The Weather

You know when two cats meet and make love
Cats don't make love, they ****. Have you ever heard them at night?
I enjoyed the days where the air temperature was at 42°c here. But I was at the clinic, so I wasn't allowed to go outside much. :p
People who like 42º belong in a clinic. Hopefully what you're saying is, you liked to be in the room with A/C and tell people it was 42º outside.
Salted roads in summer, what next.
Salt on the rim of your glass? Both seem a bit odd n'cest pas?
When I was 17 I bought a 1965 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX for $100. Anyone remember the reverb units those 60's Pontiacs had? Scared the bleep out of my passengers when I hit the railroad tracks at warp speed. The sound made by smacking the reverb springs happened even if the radio was off.

The reverb unit got trashed, but the tank (spring unit) went into a GUITAR AMP. The factory radio went in the trash too and a QUADRAPHONIC 8 TRACK player and DIY AMPLIFIER took its place in the dash. No, TUBES though.

For that price you learn how to fix cars. One dumb blonde moment (setting a metal gas can down on the battery) set me and the car on fire. I jumped in the lake avoiding major problems, but the car wasn't so lucky.

It took me about a month but I made it run again after rewiring most everything under the hood. A random short somewhere and a bolt stuck in the fuseholder fried some of the AC wiring and I lived in Miami Florida, so I wired the AC blower on full and the AC compressor directly to switched battery..........

Yes, it was COLD every day.....even in Miami. Still better than the heat and humidity.

Not terribly hot or cold here today....just rainy.

How many threads did I cover?
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Joined 2017
As far as the car thread goes, I just thought if it all stayed there, you wouldn't wonder where your post went forgetting there are the two spots.

I was born at night but it wasn't last night.

We understand completely mate. Problem is we can't move the posts over to the car thread any more than we can turn water into wine. I've got no problems not crosspollinating in threads, only problem is where do you draw the line on a topic is never well defined and is very difficult for us to see when we are all hyped up and wanting to help somebody and explain something to them.

From now on I'll try harder to not crosspollinate by replying to a users query in say the "its cold today" thread by replying to a users post in "the car thread" if their query involves car a/c systems.

So say a user makes a post here about car a/c systems, I'll reply to his query and quote him and his post in "the car thread". The million dollar question I need to ask you Cal though is will he be able to see that I replied to his post in "the car thread" automatically or will I need to make a post here in the "its cold today" thread saying that I replied to his post in "the car thread".

Also you will need to convince Tubelab to tow the party line which I don't think he likes doing being a blonde and all but hopefully him seeing me do it will convince him otherwise.

Tell you what. I'll make a post in the car thread quoting all of what me and tubelab said in this thread about car a/c systems and that way you, Mr Cal, can delete the offtopic posts in this thread. How does that sound? :)

In other news another cold front came down on us last night and we're shivvering again.

Done, here is the new post in the car thread:
The car thread

And these are the posts to delete, please verify before deleting them:
Delete these posts:
it's cold today
it's cold today
it's cold today
it's cold today
it's cold today
it's cold today
it's cold today
it's cold today
it's cold today
it's cold today
it's cold today
Last edited:
Just came back from Corsica and Sardinia. 33 to 40C. Whilst it's not greatly more than the UK the reality is much hotter in the direct sun. I really like Sardinia. Hard to say way. The sum of the parts if you like. Really interesting railways that take ages so all is seen. I guess like Tasmania is not exactly Australia nor is Sardinia Italy.
34 South is about level with Cape Town. How much is a flight to Cairns?

In the UK the Canaries Islands provide year round cheap good weather. A cheap flight with room about £350. I was given to believe Australia is more expensive. I assume like me one can go when the best deal is available.

Jerez and Lisboa might have a record high this week. 40 C is the stated whilst 47C ( 117 F ) could happen. Ironically this region is always hotter than the neighbours to the south in Africa a short ferry trip away to places like Casablanca. That region looks to be 33C.

The Sahara is said to result from the Himalayas dictating wind directions. There would be a dry zone if the Himalayas weren't there. It would be elsewhere. Mali has a village where 55C is not unusual. The people who live there talk about another village that was too hot not far away!

Lisboa is seldom the hot spot because of the Atlantic. Jerez is not much further in land. The same paralell south would be New Zealand and Tasmania ( 38 ) . It is said that NZ is cooler as there is no land mass to the south except Antactica, very strong winds also. The Himalayas also comes into it and our Gulf stream. Svalbard is not greatly different to the South Sandwhich Islands considering it's way above the the Arctic Circle.

If we take Sweden's capital as 55 North, 55 South is the tip of Chile and the South Sandwitch Islands ( 0 to - 4C typical with 5C high ). The ice cold French Antartic Lands are further towards the sunshine. A transition happens about 38 South and the tempatures are not vasty different to the same places North. Sorry to say this. If the Gulf Stream turns off Sweden and UK will be Ice Worlds. Australia will be fine except it could become even more dry. If I were Austrailia I would build Lithium Iron charging places in the desert. Export the charged cells or use them for water production. Start yesterday I would say. The land trains would have plenty of work. Might even metal some roads. Darwin is warm today.
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Joined 2017


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It looks like the Spanish 47C will happen on Saturday. If 49C it will be an all time record.

I spend my life looking at science that seems to have become like a religion. That is people who believe or don't when the real question is what is the truth. The truth often is far more interesting and logical, often a branchline to a new place. Climate change is like that. It needs no opinion, just facts. The problem is we live too short a time to know what we see is a real trend. All the same I support the change in thinking as it is stimulating to wealth creation and maybe giving poor countries a chance.

The thing I learnt quickly is the North and the South do not make for simple science. The South is much more uniform and cooler. If I had control of this science I would insist ships burnt cleaner fuel. The rest is happening already. From any point of view what we are doing is progress. Wind energy if the truth is being told is now reasonably cheap and may better any source soon. It has many problems, I hate the turbines when too many on virgin countryside. All the same the cost is OK.

I read Austrailia has defeated Dengue Fever in an experiment area and might be able to do the same with Malaria. It is a very interesting branchline idea of how it works.