This is what Really Causes Heart Disease

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Here are some from that link.

Maybe all they have are bunch of speculations probably because they don't have anything conclusive. :(
Perhaps you could apply analysis to the seminal research paper that is the basis of the article.

You've already expressed broad scepticism regarding dietary research. Time for you to present a rigorous counter claim, and have its merits tested.
He's not wrong in being incredulous of most dietary studies. Although I don't restrict my own skepticism to just that field.

Nor does being published in Science give too much credence, as it's a journal that prides itself in being on the cutting edge, and therefore susceptible to a lot of speculation.
One elephant in the room is modern chemicals...the flame retardant on your sofa, the chems in your shampoo, etc etc.
The other biggie is pesticides (herbicides, insecticides and fungicides) in and on our foods.
These include organophosphates and not to be forgotten are fungicides (carbamates) which are used widely but seldom mentioned, especially with glyphosate/dicamba discussions holding focus.
Many if not most pesticides are endocrine disruptors, in addition to causing inflammatory responses which could flow onto causing or increasing cardiac conditions.
Pesticides also cause change in gut microbiome.
Noteworthy is that the acinobacter bacteria in ACV metabolises Glyphosate and enables expulsion from the body.

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The problem with exercise is that for most people in a modern society, you have to make yourself do it. It no longer comes naturally to people in urban areas or big cities in the USA. The infrastructure is not laid out to support it. Euorpe is much more supportive of walking and bicycling.

Johnson City claims it is a "Bicycle Friendly" City. But you can't get on a bicycle path and go from the south of the city to the north on a contiguous path, nor can you go east to west. There are few actual bicycle lanes and they are disjoint.

Fortunately, the Tweetsy Trail bicycle/walking/jogging path is only a half mile from my house, so I ride it several times a week (as in any day it is not raining).
This just popped up on must be true.

Tell me more.....

When behavioural patterns of nicknames is similar I look at profiles, when, what, and in which topics they were posting...

Enough, let's go back to the topic.

Integrative and Functional medicines are different schools, both try to systematize wast data in the medical field. They have both own successes. Integrative medicine merges disciplines, Functional medicine finds root causes of symptoms that were treated before unsuccessfully.


  • smallminds.jpg
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When behavioural patterns of nicknames is similar I look at profiles, when, what, and in which topics they were posting...

Enough, let's go back to the topic.

Integrative and Functional medicines are different schools, both try to systematize wast data in the medical field. They have both own successes. Integrative medicine merges disciplines, Functional medicine finds root causes of symptoms that were treated before unsuccessfully.

Or it's a load of well intentioned baloney. Where are the efficacy studies? All that you've written is a load of marketing and absolutely nothing of substance.
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When behavioural patterns of nicknames is similar I look at profiles, when, what, and in which topics they were posting...

Enough, let's go back to the topic.

Integrative and Functional medicines are different schools, both try to systematize wast data in the medical field. They have both own successes. Integrative medicine merges disciplines, Functional medicine finds root causes of symptoms that were treated before unsuccessfully.

Your quote is about people exactly:
It is quite ironical, and very funny indeed.

The pharmaceutical industry is, above anything, a huge business.
Your quote is about people exactly:

Yes, because I answered the question about people.
I understand that when I stubbornly refuse to change my mind, my opponents can **** off. But when they routinely attack personalities, try to humiliate, play on public instead of discussing the topic, they go to my ignore list. And before doing that I go to their profile to check what they were posting before, and if indeed they were not contributing anything useful, I proceed with adding their nicknames to the list.
Your quote is about people exactly:
It is quite ironical, and very funny indeed.

The pharmaceutical industry is, above anything, a huge business.

The double irony is that the originator and one the most vocal proponents of "functional medicine" both have supplement companies. I know at least one of them has been skewered by the FTC for false claims. Confidence inspiring...
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Anything is "functional" as long as it makes money. They sell you food that makes you fat, then sell diet products, supplements, and "ask your doctor about" medicines that cost your insurance company $600 a month. It's all a racket - every last bit of it. Sell sell sell sell. And if you don't buy into it - it makes you some sort of a terrorist, right?
The problem with exercise is that for most people in a modern society, you have to make yourself do it. It no longer comes naturally to people in urban areas or big cities in the USA. The infrastructure is not laid out to support it. Euorpe is much more supportive of walking and bicycling.

Then ride on the shoulder of the highway and dare anybody to mess with you. I got bumped by a trailer cab last week and everybody behind saw it. Stayed upright. And then nobody gave me any more grief the rest of the way. Normally I'd have been buzzed at least 2 or 3 more times.
When behavioural patterns of nicknames is similar I look at profiles, when, what, and in which topics they were posting...

Enough, let's go back to the topic.

Integrative and Functional medicines are different schools, both try to systematize wast data in the medical field. They have both own successes. Integrative medicine merges disciplines, Functional medicine finds root causes of symptoms that were treated before unsuccessfully.
That's hilarious. You include an image, without a hint of irony, which undercuts your own position.

He's not wrong in being incredulous of most dietary studies. Although I don't restrict my own skepticism to just that field.

Nor does being published in Science give too much credence, as it's a journal that prides itself in being on the cutting edge, and therefore susceptible to a lot of speculation.

Fair point. What was offered is an answer to the thread, with at least some attempt at rigor in testing the hypothesis. There's little tolerance for puffery in Science, where retractions are published.

I don't see the same approach applied in most of the "Modern medicine is bad for you" claims.

There does seem to be a good deal of pouting from those proselytizing, when challenged.

"My wife is an endocrinologist"...[emoji243][emoji90]
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