The speed of light is NOT constant

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If you look at history,
It seems that things that are used for Armageddon tend to then scare us so we move First World war (Gas) second World war nuclear, I think if it ever happens biological is on the cards and probably a bigger threat than nuclear.. How hard is that to transport?

Then again what about Nano technology.. :confused:

M. Gregg

As I was saying recently the bees dying is very real . I think bee keepers are doing a good job . The first move is to get ones from unaffected areas .

The number of people that might be fed by organic food is said to be 1 billion . The rest are fed on oil one could say ( the energy source or in chemical form ) . We need to have a new energy source and soon .

These are real threats .

The problems with banks and knock on to the the Euro shows how inept our new world order is ( disorder ) . Good luck anyone who thinks big , I have no idea where you will get your backing from . Our politicians seem very weak .

Has anyone ever suggested that the universe is a feedback system ? Someone sensible and not the you-tube casino of thought .
marc1337 said:
But you'd need a LOT of specialized knowledge, and there is no terror group with the means to do anything scary.
There was a TV report here within the last year which showed a DIY microbiology club in the States, which was doing DNA-fiddling (IIRC) of a type only possible in a university or government lab a decade ago. All the equipment and reagents were available by mail order. Their motivation was a scientific hobby, fortunately.

Still a long way off weaponising, but the bad people don't need the reliability required by the military.
Disabled Account
Joined 2010
I think,

In the past bodys with bubonic plague were catapulted over the walls of castles..

It's supposed to be very difficult to treat even now..Yersinia pestis..

Just for interest..

I have been watching The time series for about 3 hrs over a couple of days its very good..I'm still watching it just keeps continuing..:D

What Is Time? Michio Kaku's BBC Documentary | Brain Pickings

M. Gregg
Disabled Account
Joined 2010
I remember watching a program about mass destruction..

I was surprised to find the requirements very different to what I thought would be required..

Very long incubation no symptoms for as long as possible.. (to ensure it spreads before you know whats happening)
High contagion via touch or insect possibly air bourn etc
Then very aggressive from the onset terminal in less than 1hr.

Its all a bit scary...:(

M. Gregg
Disabled Account
Joined 2010
I'm with you all the way regards the bees..

I can't remember now could have been parts of china on a program I watched on TV. All the bees had died and all the crops had failed no fruit on trees and some vast waste land...

I try to give them shelter where ever possible. I won't kill any nest just wait for them to move on.. I guess the killer bees might be a problem then again I think they are cross breading them to make a resistant type of bee..looks like everything has a reason..:)

M. Gregg
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There was a TV report here within the last year which showed a DIY microbiology club in the States, which was doing DNA-fiddling (IIRC) of a type only possible in a university or government lab a decade ago. All the equipment and reagents were available by mail order. Their motivation was a scientific hobby, fortunately.

Still a long way off weaponising, but the bad people don't need the reliability required by the military.

Hmm yes as far as terror WMD's is concerned, biological is probably more likely than nuclear.
The weird thing about the plague is it disappeared with no reasonable explanation as to why . Some say the rats did not carry it via flees . In Oxford were I worked there was a plague pit nearby so was thought . Some said there would be a risk if it was opened .

It is the nature of infectious agents to become less lethal to the host over time...those that kill too quickly limit their potential to spread and maximize their genetic impact. By the same token as the less resistant hosts are harvested the remaining population favors those with better defenses. This same mechanism has reduced the effectiveness of antibiotics over time. Of course all of this requires time for these characteristics to emerge and evolve.
Hmm yes as far as terror WMD's is concerned, biological is probably more likely than nuclear.

One of the other unlikely's is global warming brings on an ice age . So again not a terror weapon . The idea is if the polar ice melts the sea become less saline . The Gulf Stream switches off and we freeze . That would happen over one year if it did . A move to Spain seems wise . Thank you Euro market speculators , Italy the preferred choice is looking affordable . Colleen lets do it . What a pity the food is so nice and the wine .

I seem to remember the last Ice age reached to the Mediterranean .
Who said? Who benefit from food processing industry, or who benefit from medicine used to treat diseases caused by poisoned and unbalanced diets?

I used to be a market gardener , it was a small farm . We farmed semi organically although the word organic was never used . We had cattle and chickens , the farm was 70% vegetables ( by income , 30 % by land use ) . I would say 90% of the time we could use just organic . Equally we could double production if using a great deal of fertilizer . It was a fine balance on cost to do that . The great benefit of organic was stability . We also arranged crops to suit the distribution of both fertilizers . The fields had a slight slope . We always put most at the top of the slope , the rain did the rest . To get more organic we did use fertilizer on the fields that the cattle grazed . The chickens eat food grown on ordinary farms . These were prime inputs to our semi organic system . Drought also upsets organic farming , sometimes made on the farm is not enough . We often bought hay for the cattle when ours was not enough . We did plant clover to improve the pasture . We seldom sprayed things . If attentive it is not required . It costs money to do it so wise to avoid it . We bought all of our seed from what was called the Avon Research Centre . Some was pelleted and very expensive . However for yields it paid off .

