The speed of light is NOT constant

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Cleverly spotted. Must be a trained eye at work.

I am in the process of making one of these in wood. It has crown and bevel gears as well as the standard involute 2d wheels. So I've been studying how to make gears. Course, it won't be a wristwatch, the outer gear is about 10 inches diameter. Well, maybe if you have a very large wrist..


edit: it is a 3 axis tourbillon.


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Only a fool would dismiss that as being delusional.

I watched a taped lecture by Tom Van Flandern out of curiosity. He is a member of the scientific community and has made many valuable contributions and I wanted to understand his views on some of the fringe science. After about 10 min. of very level-headed discussion actually criticising some of the other theories he immediately switched gears and stated that it is proven beyond doubt that the "face on Mars" was "man" made. He went on to say that the Martians figured out that a planet was going to explode and strip their atmosphere away so they left their planet possibly ending up here, pointing out that this explosion and the first hominid fossils are in the same time frame. Of course the Martians must have given up their technology to go back to cave dwelling and stone knives, and untold centuries of governments and rulers have managed to keep any artifacts hidden.
I asked a security man form NASA if they went to the Moon . Rather than be angry he said he thought the Russians would have told us if otherwise . When asked about radiation he said it was foolhardy going and they were very lucky. I said what about the Van Allan belt , his answer was not a place to hang around in . His best answer was all expected to die , all had done more dangerous things when testing the first supersonic planes . He doubted NASA would go to Mars ( or the Moon in our lifetimes ) . I suggested 100 TV channels and a cryogenic coil to magnetically protect the travelers if they did . Boredom and radiation are equal enemies .
Dont know , but what is sure is that on the moon there s
no atmosphere , so no possible cooling using convection ,
only radiation is possible , while the energy coming
from the sun should reach at least the 5 kW/m2 mark.....

Which probably explains why they developed multilayer super insulation..

Doesn't anybody remember the beaker of boiling water with the floating box, and at the end of the commercial, they open the box and a live chick emerges.

Or my favorites...the student driver and teacher floating in the air, V-8 engine floating in front, and the two poles with the banner above saying whiplash driving school.. and the V-8 flying down the cool..

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