The Weather

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Joined 2017
I can tell you a very good reason why we should survive.

Because another intelligent species may be evolving on our planet right now and it would be immoral of us to make them also become extinct.

Also colonizing Mars with a small colony with a small number of people does NOT guarantee a stable community for many millions of years to come. We need to terraform Mars for that to take affect and that is many hundreds of years away if we can do it at all which we probably won't be able to.

The only sure fire bet is that Earth is the only habitable planet that we have in this entire solar system and even in this entire quadrant of the galaxy.

Also the only closest habitable planet besides mars is very very far away.

Also we have only about 100 billion years left in this galaxy before we must move onto another one. Which means that our existence in this universe and even in this dimension is limited. There are many reasons why we could just simply wink out and never reappear ever again in our future. We could end up existing for another hundred years and then suddenly become extinct either by a hostile force (Such as a quazar beaming deadly radiation into our region) or by our own means.

So why don't we give it a shot and try to survive? Try to make it to the end of the universe? Why don't we try and make it to another dimension?

Up against a Quazar beaming deadly radiation into our region, global warming is a cinch to solve!

Come on what have we got to lose! We have literally billions of tonnes of things to gain.

Galaxy - Wikipedia
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Disabled Account
Joined 2017
Is that all?

Yep. We need to stay ahead of the death of stars. The growth of new stars will end in about 100 billion years after that all new stars will no longer form in our galaxy.

Which means by 100 billion years we need to start moving onto other galaxies or else we will be trapped in this galaxy and unable to move further outward to other galaxies in our universe because of distance between galaxies increasing exponentially.

The longer the period of time with which we spend in this galaxy will end up causing problems for us later on down the track because the longer we leave it the further away the other galaxies get. Which could end up causing problems for the people who are colonizing galaxy #13004 in 10 trillion years from now. If we don't get a move on now we will not have enough time in the future to colonize the most distant galaxies, and even leaving our universe may be impossible.

If we don't start moving off onto other galaxies ASAP we will eventually be trapped by the distance between galaxies becoming larger and larger and leaving our galaxy and moving into another one may be impossible because of the distance.

Yes there will be colonies of people living in individual galaxies for many more trillions of years but eventually all galaxies will become so distant from each other that we cannot traverse the distance between them and the people in this galaxy who choose to stay around will eventually die, they will not be immortal no matter how many years they have left to live. Even if they were immortal eventually they will be surrounded by darkness without any light at all, no visible stars.

And without energy you die.

If you were an immortal being and you were to stay on this planet in this exact place in our galaxy you will eventually see our planet wither and die, our sun wither and die and the stars slowly dim and fade away.

The current era of star formation is expected to continue for up to one hundred billion years, and then the "stellar age" will wind down after about ten trillion to one hundred trillion years (1013–1014 years), as the smallest, longest-lived stars in our universe, tiny red dwarfs, begin to fade. At the end of the stellar age, galaxies will be composed of compact objects: brown dwarfs, white dwarfs that are cooling or cold ("black dwarfs"), neutron stars, and black holes. Eventually, as a result of gravitational relaxation, all stars will either fall into central supermassive black holes or be flung into intergalactic space as a result of collisions.
To give you an example. We have about 1 billion years left in this solar system on this planet.

Our Sun is about 4.57 billion years old. About half way through it's life. The Sun will slowly turn into a red giant in about 4.5 billion year and about two billion years later, it will shed it's outer layers and become a white dwarf.

For the Earth, this means that when the Sun turns into a red giant, the Suns envelope will expand until it nearly touches the Earth.

For life on Earth, it's not as simple, in about a billion years time, the Sun will have increased it's temperature to such a degree that it will be impossible for life to exist on the surface as it would have become so hot that all water would have boiled away.

So we need to stay ahead of the curve of the death of stars. We need to move into newer and younger galaxies inorder to prevent being trapped in a single galaxy with a bunch of stars which are dying off, being trapped in a galaxy which consists only of dying stars is a bad thing because it is an irreversible process.
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What would the Buddha do, if he were faced with the now inevitable destruction of most of the worlds habitat and living things over the next few decades?

My religion, to the extent I have one, is probably somewhere between Buddhism and Taoism, and yet it seems to be strongly in my nature to try to change the world (maybe some of you notice from that other thread...). I spent years as non-profit staff and now consultant to non-profits and have a hard time letting go of striving to influence the current reality. Certainly nothing will change unless some of us try. And one of my particular concerns is global warming and weather effects (ooh, subtle attempt to keep it on-topic). And yet I sometimes wish I could find the peace in accepting what is.
Venusfly : if you’re planning on any carbon based life form even remotely resembling or descended from “we” the human race to survive long enough into the next 100 Billion years to develop working technologies capable of doing those things you describe, I think you missed your calling as a writer of advanced science fantasy.

As I alluded before, whatever objective term or anthropomorphised avatar you chose to describe “Mother Nature / Gaia” , my money is on a shorter end of shelf life for us than the wet grain of sand on which we’re privileged to have temporary residency. Nor do I feel the grand evolutionary experiment / accident that is “us” has any particular right to claim more than that -certainly not to reach out and infect beyong our home. Even Mars is, I think a nice big juicy bong-ful dream. In the cosmic scheme of things, we are just a virus “blessed” with sentience - a very small percentage of individuals experience brief glimmers of self-awareness of that, but it certainly doesn’t appear to have become part of our “genetic memory”
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Joined 2017
Venusfly : we are just a virus “blessed” with sentience - a very small percentage of individuals experience brief glimmers of self-awareness of that, but it certainly doesn’t appear to have become part of our “genetic memory”

All of this can be accounted for in my grand scheme of things. Brain augmentation with technology can do a great number of things. The human brain is merely the descision-making endpoint and the technology augmentation is the interface with the rest of the outside world.

