maybe I shoulda gone into politics.
Well, Sy, until I find the story again and frame the question/statement in a more correct manner, I will apologize, as you seem to like the guy. I believe the statement that links directly to your question is in a video back there, in this thread, that I linked to. :)

What can I say, full moon and all that.

Here's something a bit more in the spirit of a full moon. Great timing for it too.

A Roswell wintess (well involved) leaves a sworn deathbed affidavit.
Hutchinson and his bouncy items:

Dirty harmonics and levitation, in the book, "The bridge to infinity - harmonic", by Bruce Cathe. Ex., from page 139-146.

The Secrets Of Levitation

A New Zealand scientist recently gave me an intriguing extract from an article published in a German magazine, relating to a demonstration of levitation in Tibet. All the similar types of stories that I had read up until now were generally devoid of specific information necessary to prove the veracity of the account. In this case a full set of geometric measurements were taken, and I discovered, to my great delight, that when they were converted into their equivalent geodetic measures, relating to grid harmonics the values gave a direct association with those in the unified harmonic equations published in my earlier works. The following extracts are translations taken from the German article:

'We know from the priests of the far east that they were able to lift heavy boulders up high mountains with the help of groups of various sounds .. The knowledge of the various vibrations in the audio range demonstrates to a scientist of physics that a vibrating and condensed sound field can nullify the power of gravitation.

Swedish engineer Olaf Alexanderson wrote about this phenomenon in the publication, Implosion No. 13. The following report is based on observations which were made only 20 years ago in Tibet. I have this report from civil engineer and flight manager, Henry Kjelson, a friend of mine. He later on included this report in his book The Lost Techniques. This is his report:

A Swedish doctor, Dr Jarl, a friend of Kjelsons, studied at Oxford. During those times he became friends with a young Tibetan student. A couple of years later, it was 1939, Dr Jarl made a journey to Egypt for the English Scientific Society. There he was seen by a messenger of his Tibetan friend, and urgently requested to come to Tibet to treat a high Lama. After Dr Jarl got the leave he followed the messenger and arrived after a long journey by plane and Yak caravans, at the monastery, where the old Lama and his friend who was now holding a high position were now living.

Dr Jarl stayed there for some time, and because of his friendship with the Tibetans he learned a lot of things that other foreigners had no chance to hear about, or observe.

One day his friend took him to a place in the neighborhood of the monastery and showed him a sloping meadow which was surrounded in the north west by high cliffs.In one of the rock walls, at a height of about 250 metres was a big hole which looked like the entrance to a cave. In front of this hole there was a platform on which the monks were building a rock wall. The only access to this platform was from the top of the cliff and the monks lowered themselves down with the help of ropes.

In the middle of the meadow. about 250 metres from the cliff, was a polished slab of rock with a bowl like cavity in the centre. The bowl had a diameter of one metre and a depth of 15 centimeters. A block of stone was manoeuvred into this cavity by Yak oxen. The block was one metre wide and one and one-half metres long.

Then 19 musical instruments were set in an arc of 90 degrees at a distance of 63 metres from the stone slab. The radius of 63 metres was measured out accurately. The musical instruments consisted of 13 drums and six trumpets. (Ragdons). Eight drums had a cross-section of one metre, and a length of one and one- half metres. Four drums were medium size with a cross-section of 0.7 metre and a length of one metre. The only small drum had a cross-section of 0.2 metres and a length of 0.3 metres. All the trumpets were the same size. They had a length of 3.12 metres and an opening of 0.3 metres. The big drums and all the trumpets were fixed on mounts which could be adjusted with staffs in the direction of the slab of stone. The big drums were made of 3mm thick sheet iron, and had a weight of 150 kg. They were built in five sections. All the drums were open at one end, while the other end had a bottom of metal, on which the monks beat with big leather clubs. Behind each instrument was a row of monks.

When the stone was in position the monk behind the small drum gave a signal to start the concert. The small drum had a very sharp sound, and could be heard even with the other instruments making a terrible din. All the monks were singing and chanting a prayer, slowly increasing the tempo of this unbelievable noise.

During the first four minutes nothing happened, then as the speed of the drumming, and the noise, increased, the big stone block started to rock and sway, and suddenly it took off into the air with an increasing speed in the direction of the platform in front of the cave hole 250 metres high. After three minutes of ascent it landed on the platform. Continuously they brought new blocks to the meadow, and the monks using this method, transported 5 to 6 blocks per hour on a parabolic flight track approximately 500 metres long and 250 metres high. From time to time a stone split, and the monks moved the split stones away.

Quite an unbelievable task. Dr Jarl knew about the hurling of the stones. Tibetan experts like Linaver, Spalding and Huc had spoken about it, but they had never seen it. So Dr Jarl was the first foreigner who had the opportunity to see this remarkable spectacle. Because he had the opinion in the beginning that he was the victim of mass-psychosis he made two films of the incident. The films showed exactly the same things that he had witnessed. The English Society for which Dr Jarl was working confiscated the two films and declared them classified".

The fact that the films were immediately classified is not very hard to understand once the given measurements are transposed into their geometric equivalents.

