The speed of light is NOT constant

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My view is that at present there are no satisfactory explanation for quantum mechanics. I never was convinced by the Copenhagen Interpretation, although that is what I was taught at university. I find the multiple universe idea even stranger. An instrumentalist would not be bothered by this, as the calculations clearly deliver the right answers, but I am a realist so I want more than numbers!

By 'realist' I mean that there really is stuff out there, and we can (to a limited extent) come up with genuine explanations of what it is and how it interacts. It is the lack of a coherent explanation which troubles me about QM, although it is so accurate in its predictions that any explanation would have to lead to more-or-less identical equations.

Hallelujah! You can't know how happy it makes me your post!
From Einstein to Afshar, nobody dares to say something like that!
Say it in an academic setting would be a "sincerecide"

I agree absolutely with what you say, now I know I'm not alone.
Well, we had some "differences" in the past...:D
If I were not so poor, you can be sure that I would travel to London to shake your hand.:)


I hope this has been written here before, if it has just ignore me.

The speed of light has to be constant because of entropy, the arrow of time, cause and effect and the fact that the laws of nature has to be the same for every frame of reference.

1. The laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames of reference.
2. The speed of light in vacuum, c, is constant and is the same in all inertial frames of reference, regardless of the state of motion of the source.
These are "God's Caprices" and the postulates on which was based Einstein to formulate the Special Theory of Relativity.

As was shown by Boltzmann, the entropy of an isolated system is always increasing.
The arrow of entropy has the same direction as the arrow of time.
So far, this saves us from the annoying "tourists from the future":D
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Joined 2010

The speed of light is not constant...Speed in a black hole? = 0 ?

Interesting S. Hawking...there is only energy... &

Looking at the universe

A flat field with a man building a hill. The man builds the we pan above we see a hole of equal size a mirror of the hill in negative form..where the material has been taken..(Dark Matter)?

When we add the + hill to - hole we have 0..the beginning of everything?:hypno2:

M. Gregg
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Joined 2010

S. Hawking

To assume that 0 is a steady state is wrong..
Quantum mechanics seems to prove this..a proton can appear and then disappear.
When at the centre of a black hole quantum mechanics is “at play”, size is everything..

How small would the universe have to be to “appear”?

(Smaller than a proton?) :warped:

M. Gregg
Most of the best music was written before 1687, anyway. :sing:

I have to strongly disagree. Bach was not born until 1685. Khachaturian in 1903. LVB, 1770. Segovia 1893. I still need my Jazz, Blues, and good old rock and roll. What value would life have without the great works of Tom Lehrer? How can one not list "Dark side of the moon, the second best seller after the birthday song") OK, how many here are old enough to know where that line came from!
Now you're on the right track. All that new stuff is just noise, really.

And I find the earlier stuff very thin. Of course, the instruments were thin, so they wrote to the instruments. I prefer the later, big and nasty with everyone in the pit playing. A lot of contemporary music will stand the test of time. The advantage is now, we have access to what is good. Of course we have access to all that is bad. Great is rare. 200 years from now, we will still have Gershwin, Beatles, and Dylan. I just hope history will have found a way to eliminate Disco from the record as a blight on culture.
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