'The person below..........'

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what, are you trying to force me into a box??? To align with your limited paradigm??? Fascist!!!! I'll respond to any thread I want IN any thread I want, ok? I'm not limited by your petty capitalist running dog lacky-ism! I'm my own man dammit!

Now, where's my I-pod and nikes?

The person below LOVES their I-pod and Nikes. And conformity.
Joined 2002
Paid Member
True.......but every criminal or bent mind who wants one can get one easily.
Anything from a pea shooter to AK-47's. It's much easier to get one if you are a politician. Here all politicians are instant God's the day they get elected ( that would mean that one is now far above any law of the land.....and you can stick a red light on your car and advertise the fact that you are flouting every law as you have the right as a politician !). Fantastic country.

The person below wants to migrate to the Moon !
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