It then becomes evident that the monks in Tibet are fully conversant with the laws governing the structure of matter, which the scientists in the modern day western world are now frantically exploring. It appears, from the calculations, that the prayers being chanted by the monks did not have any direct bearing on the fact that the stones were levitated from the ground. The reaction was not initiated by the religious fervour of the group, but by the superior scientific knowledge held by the high priests.

The secret is in the geometric placement of the musical instruments in relation to the stones to be levitated, and the harmonic tuning of the drums and trumpets. The combined loud chanting of the priests, using their voices at a certain pitch and rhythm most probably adds to the combined effect, but the subject matter of the chant, I believe, would be of no consequence.

The sound waves being generated by the combination were directed in such a way that an anti-gravitational effect was created at the centre of focus (position of the stones) and around the periphery, or the arc, of a third of a circle through which the stones moved. If we analyse the diagram published with the original article, then compare it with the modified diagram, we become aware of the following coordinates, and the implications, when compared with my previously published works. The distance between the stone block and the central pivot of the drum supports is shown as 63 metres. The large drums were said to be one and one half metres long, so the distance from the block to the rear face of each drum could be close to 63.75 metres considering that the pivot point would be near the centre of balance. My theoretical analysis, by calculator, indicates that the exact distance would be 63.7079 metres for the optimum harmonic reaction. I believe that there is not much doubt that the Tibetans had possession of the secrets relating to the geometric structure of matter, and the methods of' manipulating the harmonic values, but if we can grasp the mathematical theory behind the incident, and extend the application, then an even more fascinating idea presents itself. In my last book I mentioned the flying machines described in ancient records, that flew through the air with a melodious sound, and theorised that the sonic apparatus was tuned to the hal-monic unified equations. Now the Tibetans have given us a direct indication of how to construct a sonic propelled anti-gravitational flying machine. All that is necessary is to complete the circle of sonic generators, indicated by the drums, trumpets, etc., and we have a disc which creates an anti-gravitational lifting force at the centre. From this it would appear that a vehicle could be constructed that would resonate at frequencies in sympathy with the unified fields demonstrated throughout this work.

con't below.
connecting the dots.

1200 frequency microwave converts plastic products back to oil.

Making diamonds in the microwave. Same-same.

Universe is all light, or a 'hodge-podge' of billions of frequencies.Everything is a dirty harmonic of very high Freq. fundamentals.

I had figured that the universe was of 10 dimensions and and an 11th 'master' key type universe, or the 'nexus point' which all the others passed through. One dying as another was born, negative images, etc. who knows. The interactions at differeing levels creating the phenomena and forces we all know (And some deny). Made good mental fodder, at the time.

And Steorn shows it's magnetic device over the next few days, finally. Hard to stomp on them (if true) if they make big, wide band noises about it. The more public, the better. Gotta love those Scots. Been doing it with planned direction, since the 12th century. Maybe this is more of the same.

You might note that the most successful folks in these endeavors always use a 'molecular slurry' (open, uncontained fields, ie, pure energy fields) and never resort to frozen lattice structures. Like wire. (wire, steel, etc, is a frozen oriented lattice structure, practically useless-unless applied correctly) The earth itself uses fields from materials that are totally free from being frozen into lattice structures. Bearden's toy, for example, uses a nanocrystalline core, not any laminations of lattice strtuctured 'frozen' metals. This provides for multiple effects, which layers the system in nests of tangental effects. Ie, aetheric and gravitational.

Like Moray creating massive amounts of capacitance by resonating at key frequencies (which can be found by very simple experimentation) a dielectric, in his capacitors, which consisted of pure crushed quartz. Create the resonant sensitive (shaped, etc) device, scale the frequencies, find the resonance..Done! You now have a resonant multi-farad High frequency capacitive cavity that is about 100-1000 times smaller than you normally would, according to most theory. It doesn't suffer from the same LCR issues as other capacitors, either, in some very important ways.

Pretty darned straightforward, really.
Moray's crushed quartz as a high frequency resonant capacitor with huge F rating?

In today's news....:

High-performance Energy Storage
Science Daily — North Carolina State University physicists have recently deduced a way to improve high-energy-density capacitors so that they can store up to seven times as much energy per unit volume than the common capacitor. High performance capacitors would enable hybrid and electric cars with much greater acceleration, better and faster steering of rockets and spacecraft, better regeneration of electricity when using brakes in electric cars, and improved lasers, among many other electrical applications.

A capacitor is an energy storage device. Electrical energy is stored by a difference in charge between two metal surfaces. Unlike a battery, capacitors are designed to release their energy very quickly. They are used in electric power systems, hybrid cars, and all kinds of electronics.

The amount of energy that a capacitor can store depends on the insulating material in between the metal surfaces, called a dielectric. A polymer called PVDF has interested physicists as a possible high-performance dielectric. It exists in two forms, polarized or unpolarized. In either case, its structure is mostly frozen-in and changes only slightly when a capacitor is charged up. Mixing a second polymer called CTFE with PVDF results in a material with regions that can change their structure, enabling it to store and release unprecedented amounts of energy.

