This is the DHR.... Dx High Resolution Turbo

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Selenium factory is old here...more than 50 years producing speakers

I do not think they are high end as some Europeans and USA speaker.... comparing to English ones (Best ones if think) they are not very good.

The price is good, they are reasonable to good...but not very good, nor excelent.

Bravox is better...but also, price is it's best point.... sounds fine, better than reasonable, touching the good..but not very good, not even excelent... maybe good.

Bravox produces in enormous ammounts and all Brazilian automobile comes with Bravox speaker...well made...look good.... some of them waterproof, weatherproof.... can face sunligth, heat and all types of weather...and sound is nice.

I do not think they can be called high end...but also does not reproduce unpleasant sound.

Good price... the performance is very good considering the price is so cheap, and the sound is not so we can promote to very good when we know how much they cost...for a bargain, the sound is really very good.

We use both...some States uses 220VAC, others use 120VAC..... 60 hertz... my home town, Rio de Janeiro is 120, in the Northeast, voltage is 220 Volts


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Carlos, the reason I'm asking is beacuse I worked in pulp and paper mill in Poland, now International Paper Kwidzyn S.A. I had seen a lot of celulose pulp on Voiht pulp machines (Sao Paulo Voiht comes to mind); much different than the Voight ldspkr, especially known in SE Tube audio community. Pulp as we all know, together with many majic ingreediens make half of the world cones produced for loudspkrs. Brasil know for many exotic woods in the rain forest could make some v. interesting cones - thought I think protecting the forest from the deforestation is v. worthwhile, David Suzuki domain, I just know that pulp and paper industry is quite inneficient (wood, water). Poland has its own spkr factory in Wrzesnia for local market (HT), however it also makes some products for other firms eg. Mission?, Pioneer, etc. but not in the Seas, Scan, Vifa range.
My mother visited Rio 2 yrs ago. - not easy to live there comparing with Canada. The Ethanol fuel - something others could learn from. What is it mainly made from?
P.S. The Brasilian Bravox side looks way better. Who makes the electronics for them. I'm very surprised and it's not CHINESE! The best sounding car I was in is Earl's BMW: B&W, Milbert. Very nice sounding car, an hour in it wasn't enought and Earl is a v. nice person, unlike many snobs in their Hi-SPL boom boxes on wheels. Canadas winter is too harsh on cars, so many don't survive more than 15 years - hi-end car audio is for the rich.
Carlos to which company or products would you compare Bravox products quality wise? I know it's not a Hi-End but doesn't look bad at all. I had TC90 TDX, 5NV4212 Focals slapted in to regular CD changer, also Vifa D25 Aluminium tw. with chamber, played OK.
Ethanol is made using Sugar Cane, and this is our tradition, since the discovery

We used sugar cane to produce, naturally, sugar.

And now a days we produce MDF, Medium Density Fiber boards using sugar cane too.

Sugar cane is better than corn, produces much more ethanol than corn.

Bravox drivers sounds alike JBL woofers.... do not know the one produces woofers to JBL.

Brazilian woofers, some of them, are noisy... you connect sinus signal, 8 hertz (we cannot listen 8 hertz) an them the speaker moves and you will listen mechanicall movement noises, when you cannot listen.

Chinese is evoluting very fast, now a days they look alike Japanese during the sixties....Japanese started producing cheap and bad products too, and they they became the industrial power you know.... Chinese is doing the same.... Chinese speakers, some of them, are very good (noiseless).

Sony drivers use to have too much soft suspension (centering spider)..when you drive them hard they jump out from the magnetic core.

Brazilians have readed Suonno Magazine during the eigthies, there, they made high speed movies/photography about speaker cones moving.... the cones distorts...twist because the aceleration.... we do cones strong and ligthweight to avoid this kind of distortion...when cone twist, coil angle changes, and this creates problems.... the fiber alignment and the cone shape, with axial and coaxial reinforcements avoids cone to bend.... i strongly appreciate my people because of that..we learn, we test and we use the researches made in other countries.

Paper factories smells a lot.... we have some towns that looks alike hell, because enormous paper factories are there (Klabin).... people there receive triple payment, factories offers school, clubs and other things, as people hate to be sniffing all that terrible smell.

We plant Eucaliptus, that three has grey colour in their vertical wooden portion... factory has enormous land, and then they remove threes and plant removed and then 5 planted.

