This is what Really Causes Heart Disease

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There is a middle ground even in this world of extremist views.
That's the false equivalence fallacy.

You can move "middle ground" by staking out the most extreme position you like.

The concern here is that desperate people are often taken in by grand, untestable claims.

Read about the Blue Zone, and be wary of any quick fixes - they come and go.

If you're under a physician's cardiac care, before participation in alternative treatments, consult your doctor about drug interaction with supplements.

Lastly, consider the source regarding internet expertise - if there's no peer review - [emoji251]&[emoji237]show.
Yes raw meat seems preferable (if possible) to cooked meat.
If you've known no different it's not an issue
I've had both. We concentrate on the foodstuffs but ignore the other factors (strenuous activity in cold climate) that accompany the diet.

It bears mentioning that Canada's "first Nations" abandon these rigorous, restrictive diets in favor of food you don't need to catch.

The healthiest people, over the longest recorded period eat plenty of greens, collect most of their own meals and spend little time sitting.

Beware anyone offering simple solutions.
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The ELIXIR.....that's what I call it !

I'll post it soon. First I must mention how we applied it.

1. There is the original PDF which tell us how to make it , as done a long time ago.

2. We reasoned we cannot do this easily and there must be a simpler way. They boil the mixture a lot in the original text. One of the reasons could be that they couldn't store it for long in the old days. The shelf life is very short. Boiling kills all bacteria. Traditionally most local medicines are boiled !
Note that a friend tried making it the original way and it didn't help any better. It also caused a lot of logistic problems and smelly vessels etc. So it doesn't seem worth it when the simpler way works very well.

3. You can taste the mixture which is actually pretty nice . Even if stored in the refrigerator it's taste changes slowly and by the 3rd day you can easily see it tastes slightly different. So 3 days is the max after which potency would drop rapidly. If you read about garlic you will find that it's chemical composition changes continuously after all the cells are broken. Most are still medicinally useful but for different purposes. You can't stop it but you can slow it down by cooling ! That's probably why it starts tasting different. We make it fresh every 3 days !

4. How much do you take and how often ? There is no record of all this. We made the following rules !:D

If you are really bad ( what ever reason !) you can take it up to 5 times a day. If you have acidity problems or have a delicate stomach , it must be taken along with food. One person added a large pinch of Sodium Bicarbonate to neutralise the vinegar and took it. She had severe acidity problems. After doing this it was fine AND WORKED for her!

Typically you take a teaspoonful or tablespoon full. Taking more doesn't speed up anything ! You might just end up overdoing it ! Funnily it tastes very nice as it is. If you dilute it with water it doesn't taste so good......but you can do this if you want to.

Somebody mentioned bleeding nose. Remember that garlic thins the blood. So may not be a good idea to take it while the bleed is still there. But you can skip garlic for some time though the mixture without it will probably not do all it can !
The lime is used whole without seeds. The skin is important too. This is 'lime' not 'lemon' . They are smaller and more sour in taste.

I'll find the files tomorrow and post them. Just ensure all the individual items don't cause you any problem before you take them. The only one I have so far come across is the acidity part which was solved with a little sodium bicarbonate.

I forgot to add how long does one take this mixture. Well we don't know.:)
Basically 2 months at a stretch seems good. Three if things are bad. Then you break for a couple of weeks and if you want you can start another cycle again. I have had it once for 5 months at a stretch and then stopped for 4 months. Since then I take it when ever I feel " I'm not feeling good enough, or there is some problem ". I always use Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar. We don't get anything else as good over here. Unfiltered and unpasteurised with mother of vinegar in it. Here all local brands taste sweet and like dilute and acidic apple juice ! So use a good brand.
My general rule is to take it continuously for 2 months every six months if all's well. You can increase it if you are having a problem. Remember the blood vessel walls keep getting coated with time. So if you intervene every six months it should stay relatively clean most of the time.

What problems does it help with ? We know some but not all ! So if you think you are NOT OK , try it if the ingredients don't cause you any problems. Never know what it will do.