The team, led by Vivek Ranjan, concluded that a more ordered arrangement of the material inside the capacitor could further increase the energy storage of new high-performance capacitors, which already store energy four times more densely than capacitors used in industry. Their predictions of higher energy density capacitors are encouraging, but have yet to be experimentally tested.

Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by American Physical Society.

hmm...seems the stuff has polarization and piezoelectric properties. Gee. Moray got about 1000 times more capacitance as suggested by 'theory' by utilizing such effects. Well, don't seem so ridiculous now, does it?

Do your homework, and use your brain, don't attack the messenger. It's called deduction. Don't angrily deride things - but try them on for size and see where they go. It isn't easy at times but stick with it, sooner or later it becomes clear.

I was never angry with the messenger of a given idea or thought. I always became angry with myself for not being able to figure it out. Eventually I did figure it out, simply because I stuck with it. I also came quite quickly to the understanding that specialization, or narrow viewpoints in the sciences (single field of specialization) are not favorable to figuring these things out. One must be a generalist, and pull in as much information from many different areas as is possible. Speculate as to the given possible outcome and associated properties and then go look for that effect or thing in other fields of endavor.

PVDF has a glass transition temperature (Tg) of about -35oC and is typically 50-60% crystalline. To give the material its piezoelectric properties, it is mechanically stretched to orient the molecular chains and then poled under tension. PVDF exists several forms: alpha (TGTG'), beta (TTTT), and gamma (TTTGTTTG') phases, depending on the chain conformations as trans (T) or gauche (G) linkages.

One does simply not need to be a specialist and scientist in the given areas, one must simply have a deep grasp of the fundamentals of physics and what they truly mean. And once again, the cutting edge of science is not in any textbook, anywhere. We find this out quite quickly on our first job after being relased from college or university. All we have at that point, is a diaper that is shaped like our diploma. Then the real learning begins, if it is a research job or similar.

To give you an example. I am currently associated with a company that has a coatings labratory, ie coatings development.

A few months back I recieved a call from a SPECTRAL CHEMIST..and he wanted to use the coatings for a video screen. Try to convinve that guy whay our product is the best in the world. That was no problem for me, I actually, for the first time, got to explain the depth of the truth of the matter to someone who knew what I was saying.

I, with no real formal education beyond my technical degree in electronics, but equipped with a very inquisitive mind, then began to speak with him on the nature of the extreme complexity and multi-diciplinary nature of his job/vocation. I explained to him, in an effort to see if I was correct....everything I know about the nature of light, molecular sciences, magentism, electricity, chemicals, chemical reactions, color, dielectric considerations, electrostatic charge issues, molecular sizing vs light wavelengths, interference effects, etc, etc. Specifically, how all that contributes to the complexity of coatings design, for purposes of 'light reflection', etc. It's a hobby, for the moment. Build a master key that fits into any given science. Go after the fundamentals.

All my understandings come purely from deduction based on small reports of effects, conditions, etc from a vast array of bits and pieces...from every ******* dicipline in physics and science that exists under the sun. I almost always...ONLY go for the anomalous effects that cannot be explained, as this is where the true understanding of things really lies. For the vast majority of times, a misunderstood or anomalous effect in a given area of scientific endeavor rears it's head, in a slightly different way, in OTHER areas of research. Almost 100% of the time, this turns out to be true. Due to the effect of being a different application and area, this can and usually does, provide a stereoscopic point of analysis, which leads to other points of understanding. Which eventually makes the unknown very much a KNOWN.

I was told by him that I was correct in all matters, and that I was right at the cutting edge of the science of that area of endavor..and that the things we can't commit to print for peer review (very contentious) but are well known!!!... are 100% on target. He and I were on the same page. We were both standing in a field of UNRECORDED AND UNTESTED unknowns (Ie, no math in a textbook on the given item) ....but actually KNOWN PHENOMENA... only knowing that furthuring ourselves, meant standing in that field of unknowns and working from there.

So do your homeworkand whatever you do, don't specialize to much. It can lead to narrow views. :)
Has anyone here ever heard of a "Dynamo Pit?"

My old prof told me they needed them..for when they designed a dynamo..and the things would go into 'runaway'..and go to insane speeds. And blow them selves apart with MUCH force. Basically..a concrete box in the ground..with a heavy metal (thick steel sheet) lid.

Just think about that for a while. My old prof said that with a little smile on his face. Sometimes the designs had to be altered because of the total 'runaway' of a given highly efficent design.

Why were these dynamos accelerating to insane RPMs and blowing to pieces???


In case you guys wonder how serious this stuff is and how tightly it is held..I was directly asked, in person, to my face, today, in my someone who does work for every 3 letter acronym named organization in the US defence, intelligence, etc groups..if I was building anything dangerous. I said no, I'm not interested in anything that can be converted into a weapon.

And you don't think these folks pay attention.

Don't ever kid yourself.

Back to the fun stuff.

Lentz law. or is it lenz law? I dunno one of them, any way. The bit about dropping a magnet down a copper tube. Or an aluminum tube, for that matter.

Interesting thing about that. If the copper or aluminum was liquid....the rule or effect would NOT apply.