We are the world, alike US... we have all countries inside this same father best friend was an importer from Polland..he scaped from the World War II, Heindrich Merenholz, he was a Jew.... we have all people here..we welcome everybody...also we accept they keep their language, religion, culture and tradition, they build their own town and we do not mess with them....we go only to hunt, their lovely daugthers.


Brazilians use to be social, friendly and a very peacefull people...we do not like to figth, we do not accept military intervenctions and we do not like to see Cuba the way it is (poor and alone)... when someone starts a figth inside our communitty, people talk one to the other, meeting happens and the one exceed in agressivity suffer group pressure to keep calm and stop figth immediatelly...we accept people that dislike others, and do not talk with others, but people that screams, shouts, and starts physical figth is unaceptable here..... our movies have not violence... we do not sell toy guns to kids..we do not stimulate violence..... this is our best quality and our biggest defect..we do not react against government too...we trust too much.

You love to talk.... me too..but forum rules forces us to keep some track in the thread main subject, amplifier in this, will reduce answer lengthes to reduce off topic.

This does not means i dislike you...exactly the opposite...means i have to obbey rules.


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If i could, pliedtka, my threads would have 10 social posts and one technicall posts

but forum is not mine, say, does not belong to me, i do not create rules.... i have to obbey them.

Was nice to deviate a little from technicall only conversations.

But we have to control ouselves..we have speaker forum for that purpose..and also other foruns....maybe we have some chat room too... i am not sure if we have that....but soon we gonna have because it is a need. (if we do not have).

I cannot complain... management is tollerant with me... they do not use to bother me.... but i have to control things, or this can change.... i have to impose myself some limits, as i love to make social relationships.

Chat room, typing or with audio should be very good, in special if not monitored by moderators...i have some nice words to say to some forum folks (@*#&#%@%¨#¨)


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I think its related to the topic if we think this way...

It is good to know that which speaker performs well with this amp... so it should be under this thread.. i dont know.. anyone can argue about this in different aspects.. and I have to agree with uncle charly that the final decision will be taken by moderators...

In my country it is hard to find branded speakers in a shop.. even if they are available I cant afford due to high pricing.. But there are a lot of chines speakers are coming to the market which are very cheep and they are improving quality everyday.. I got a pair of 5 inch mission speakers which are made in china or Malaysia .. sound so perfect with DX.. even the bass is like driving 8 or 10 inch woofers..

and also I agree with uncle charly that there are poor quality chines speaker are also available among those.. you must aware of that too.. anyway im using "woofer tester 2"
that helps me to select speakers and make enclosures accordingly...
whatever it is finally you should practically listen to them to feel the real effect and DX amps are good enough for most of the speakers I have right now..
I will visit thank you dear Lycanlk

I will search and research..... we can try to fool them....but it is hard...all them very clever (moderators)..... we can twist things this way....speaker for Dx amplifiers.

ahahahahahah!... twisting..but really pulling their legs.... they will perceive but will let us free for a couple of posts.... but when we exceed 5 times...hehehehe, they use to come.

A matter of fact is that sounds depends from speakers and home acoustics...this can destroy sonics of the opposite..something to research.

I cannot point you high level speakers, i cannot afford to buy these ones, also we have not in Brasil..... my country has importation taxations..and it reaches 100 percent when we have something alike in have hundreds of brands... São Paulo is an industrial giant town, and we have having something alike (speakers), the imported arrive here with three to four times the price you pay in the US or Europe.

Really, i think i will not be able to help you too point these things..but i can talk about speakers..or..what i think about them..the style, the suspension and things alike..will think about it.

Speakers to Dx amplifiers...will see if moderators turn the double barreled to other spot.

Picture is:

- Dx TriAmp in construction, upgrading and updating, Dx Blame ES boards, plus Dx Amplifier board (one channel), active filter, line level, active crossover, 24db and a single supply (100 watts of audio, rms audio..single supply this time ( i need the transformers were used in the former Dx TriAmp)




  • Blame+DxTriAmp+active crossover, 24dB, line level.jpg
    Blame+DxTriAmp+active crossover, 24dB, line level.jpg
    837.7 KB · Views: 817
Well.... they are promoting the amplifier.... good advertising

I am not exploring this as a business.... so, others may do.

If they think i have some right about, they know how to find me.

Alike this one i can create others, and i did it, and some are much let them play with this one.