Later I could give you stories of arthritis, cancer related things, aches and pains, damaged bones, painful muscles , heart of course etc. So we really don't know what all it can do ! Try it !You have nothing to loose. Maybe if you want to, you can tell your doc you are going to take this mixture. Most alopathic doc's scoff at it ! That's what they do here !:)

You need to remember that apart from helping your immune system with a clean blood vessel wall, the ingredients themselves have strong medicinal value !
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There aren't too many variables, so we concentrate on the main one- what you put in your pie-hole. Then there's activity level (exercise) and pills. IMO, you can't medicate your way to health if everything else is bad. Now, I've go no special insight, but it seems when you go in a grocery store, 80%+ of what's there is stuff you should never ever eat. When did anybody decide it was a good thing to eat sand? Yup, fine silica is added to all sorts of things, but they don't even need to disclose it anymore. Agricultural products are now optimized for disease, pest resistance and maximum yield, not how good they are for you. Maybe the cause of much disease is big business?
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Would you guys like to listen to a lecture on how modern medicine is generally bad for us and other related things? Lecture by an eminent globally known doctor . If so I'll find the link and put it up here. I don't want to waste peoples time if they don't want to hear such things.
I'm tempted to try this, I suspect I have poor circulation, I have slightly high blood pressure and I suffered a very severe nosebleed this week, I 've been in hospital for 3 days, had to have it cauterised and the doctor has given me a 2 week sick note. So, sounds trivial but was/is quite serious

Honestly, i am very sorry to hear. But it's hard to take much seriously that wouldn't be on the NHS website. Poor circulation and high blood pressure are unfortunately common.

But outside of medical interventions to manage more immediate issues, the best lever you have is diet and exercise. And you have to play the long game which requires a huge amount of discipline to not lose sight of the goal.

Best of luck. Really.
Inuit Article:


Tip: For articles behind paywalls, often if one goes to the personal webpage of one of the authors it may be possible to find an unadvertised copy of the article freely available for download.
Here are some from that link.
Another study found evidence that adaptation to the traditional hypoglycemic diet of Greenlandic Inuit may have favored a mutation in TBC1D4 that affects glucose uptake and occurs at high frequency only among the Inuit (3). However, knowledge about the genetic basis of human adaptation to cold climates and lipid-rich diets remains limited. Motivated by this, we performed a scan for signatures of genetic adaptation in the population of Greenland. The Inuit ancestors of this population arrived in Greenland less than 1000 years ago (4), but they lived in the Arctic for thousands of years before that (5). As such, they have probably adapted to the cold Arctic climate and to their traditional diet, which has a high content of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) derived from seafood (6) and a content of omega-6 PUFAs that is lower than in Danish controls (7).
Maybe all they have are bunch of speculations probably because they don't have anything conclusive. :(
Would you guys like to listen to a lecture on how modern medicine is generally bad for us and other related things? Lecture by an eminent globally known doctor . If so I'll find the link and put it up here. I don't want to waste peoples time if they don't want to hear such things.
Sure. That should be entertaining. Do include links to the good doctor's qualifications.
Here are some from that link.
Nearly all of the Inuit in Nielsen's study had variances in these genes that researchers think slow down the body's natural production of omega-3 and omega-6 fats. "We saw that the Inuit have such a high diet of omega-3s, so they produce much less of it themselves," Nielsen says. And the genes seem to play a role in lowering levels of LDL cholesterol, the bad kind that's linked to heart disease.

Nielsen thinks these genes helped Inuit ancestors survive in the brutal cold near the North Pole and stay healthy on a diet of almost exclusively fat and protein. And he thinks the genes are mostly unique to humans living in this environment.
I think this again is a speculation.

My main reason for the inquiry was about others that can't handle the high fat diet, posted by Mike Gergen. I'm curious about what happens as a result of can't handle.
The Inuit can handle high fat. Other genetic backgrounds can't.

Perhaps I should wait for him to respond...
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