When I said 1 billion I know the estimate reaches 2 billion if doing it seriously . I do not believe as some do it can be all organic . My farmer friend who still does a little aged 88 was a chemist ( metallurgy was his profession , he had his tractor fixed recently ) . The farm was inherited . He more than anyone would know how to get it to work . From the point of view of making money we certainly did . If we doubled production I doubt we would have made more money . We sold on quality and a modest premium ( 20 % at a guess ) . A very young customer totally unknown then was Raymond Blanc one of our TV celebrates . The farm looked a total mess . I did all the weeding with a hoe the 18 th century way . We knew how bad the weeds could get and have good crops . Hard work and not obvious how to do it . I have to point out no one spoke of organic , this was about getting the most out of the land for us . I have to say the careful use of bought fertilizer made it better not worse . Our crops were the best I ever eat . I seriously believe that semi organic is best . Organic as a religion is daft . As daft as some Audio beliefs .

Sorry for the diversion , hope it interested some ? I have eaten food from the USA and most places . The US is 30% cheaper than here and looks wonderful . Alas less than no taste to the food . Conversely US organic is the best I ever had . Regrettably UK organic is not significantly better than standard . Reason is standard is very good . My view is 50 % 50 % would probably work great . Feed the world organically ? I doubt it .

Bad food , bad health ? Certainly . I am the only one who eats properly in my house , they wont eat old fashioned food . Cabbage is poison to them .
I have eaten food from the USA and most places . The US is 30% cheaper than here and looks wonderful . Alas less than no taste to the food.

Funny, that's what we say about food in the UK, except for the "looks wonderful" and "cheaper" part. I have no trouble finding superb food in most parts of the US, and I'm admittedly quite picky.
I would agree with that and picky is the thing . I think what I noticed is the lowest priced food is wonderfully presented . I comes from a highly merchandised and professional industry . The looks are so opposite to the blandness .

I also have found good food in the USA . It is the very lowest priced which I think is significant . Alas I feel in a world of growing population it will become the universal standard .

I would say consumer products in general reflect this . Often the slightly more specialized market is less polished .
Time to burst some bubbles of the 'organic' food believers.
First of all, there are various studies, such as Comparison of fatty acid, cholesterol, and vitamin A and E composition in eggs from hens housed in conventional cage and range production facilities that show there's no nutritional difference between organic and non-organic food.

But since science has never been the strong point of the sort of people who would buy into the whole 'organic' movement, I would like to show this marvelous infographic that shows the majority of 'organic' food brands have been bought up by the usual players that produce some of the unhealthiest food on the market (note also this shows 2009 structure; consolidation in the industry is even further along now):


[Edit:] Just because I'm against the 'organic' food scam does not mean I'm against health food, DIY gardening, fair trade (coffee etc.), family farmers, and free range farm animals (from an ethical perspective). I grow various heirloom tomatoes myself (couple types of Brandywine, Cherokee Purple, Aunt Ginny's few others). They and are a pain to raise, not disease resistant, take a long growing season to mature, rot faster, and produce less fruit per plant than the large-scale commercialized hybrids (of course, heirlooms are hybrids themselves, just fairly old hybrids). I do it because they taste infinitely better than the usual store varieties. This has nothing to do with 'organic' and everything to do with genetics and breeding to optimize different parameters.
And I grow them non-organically--because they grow better and end up healthier. I don't use organic fertilizer--why would I add manure to my soil and increase the arsenic content of tomatoes? For not using 'organic' fertilizer, I get healthier food!
If a plant starts getting blight (which is almost inevitable in non-resistant varieties given very very wet Vancouver climate except in a few months in summer which is a fraction of the growing season for most heirlooms, even if you lime the soil properly and do 'crop rotation') I don't hesitate to spray with copper and chlorothalonil. Why waste a plant that starts getting ill, when I can spray it, thus saving it, and later simply wash the tomatoes?
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They would better measure the difference between Omega 3 and Omega 6 ratio, it is revealing. Ranges from 1:1 to 1:16, depending on diet. Hens that eat rapidly growing grass and insects have 1:1 ratio.

Also, it is not enough to measure some selected chemical elements to decide if the food is balanced or not. Lots of criteria here, like in audio, are meaningless.

And it is obvious that corporations take over everything, no matter is it profitable, or not. Is it healthy, or not. It is an inertia of modern business life.
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