Enhancement of the human mind can also come in the form of brain augmentation with technology, take for example the very real possibility of the human brain having direct access to an artificial intelligence such as Siri. The human brain is now far more powerful than it has ever been. But take that one step further and integrate artificial intelligence directly into your brain and allow it to directly read your thoughts and you can have a power that is beyond imagining.

For example if I wanted to coordinate a complex set of tasks to undertake for the navigation of an asteroid belt, all I will need to do is think it and the computer will do the rest, the computer will do the complex number crunching and provide various options available directly to the conscious mind. You won't even notice any of this complex number crunching, you will merely understand and process the results of those actions.

As a result, these powers will enable a simple carbon based lifeform such as a human brain to do incredible things out there in the cosmos. And yet again technology also has the capabilities to shield and protect the fragile biological human mind from outside forces such as strong gravitational waves which could crush anything else, hard radiation, electromagnetic interference which could cause the technology to falter is easily shielded against and any damage which could occur is routed around and repaired within a nanosecond.

Brain augmentation has an almost unlimited capability to expand the capabilities of the human mind. With it we may never become obsolete.

Take for example a chimpanzee pressing buttons inside of a cage, one button can either cause world war 3 and another button can dispense a food pellet. All that is required is that the chimpanzee understand the actions behind the action of pressing that button, the computer can tell the chimpanzee that pressing one button is very very bad for everybody involved, the computer can also tell the chimpanzee that pressing the other button is very very good. All that is required of us if we are the chimp is understanding the end result of those actions and a computer can easily tell us this so that we can make an informed decision.

All that is required is that the computer and artificial intelligence understand that the human brain is to be protected at all costs.

We humans have the capability of understanding the complex reasons behind pressing either button, a far deal greater than a chimpanzee can, however we are both fundamentally on the same level when it comes to understanding if a decision is a good or bad one. And a computer can interface those choices to any sentient life form no matter how dumb or smart they are. One mechanism is by inducing pain if a chimpanzee moves towards the button which causes ww3, or inducing pleasure if a chimpanzee moves towards pressing the button which dispenses a food pellet. However when it comes to the human mind far greater mechanisms can be involved such as understanding and obtaining knowledge which will ultimately not require such simple things such as pain or pleasure. The computer can do far more to our human brain by relaying ideas and information with which the human mind can process on its level of understanding and ANYTHING can be dumbed down to our level.

And there is the genetic alteration of our human mind which is one step further, the frontal lobes could be significantly genetically altered so that better understanding and better decision making processes are possible. However when it all comes down to it, you will perceive these changes as merely feeling like you are getting smarter. You will not be destroyed because your mind isn't being destroyed it is merely being replaced by newer and better circuitry.

Take for example the replacement of cells which die in the human body, each cell in the human body is entirely replaced on the molecular level. However for all intents and purposes you are not the person you were a year ago, yet do you feel any different? no. nobody does.
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It has finally gotten cold enough here the stink bugs are moving inside. I heard one in my bedroom the other day and by that evening it had moved to where I had no trouble putting it into a jar. One does not crush them because every so often they really do smell like a mixture of rotten meat and post processed canine food.

When the bugs first showed up they were everywhere, now not so much. Still not sure how they get in as fo acoustic reasons I try to be sure there are no holes of any size.
Disabled Account
Joined 2017
As I alluded before, whatever objective term or anthropomorphised avatar you chose to describe “Mother Nature / Gaia”

Nothing so grandiose. You can have appeal for a woman (In this case Grimes) without thinking that she is Gaia. I'm not as religious as you may think.

And yes I do like nature, but I don't hold religious beliefs towards it. Nature is nature and human beings are a part of nature and we have lost the connection towards nature and should regain it, but I also know that flesh eating bacteria exist and the reconnection should be done with caution and with a scientific rational and sensible method such as growing your own food. But I would gladly grow food with hydroponics and I have done so in the past and there is nothing "natural" or "gaia-like" about processed chemicals.

In fact I'm sure you have confused me with Gnobuddy. it's cold today
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the stink bugs are moving inside....One does not crush them...smell like a mixture of rotten meat......

I find one or two inside every day, but that is slowing down as their overall numbers dwindle. If I can catch them with my hands without squashing them, I catch them and toss them outside. If not I catch them into a piece of toilet paper, fold it over them and flush them into a place that smells worse than them.

Still not sure how they get in

They will land on your hair or clothing and catch a free ride inside, or just fly right in past or over you. There is almost always one or two on the front door in the morning because it is warmer than the surroundings (it's red and sees morning sun). I flick them off before opening if I'm coming from outside.

Snow flurries yesterday, with heavier snow in the mountains.

The TV and radio said snow. The radar showed snow over most of eastern Ohio and the Ohio river valley. At one point I could see snow falling on the top of the hill just east of me, but All we got was lots of cold rain with a few random ice bits mixed in.

Low last night was below freezing. We are currently still below freezing.

We have been hovering between 30 and 40 since Friday. I have only had to scrape the windshield once so far, and I leave before 7AM every day but Sunday. I'm betting that it will be the coldest Tuesday night when I will be taking the grandkids out for trick or treat, the TV guy agrees.
He's got good vibes in his veins.
Rum actually. :)

Another nice day here. 15º and nary a cloud. Think I'll kick off early and take little buddy for a walk.


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