Price is very good..the amplifier is nice too...they will sell thousands.....maybe i will buy too!


hello to all that i "met" trough reading this looong post. I accidentaly found this thread and started reading 7 hours ago and Im finally done!! First i want to say thanks to all the members that contributed to this forum about the Dx project. Beautilully designed power amp which i cant wait to make. I have two 18" speakers for which im making enclosures and the amp that will drive them will definitly be This monster that u people thread about...
Another thing is that i learned more for audio amplifiers in theese 7 hours of reading the forum, than in my entire life. Thank You very much for the thorought explanation
from Mr Carlos and all other members....
So, the first thing i will do is to make the PCB, and the second is to buy the parts... So, ill ask one question to SAKIS.
Mr Sakis, do you live in Athens? And if U live there can u please tell me where can i find stores from which i could buy the parts from. Adress or website would be great. The reason im asking is that my father lives there and im planing on going to Athens in close future. Not that i cant find the parts here, but i think there ill find more quality....
Thank You very much..
Joined 2002
Paid Member
i really respect your attitude towards that ebay kit. if i saw something i designed i would probably not mind either.

if we did this for money we would have right?

Very interesting... :)

It's funny seeing a close copy of the PCB and a link to the website on ebay. I wonder if Carlos and I can get a good discount. :D

I notice they are calling it a class A amp.

Of course this is not decent, not correct, not fair....but

Observing by another point of view, i can see some advantage to myself.... i said once, and i continue with this dream, to have one Dx amplifier in each audiophile home (off course this is almost impossible), but, this guy, beeing Chinese, producing by small price, selling thousands, will make part of my dream comes true.

I am not exploring this as a business, and the main reason why is because Brazilian Mail system that is asking a registered Company to send Gods to outside country, also they want to tax my boards...also the mail costs are enormous.... too much bureaucracy and high costs to spread boards all over the world.

People use to come to me asking for boards.... if i was selling, more than 500 units would have been sold these last years...... as i am not doing that...let the Chinese guy advertise the amplifier for me.

If i had power to stop this man, even this way i would not stop him, i would help him to spread these boards and increase his sales...because my name is there, he will make me famous, and this will have a future use.

I have a dream, to open a factory, a real Corporation, and them, if this happens one day...the brand will be famous, and this guy is helping me a lot.

To make others, better, is not difficult..he can be with this one ..... i can make others, well, i have already made, and i continue with ideas to make even better.

You see, even Doctor Nelson Pass, our main gênius, is using bootstrapp now a days..everybody knows bootstrapp sounds great!... and soon others will use triple amplification too..wait and you gonna see that happening.

MJL21193 is one guy that made this way, do not know if he made first or not...but you see that good guys use these, as i want to be good, i will use these ideas too...... this was used since 1972...i am not the one have created this..i just perceive it great.

Why?..... two frequencies together, beat together and produces a second one that is these first ones added, also the diference of these frequencies, and also harmonics......if you offer, to amplifiers, smaller bandwidth, then you will have less frequencies to beat one to the other..very simple!

Now i have an single board, active filter input, bass, mids and highs, active crossover 24dB (already testing the circuit), stereo crossover, and then 6 amplifiers inside.... switching mode supply with a new idea that mix digital switching mode with electrolitic condenser banks in the output, a bank to each power amplifier...and a interesting way to have the supply with the same analogic supply caracteristics...(ahahahahah!) some lovely voltage drop, enormous surge of current to peaks (condensers) and marvellous voltage drop (resistance in series)..... Dx in development delayed insertion (DID), short circuit protection using discrete parts, relays and a lot of leds flashing (nice!)

ALL IN A SINGLE BOARD!... the ultimate, super smasher, world wide best sonics.

A friend will produce speakers in Rio Grande do Sul, extreme Brasil South...using big digital controled machinery.... and these three way may fit.

From speaker three cables will go to the amplifier, one cable direct to bass driver, other to squawker and other to tweeter.

Bahhh!.... let the Chinese advertise Dx Standard...i have much better ideas..let the man fix the brand name in people other words, he will be working advertising...and will do that to me, almost for free.

My mind is boiling, shacking with so many ideas that i am loosing the will to sleep.

Also metering ideas in my mind.... circuit for VU metering, analogic VU metering.

Forum figthers gave me ideas, during their hard discussions..i have learned a lot because their i am a creating machine, working full power... and happy as a kid knowing that i can do a lot!


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