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Joined 2017
And greenhouse gas producing.

Cleaner Air: Mowing Emissions and Clean Air Alternatives. A Fact Sheet

Spot on.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a new gas powered lawn mower produces volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides emissions air pollution in in in one hour of operation as 11 new cars each being driven for one hour.[/FONT]
Briggs & Stratton would have to be the biggest offender in GHG emissions the world over.

This is why I'm considering getting my brother a Ryobi ONE+ whipper snipper/line trimmer but I might get a corded electric lawnmower, battery powered ones seem such a waste of perfectly good batteries which will probably add to the problem more than it solves.

Fact: Over 17 million gallons of gas are spilled each year refueling lawn and garden equipment – more oil than was spilled by the Exxon Valdez.
Want to prevent the US from being dependent on foreign oil? Get an electric lawnmower.
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I have a very small garden, so I am happy with one of those manual push-mowers, and a small scythe. Also have a sickle that I use under the fence to keep it neat. Use much less time than if I had a powered mower and trimmer/edger. Maintenance is a few strokes with a 1000grit sharpening stone, maybe a diamond sharpener first if needed. No batteries that need charging, no cables to drag around.

It might sound like a hassle, but it's not really, the work is done just as quick. Would be a different story If I had a "football field" though, then I'd probably have some goats or bunnies or something.

Added some pictures from a cross country ski lap on new years day to stay on-topic.
That's my 7 year old, refused to go on the tracks, she was completely worn out afterwards.


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This is why I'm considering getting my brother a Ryobi ONE+ whipper snipper/line trimmer but I might get a corded electric lawnmower, battery powered ones seem such a waste of perfectly good batteries which will probably add to the problem more than it solves.

I use a battery powered lawnmower in the hopes that soon I'll outfit it with a solar panel for charging. I'm not in a position to convert to solar for the entire house, but I'm looking for key places I might be able to convert.

Added some pictures from a cross country ski lap on new years day to stay on-topic.
That's my 7 year old, refused to go on the tracks, she was completely worn out afterwards.

I agree that lawn mowers waste a lot of energy.
They make a lot of noise and even have sound boxes under the handle bars just like the boom boxes youngsters put in there cars.
Have you ever tried to drown one out with recorded music?
I tried it once and the only complaint about the music came from the owner of the horrible noisy mower.
I dug my grass up and planted food plants and we now have plenty of home made jam and other produce the local shops do not sell.
They brag about the horse power of the things in the advertising.
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It's not cold today! Only ca -3.5c.

We got 27cms of snow where there was bare ground ca 18 hours ago. Total sum on the table at the porch is ca 88 cm now, it is a representative figure.


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I have decided not to dig the car out of the snow that is still falling.
Cancelled my regular dance class.

Went out for a walk to see if I made the correct decision and met the Farmer clearing our road. He tells me there's been at least three accidents at our road end and my neighbour has been carted off to hospital.
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I had to stay at home with my oldest one, fever, sore throat and puking. She deemed herself too sick for video games!
Think we got around 35cm snow in 24 hours. When my wife was going home from work, the train was delayed, repeatedly. The first time she called I offered to go get her, after over 2 hours she gave up and asked me to dig out the car. Accidents all over. Yesterday a bus with chains on the tires slid off the road.

Just checked, we got 98cm's total now.
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Joined 2003
Paid Member
...Briggs & Stratton would have to be the biggest....

Despite buying-out all the other NA engine makers, B&S is losing ground to anonymous Asian makers and their Honda-clones.

Saying that small engines smog more than cars is become a weak statement. Recent cars, even my 2002, have "NO!" smog compared to the aromatic engines of the past. You would have a hard time CO-poisoning yourself with these. My gas-engines, off-choke, seem to run cleaner than a 1967 Ford-- no Prius or even a Camry, but not what we used to have.

Here, a sno-blo and two generators are no-name copies of Honda 200cc and 400cc designs. My generators are propane so no gasoline-spills. (The new sno-blo is gas-sloppy.)

Gas-station pumps no longer spill gas (hardly-ever). I wish the gas-engine and gas-can makers would come together and develop a standard filler that will NOT slop.

Some years back I gushed gasoline all over my snow-suit in freezing weather. It BURNS. It can be quite serious.