The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

Hady Endre: A Törpe-fejűek

Nem dolgozni jöttem ide
Nem dolgozni jöttem ide
Törpe-fejű, mit akarsz tőlem?

Nehéz munka az enyém
Nehéz munka az enyém
Mi vagyunk az Új Undokak.

De jött hozzám egy törpe
De jött hozzám egy törpe
S kérdezte, mit akarok?

„Ti vagytok az Új Undokak
Ti vagytok az Új Undokak
Menjetek dolgozni ti is.”

Felgerjedt szittya vérem
Felgerjedt szittya vérem
S rászóltam Törpe-fejűre:

Hát maga megbolondult,
Hát maga megbolondult,
Hogy mindent kétszer mond, kétszer mond?

Sorry, it is not an artistic translation:
(This was a parody anyway.)

HAdy Endre : The Dwarf-headed

I did not come here to work
I did not come here to work
Dwarf-headed, what do you want from me?

Hard work is mine
Hard work is mine
We are the New Nasties.

But it came to me a dwarf
But it came to me a dwarf
And he asked me, what do you want?

"You are the new nasties
You are the new nasties
Go to work you too."

Heated my Scythian blood
Heated my Scythian blood
And I rebuked to Dwarf-headed:

Well, you're going crazy,
Well, you're going crazy,
To say everything twice, To say everything twice?

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Joined 2006
Paid Member
Grandpas already snooze enough. Heck even at the ripe young age of 52, I have the market cornered on naps. I sometimes have to set the alarm so I don't sleep through my next one.

Grandpas already snooze enough. Heck even at the ripe young age of 52, I have the market cornered on naps. I sometimes have to set the alarm so I don't sleep through my next one.

Grandpa's that post the same thing twice in a row are suspected of having just woke up from a nap induced by said wako-weed.... :D:D:D
Grandpa's that post the same thing twice in a row are suspected of having just woke up from a nap induced by said wako-weed.... :D:D:D
That's a glitch we haven't yet figured out yet. It happens when you edit your post, but not every time so our Grand Master is yet to suss it. e are hoping that when we get on the new platform, that little gem will be exorcised.

Now where'd I leave my stash? I was so stoned, I forgot where I put it. :D
Joined 2006
Paid Member
If he has a hound dog nose he could be of value here. That giant bag of weed is missing.

Well - he duz resemble a certain Bloodhound.... that likes to BBQ.... :D:D:D


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