The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

Had to brag to someone....


  • cagat.JPG
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Hey c2c,

Just been visiting some of your old haunts! My sister lives at Woodbridge and her daughter lives just the other side of where Bentwaters used to be! Also saw those famous first radar installations nearby…the ariels have gone but the blockhouses are still there in WWII camouflage. The airfield is now used my the British Army Air Corps for training attack helicopter crews. Martlesham, next door & which was the WWII home for the US Eagle Squadron, has been redeveloped with housing, some of which I developed in the 1970s. [My Father was also stationed there as a Chaplin for a few months after the war at a time when it was handed back to the RAF.]

I remembered you when driving around!

My neighbour's wire-haired Dacshund killed one of his sheep and has been re-homed….lucky for him it is on Earth rather than Heaven or, more likely, Hell!!

Also thought of Holland as a lot of the country is very low lying, but high enough (just) to make dykes un-nessecary, but there were a few, mainly on bikes.

Having just got home after a 340mile drive in the rain I'll leave it at that and get to sleep.
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Just goes to show you that brains conveniently check out when beer is all about.

You know what those mongrels at my regular store done? THEY HAD THE HIDE TO STOP BUYING QUAKER OATS!

I told one of them, hopefully they will have some available for purchase next time that I am there.

I had to buy regular old oats that you've gotta cook for days and days and days.

And days and days and days and days.

And days and days and days.

And days and days.

And days....
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Is it okay

A girl that works the cash register at a gas station nearby, in her early 20s, is totally into dress-up meetings. Told me she also fancies that privately.
She has several acquaintances, from those meets, who also attend furry conventions. And into the furry wild thing as well.

In my brief single period right after my divorce, I was PM'd at a local chatbox by a girl who had read on my profile that I'm into diving. Said she slept in a diving suit with glued ''inserts'' every night, asked me if I was interested, anything goes. 20 years younger, lived by herself, did secretary work during day hours, pretty looking too.

It's never too late to be a mouse.